The West Pacific (Eli's government)


The West Pacific

Govenment Style
Largely Democratic

The govenment of the West Pacific is called the Parliment. It is lead by a Prime Minister, and operated via a Cabinet. All official positions are elected.The political process in the West Pacific is split between two bodies which form the Parliment.

The Council - The Council is the powerhouse of the Parliment, casting votes on govenment elections, legislature and foreign alliances. Membership is restricted, to nations with over 300 million inhabitants, over 50 endorsments, and who make an average of 0.25 posts per day. Only council members are eligible for govenment positions, or PM-ship.

The Grand Assembly - The GA acts as a consultative body, discussing possible laws and alliances before passing its recommendations on to the Council. Again membership is restricted, only nations with over 100 million inhabitants.

The Cabinet is nominated by the Prime Minister, and requires a supporting vote from the Council. Specific positions (noteably the Deputy PM, and the Director of General Intelligence) do not require backing from the Cabinet.

Govenment Officials

Delegate - Eli
Regent - BIteland

Prme Minister - Dilber
Deputy Prime Minister - TAO
Minister of Defense - Shasoria
Minster of Foreign Affairs - Big G of Neandertron
Minister of Communications - Limitless Events
Attorney General - Berhampore
Director of General Intelligence - Enegro Montoya

Popular Members (in no particular order, and by no means definitive)

In addition to the above members, here are other notable figure in TWP:

Freedom + Pride - a.k.a. Lake Liberty of the TNP.
The Shotgun Seat - Admin
Clockwork Isle - Abassador to ADN

Foreign Policy

The West Pacific maintains a defender stance to foreign affairs. It encourages inter-regional communcaitions, and has a large number of current embassies. It has also entered into a number of strategic alliances, both with regions, and with defender groups.


The West Pacific maintains a list of current alliances found here.

The West Pacific is a signatory of:

The Allied Liberation League Charter
The Treaty of the United Democratic Pacifics

The West Pacific is allied with:

Juxtaposition X

The West Pacific has a non-aggression pact with the PRP.

Possible Points of Conflict

Currently I can see no obvious reasons why TWP and TNP should come into conflict. It is a generally level headed region, with many members who are also members/ex-members of TNP. The level of support for the ADN in TWP, as compared to that of TNP is the only area of concern.


Following the recent announcement by the RLA of their actions, The West Pacific has offered un-reserved critism of the actions, considered by many to be morally reprehensible.

In a discussion put before the Council of The West Pacific, many are calling for the alliance between The West Pacific and the RLA (The Blacksheep Alliance) to be nullified.

Edit - The call for the RLA/TWP alliance to be discussed and voted on has been seconded.
Update - WPD/Core Trials

Following the one day coup by the WPD various charges have been brought against the following members:

Chainik Hocker
Looming Doom

In response, Biyah has questioned the fairness of these trials, considering the strength of feeling against the WPD. Questions regarding the prosecution of nations no long resident in TWP (Gaspo, ZetaOne and Zorn-Uzkul) were also posted. It has also been asked why three prominent members of the original WPD/Core coup were not charged, especially as all three are now cabinet ministers in the reformed TWP govenment (Dilber, Shasoria and TAO).

Update Edit - Biyah has brought civil charges against Dilber and Berhampore. Biyah has since been charged with contempt of court for breaking the gag order on the charges.

Second Updated Edit - Now everyone is on trial. All of those above anyway.
Following the collapse of the WPD/Core trials, the resignation of Big-G and Dilber, and the appointment of TAO as acting PM the following is in effect:

- Martial Law is under effect.
- TAO has called for a streamlining of the cabinet.
- TAO has also called for the inititaition of another ConCom, in order to rewrite the constitution.
- The council has been asked to cancel all treaties with foreign govenments.

A vote for the formation of another ConCom is under way.
I saw, and cried :(

After how long it took us to get that bloody treaty, I think we'd be well advised to wait for them to approach us next time.
Important Update

Following the ongoing discussions in TWP about their new constitution, and the alleged failure of these discussions, Biyah issued the following statement on behalf of the current ruling 'Triumvirate' as they have become known:

To the people of the West Pacific:

Concom 3, our attempt to replace the government of The West Pacific, is now over. It was a total failure.

The West Pacific is now ruled at the behest of three people. Eli as Delegate of The West Pacific. TAO as Foreign Minister, and Biyah as Security Minister.

All other government positions will be taken under consideration at the sole discretion of the delegate and present ministers. Announcements about them, and our future government structure, shall be forthcoming.

The Endorsement limit is now 50 endorsements, and that limit shall be ruthlessly enforced. The worst of the offenders have already been removed from the region, everyone else over the limit is given 48 hours to leave and drop their current endorsement level. Any run for the delegacy will be met with immediate ejection. Please do not tempt fate on this issue, there will be no exceptions.

