Not a coup, a civil war,
That's odd. Even current Blackshear Memorial District Governor Blue Wolf II described it as a civil war.Not a coup, a civil war,
That's odd. Even your former Justice minister Outer Khark, described it as a coup.
If it quacks and waddles, it is a duck.
The South Pacific Report
for June 28, 2008.
Goethe was ejected from the region for exceeding the Endorsement cap. He has also been ejected from most of the feeder pacifics for similar reasons. Last checked, he has given up his WA status.
Delegate Fudgetopia passed the evil number (666) for serving as delegate. She currently has served for 724 days.
Election News
As mentioned in the last report, we were having elections down in the ol' TSP.
The New Cabinet is made up of
Prime Minister - Kloister
Minister of the Region - Napieria
Minister of Security - Somniloquence
Minister of Justice - Caer Rialis
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Mavenu
The next election will be in mid-july.
Civil Headquarters fun
We've started using Word of the day as our word to use on the civil headquarters. We invite all visitors and residents to use the word.
Numerous new friends dropped in at the forum, including Lenny Brisco bringing Lennyism 08' from TWP.
World Assembly
Bali Lo's proposal Ways and Means failed to pass, being the first WA proposal to be defeated.
He's currently working on a pirate based WA proposal, that's going through Jolt.
WA votes
Rights and Duties of WA States 3-2 FOR
The Right to a Fair Trial 6-0 AGAINST
Restrictions on Child Labor 3-0 FOR
Coordinating Relief Aid 3-1 FOR
Humanitarian Transport 5-2 FOR
Workplace Safety Standards Act 6-4 FOR
World Assembly Headquarters 8-5 AGAINST
Prevention of Torture 2-2 AGAINST
Ways and Means 5-3 AGAINST
Nuclear Arms Possession Act 5-4 FOR
Repeal "The Right to a Fair Trial" 4-0 FOR
Prevention of Terrorism 8-0 AGAINST
Fair Criminal Trial 5-0 FOR
Brutland and Nortland's Election threads was RPed both on the jolt forum and the TSP forum
RL US election talk has been stirring, and we want to encourage you to add your 2 canadian cents in. (now equal to 2 american cents) and the race to a billion has started.
Also join us for the party celebrating Fudgie's 2 years at the helm as delegate.
That's it for the TSP report this time.
On behalf of the South Pacific,
The South Pacific Report
TSP Wiki
for Aug 10, 2009. The South Pacific contains 2,037 nations, the 6th most in the world. As a region, the South Pacific is ranked 2nd in the world for Most Influential.
The celebration of Fudgie hitting 1000 days as delegate celebrations was a success, both bringing people back that had been with us before and new players too. There were too many lampshades around.
If you're looking for a challenge, we need some people to help revive RPing in the region...
World Assembly
The Cat-Tribe's Reduction of Abortion Act passed. This means that the TSP has been able to pass two resolutions this year in the World Assembly. (Drafting here)
Fun Stuff/Other
We started discussing Pre/Sequels movies and which one was the worst.
Which LoLcat are you quiz featured alot of fun.
Sharing our Geekist Moments
Discussing old Technology
Feel free to join us at the forum. We'd love to have you visit!
On behalf of the south pacific,
This is the The South Pacific Report for December 16, 2009.
TSP Wiki
The major news of the region for this report is Delegate Fudgie to Step Down!
I no longer have the time, or the energy to truly put into this region. This year in particular has been hectic for me - I've travelled more, including 2 trips to the other side of the world, and with my personal life taking some interesting directions in the next 12 months, it's time for me to admit that some things are less of a priority than others.
You may have noticed recently when Southern Bellz announced her intent to run for the delegacy that she dropped it almost as suddenly. This was because she and I discussed instead her moving into the second position and becoming Delegate once I had reached a particular goofy milestone.
Ladies, Gentlemen, Badgers and Chameleons of the South Pacific, I now would like to ask your support for Southern Bellz. As I reach the 1234 day milestone, she will hopefully be moving in to the Delegate's seat. I ask that you support her, her plans and be her backbone as you have been for me.