Re-admittance into the West Pacific Government or into the region after ejection will require a loyalty oath and security check. There are, again, no exceptions.

This region can be made great again, or it can be ripped apart by civil war. The choice is yours.

~Biyah, Minister of Security.

A large number of nation were ejected (some reports indicating at least 50).

A widespread backlash among the TWP population has followed, with many questioning the reasons behind these actions, as well as the direction TWP is currently heading.

Approx. 8 hours later, Biyah posted the following:

I had hoped it wouldn't come to this.

It appears that select members of the PRP are going to step into place within The West Pacific at the delegates behest. It is now obvious that this isn't a move of Marital Law, something I could have supported. This is a handover, a permanent dictatorship against everything I was told would be when I agreed to take the Ministry of Security. This is an invasion of my home by a group I have sworn to counteract wherever possible.

This I cannot accept in good conscience. And as I promised too many last night, I will not support a regime that intends nothing more then handing my home to the dirty hands of the pathetic francoists.

I hereby resign my position. And I further curse this regime and the PRP as dirty double-dealing bastards.

All my skills will be put to the use of freeing The West Pacific from the hands of the traitors which hold her, and I will do so by any means at my disposal.

I will step foot here again when the West Pacific is free, this is my goal, I will not rest until it is accomplished.

Oh yes, and one more note. Before your head swells Moldavi, this has nothing to do with you. Just thought I would mention it.


How accurate these allegations are is unknown.

Arguments continue in The West Pacific over the actions of the WPT.

A government in exile has been formed, in The Refuge region.

Forum Link - Which incidently, is the old WPD/Core forum.
Remarkably quiet.

Eli, a few natives, and the supporters he has gained from other regions have settled in at the nosync forum. Most of the natives, who do not support Eli, continue to reside on the Invisionfree S8 forums.

However, Most people seem to post on both forums. Certainly I have not seen anything like the fighting that happened in TNP during the Great Bight or Pixiedance eras.

Edit: Of course, it could all be going on in areas I cannot view. :ph34r:
Thanks flem. So is the GiE got some leadership now? And are they planning on working with Eli and his regime or fighting out or what?
Well, to be honest, WPT is not the least bit concerned with GiE. In fact, there is rarely any mention of them. I, personally, was unaware that they were still around.
A Brief History of The West Pacific

(This is an unbiased report on the situation, intended as a primer to TWP's history over the last couple of months. Please remember much of the latter part of this represents the view or belief of those involved, please don't turn this into a debate on the accuracy of one side of the other.)

I've attempted to make this as concise as possible, while covering all the major events leading up to the present situation. It is as accurate as I can make it from my various notes and memory. However please contact me if you think I've left something out, or got something backwards.

The History

The recent history of The West Pacific has been turbulent to say the least. A lot of the arguments now date back to several months ago.

The beginnings of the troubles in The West Pacific date back to the end of 2005 (although some might say the causes date back further), when Martial Law was announced in TWP. The then Prime Minister, Biyah, with the backing of the delegate Minineenee announced the constitution would be suspended. What became known as the West Pacific Dominion, or The Core, was to become the ruling body of TWP. Its stated aims were to combat the decline in activity in the region, by vigorous reshaping of the constitution. However, many players (both TWP members and external parties) condemned the actions of the WPD as un-democratic, and some suspected a 'legal' ADN takeover, as many members of the WPD were known ADN supporters. Following large scale protests, both internal and external, the WPD relinquished the delegate position and control of the off site forums to the rest of TWP.

Following this, Eli (NS ID - Wickedly Evil People) as regent took over from the departing Minineenee, and Dilber took the PM position. There were attempts to bring charges against those involved in the WPD, however due to the absence of several members, the fact some WPD members were now part of the governments, and a range of civil charges brought by Biyah, these trials effectively collapsed. Dilber resigned from the PM position. It was then that TAO as PM announced the constitution was to be suspended again, in order for a ConCom to take place.

(ConCom - The West Pacific has traditionally dawn up its constitution via a process called ConCom. The whole region effectively becomes a debating committee, designed to discuss, draft and agree on a constitution.)

ConCom III took place in late December/early January, with much discussion. A much referenced vote indicated the majority was in favour of some sort of constitutional monarchy, although some claim this was to early on to be taken as the will of the people. While some pushed for a constitutional monarchy, others attempted to get their preferred government implemented. The exact whys and wherefore are frankly a matter of personal opinion, especially as the original ConCom III debating threads have since been removed.

Following a month of debate, and to-ings and fro-ings, Biyah announced that ConCom III had been a failure, The West Pacific would be ruled for the interim by Biyah, TAO and Eli, and an endo cap of 50 would be enforced. The Triumvirate as it became known effectively controlled the entire region. Large scale protest followed from TWP natives, angry about the methods employed by the Triumvirate (especially the endo cap of 50, when 50 endos was required to serve of TWP council previously). Bizarrely, 8 hours following the initial announcement, Biyah reversed roles, resigned, and condemned Eli and TAO. Claiming the Triumvirate was a cover with which to allow members of the PRP to gain power in TWP. Quickly calls from various TWP natives for a government in exile to form were heeded.

What followed was several weeks of furious arguments. On one side Eli (with Biyah's resignation and TAO's departure, Eli effectively became the Triumvirate in many peoples eyes), on the other a group of vocal TWP natives in the Government in Exile (GiE). While perhaps not indicative of the regions feeling a a whole, the period was marked by a virtually wholly native opposition. Of note was the sudden influx of outside nations and their rapid joining of the newly formed government or Council of Nations (CoN). While it is possible Eli was just looking for support where it was available, the arrival of several PRP linked nations added credence to the PRP plot conspiracy theory, as well as several nations from the Merit.

The ruling body have since created a new forum for The West Pacific, and handed control of the old s8 forum back to the GiE.

The Arguments of Both Sides

The Current Government – The ConCom was a failure. Too many individuals were pushing for their ideal government, and actively de-railed discussion about the constitutional monarchy that was called for. Unable to see a clear way our of the situation, The Triumvirate took action, in order to give the people what they want, as quickly as possible. Yes, the endo cap was enforced, but by and large it was impartial, and required to secure the region. Yes, various none 'natives' were accepted soon after the Triumvirates rise. However, some were people that were trusted, and for a region struggling with a declining population turning away people just because they come from elsewhere is bad practice. Also, in order to show this new way could work, a working government had to be formed, no matter where it came from.

The GiE – The ConCom was working. Yes, there were many individual ideas being thrown around, however this is kind of the point. The vote for a constitutional monarchy happened early on before other avenues had been explored, and the constitutional part of its title got more votes than the idea of a monarchy. The actions taken by the Triumvirate were uncalled for. The endo cap was specifically designed to catch most of the long term natives who had to have 50 endos to be on the Council. The influx of non-natives, and the quick ascension of some to positions of power is a clear indication that the regime is being propped up by outside influences. The will of The West Pacific is against this regime.
A very very clear outline of the situation in the West Pacific to date. While my recollection of a few specifics is a little different, it is as good and unbiased an overview as any I have seen. Well done. :clap: :clap:
Following a month of debate, and to-ings and fro-ings, Biyah announced that ConCom III had been a failure, The West Pacific would be ruled for the interim by Biyah, TAO and Eli, and an endo cap of 50 would be enforced.

The ConCom was working. Yes, there were many individual ideas being thrown around, however this is kind of the point.

Gotta love it.
OK, for the sake of clarity, I'm going to keep this thread to update news about happenings in the WPT/Eli's Government/nosync forum (whatever you want to call it), and open a new thread for any goings on with the GiE forums. Hopefully, once this is all sorted out we can get back to one thread. Any news that affect both will most likely be mentioned in both threads, if I can remember to.. :pinch:

(If a mod of some description could alter the thread title to reflect this is now for WPT updates I would be most obliged... ;) )
The West Pacific Government has released an updated version of the charter, which explains in more detail the roles of various offices, and the process by which the First Minister, CoM, and CoN are appointed.

Available on the front page of the forum.
It's actually not too far from Eli's charter in some ways. The majority was strongly in favor of giving the delegate a lot of power.
A new minister on nosync. Minister of Interior...

His name is....

Fantoccini aka Fedele aka Fedele Fantoccini

Continued moves to unification, with this announcement.

Following this timetable, subject to a passed ratification vote from both the Government and the GIE, their should be a whole TWP by Monday (April 17th).

Unification is progressing. The new contitution and re-unification treaty has been ratified.

Dicussions on the introduction of a Provisional Speaker to cover the elections are under way.

Proper update on the way as to government structure...

Sorry, still haven't got round to properly analysing the new government structure.

Of interest to probably no-one, except those involved in trying to sign embassy treaties with TWP in the last half a year, is that fact that since the re-unification, all their current embassies are technically null and void. Our lowly consulate, at least as far as I'm aware, is unaffected. By the sounds of the discussions, Eli will be sorting them out sharpish.

There were calls during these discussions about upgrading our consulate, as well as possibly downgrading The Pacific's embassy. Internal refinement still appears to be the order of the day.

On a personally note, I feel most upset we never managed to sign an embassy agreement with either of the sides involved. After all that would have been our fourth (i think) embassy agreement with TWP to have been cancelled in the last 6 months.