We need a motivated and enthusiastic leader, and I believe SB more than qualifies for this job.
As part of Southern Bellz's plan to revitalize the region, is the rebirth of the The South Pacific Newspaper. Surprisingly, SB seems to have already gained an exclusive on Unibot's "Liberate the Security Council". See here. She is about 5 away from the delegacy (as of Dec 30, 2009)
Before the above notice was posted, A natural swapper got too close to the delegate, causing a panic in the government and issuing a Regional Threat notice. It ended when delegate Fudgie booted him from the region. Amusingly, she booted the nation via her iPhone, after receiving word via her Facebook account.
A number of regions sent nations to help provide assistance (or were in the process of sending nations; ie were debate helping on a gov't level). We'd like to thank 10K island, FRA, CLT, The Pacific, and The Young World.
World Assembly
A random sampling of our WA votes.
Liberate The SC 4-1 For
Condemn Grub 4-0 Against
Protection of monuments 4-1 Against
Repeal "Commend 10000 Islands" 4-3 Against
Role Play
Players shared their National Anthems. Surprises include Delegate Parrrrrty (of Canada), Tsunamy, and Bodhisattva Babes'. Not a suprise was delegate fudgie's...
Consider sharing yours today!
RL Politics
Moscow to Ban Snow. Wait. What?
Calorie Counting. Calorie posting is supposed to help people make healthier eating choices, but study of fast food joints in poor New York neighborhoods saw customers eating more calories after the calories went up on the sign.
Fun Stuff/Other
The Guys vs. Girls Thread is in its third incarnation. The current number is 38.
The Playhouse mysteriously reopened at Halloween....
Help us name the '00s!
Sharing our Holiday Plans
From all of us in the South Pacific, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
A few hours ago, the official government of The South Pacific was recklessly overthrow by a self motivated and opportunistic vulture.
We do not recognize the present delegate, nor do we recognize his claim to moderate any sort of election for the soul of this region. We have one of the most stable governments in the game -- that is because the South Pacific is governed casually and with a great deal of class.
The issues raised by the usurper may be laced with glittering generalities of nobility, but this coup stands as nothing but an elaborate power grab. Had this nation wished to honestly serve the region, the government has a built in mechanism for change. Instead, he chose to serve himself, and Devonitians will come to know the consequences of such blind sighted arrogance.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we know we have problems in the South Pacific. But as a former radical myself, I can state that is not the way to solve them. We have to delve into our community more, reach out more, and serve the region more. There is enough blame to lay around -- which is all Devonitians seems interested in proclaiming -- but there are solutions. We just have to dare to find them.
We can find them, and we will find them, upon the righteous restoration of our Delegate -- Southern Bellz.
The legitimate government of the South Pacific is thrilled to once again control our region. The events of the last few days have reminded us of the obligation we have to actively solve problems and confront questions of inactivity and incompetence. There have been mistakes made, but most of the world agrees that revolution is not the answer to those problems.
We thank our friends abroad for their moral and military support. We firmly believe that without the backing of a world community, this struggle would have been all the harder. As it is, the most historically stable feeder is once again up for business.
Now that we are operating smoothly again, we are going to hear all sorts of interesting things from regions we may have lukewarm relations with. The bizarre declaration of war by the West Pacific being one of the most profound displays of peculiarity in the history of Nationstates. We firmly believe in strong inter feeder relations, and our Delegate has extended an olive branch to our former friends in the West.
Likewise, we have heard scathing remarks from our comrades in the Rejected Realms. This is a great shame, and it is my hope that as Foreign Minister, we can repair bonds that have been broken over months of scatterball commentary from both sides.
Today is the day the South Pacific has been reclaimed -- but it is also the day we remind ourselves how much work is still to be done. We cannot stop at merely controlling our region. We have to define our region, grow our region, sustain our region, and ultimately -- change the world.
The South Pacific Report
World Assembly Delegate: Hileville
Chairman of Assembly: Eluvatar
Minister of Justice: Unibot
Minister of Security: Sheepatropolis
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Vacant
Minister of Regional Affairs: Haxstree
Craziest Person in TSP: Carta
Regional Power: Extremely High
Regional Forum: Join Us
Under New Management
The South Pacific completed its most recent election last month and there were a few new additions to the Cabinet. Hileville was elected Delegate after a very productive term as Chair of the Assembly. Unibot retained his post as Minister of Justice, Sheepatropolis was elected Minister of Security and Eluvatar was elected to the Chair of Assembly.
With Carta retiring form The South Pacific in the middle of the election it was left to incoming Delegate Hileville to make an appointment. Haxstree was the lucky member of TSP who got the job. Southern Bellz and Haxstree had just finished a close battle for Minister of Foreign Affairs. Southern Bellz recently resigned from her post as that dreaded Real Life Bug caught up with her. Sheepatropolis has appointed King J as his deputy. They both work very hard around the clock to get our Army up and running again.
The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award Ceremony
The time has finally come for The South Pacific to honor its first two recipients of The Cat-Tribe Memorial Award. The Ceremony will take place starting January 27, 2012. Make sure you stop by our forums and give your congratulations to The Cat-Tribe and Southern Bellz who TSP believe have demonstrated a defense of Democracy and Political Freedoms. The Monday after the ceremony will begin a week long debate that will cover several topics that will be announced at a later time.
Diplomacy Square
The South Pacific has joined The Modern Pacific Alliance which aims to improve relations with all of the feeder/sinker regions and provides a way to discuss those important issues that effect all of the respected member regions.
TSP also has signed a Treaty with Lone Wolves United and The United Defenders League. This was done in order for TSP to build closer relations with raider and defender groups. We also ended are feud with The Rejected Realms and The West Pacific in the time between our last update and now.
Activity Central
Several attempts at generating RMB and IRC activity in the region are underway. The first being thought of by Sheepatropolis is our IRC Quiz Night, the first ever quiz was a success and Rachel Anumia was the winner. The next edition of TSP IRC Quiz Night will be 1/21/12 @ 5:30pm EST (10:30pm GMT). Hileville has introduced a discussion topic to our RMB and changes it whenever he feels like it. The person who has contributed the most in discussions on the RMB earns a spot in our WFE.
TSP Gossip Corner
Antariel: Now called TSP's Black Elephant.
Hileville: Actually an assassin robot lion created by Eluvatar?
Unibot: Is really a raider in disguise.
**Information contained in the gossip corner may or may not be true.**
The next update hopefully will be written mostly by our new Minister of Foreign Affairs and not our Great Delegate!
World Assembly Delegate: Hileville
Chairman of Assembly: Eluvatar
Minister of Justice: Unibot
Minister of Security: Sheepatropolis
Minister of Foreign Affairs: All the Kings Men of Rebel-topia
Minister of Regional Affairs: Carta
Craziest Person in TSP: Carta
Regional Power: Extremely High
Regional Forum:Join Us
New Minister of Foreign Affairs
With the special elections under way for a new MoFA, Rebel-topia, Todd McCloud, and Charles I. Cerebella were all on the ballot. But Rebel-topia ran away with the victory, with a 13 of the 17 total votes; a landslide victory for someone who doesn't have any experience in foreign affairs.
Trial of Unibot
The South Pacific has filed formal charges against Unibot for a laundry list of offenses - most falling under the "Treason" charge. Charges were filed by Antariel, and AMOM has taken control for the prosecution. Eluvatar has taken defense for Unibot.
The trial is moving right along, as the prosecution has stated their case, and the defense has started calling witnesses. The jury is scheduled to meet for deliberations or or about April 30th. More on this in the next update.
Changes to the Charter
A lot has been going on in TSP's 2012 Great Council. There have been 5 changes to the charter put to vote, including the "Delegate and Endorsement Law Amendment" and the "Criminal Code of Law". Voting is scheduled to last through April 28th.
Warzones Controlled!
The South Pacific Army has been busy in the Warzones the past few weeks. Captain-at-arms Antariel has recently reached the 70 day mark in charge of Warzone Australia and has succeeded in building up an impressive 14 endorsements. Furthermore The South Pacific Army recently seized back Warzone Sandbox under Lance Corporal Drugged Monkeys. With the expected retirement of Codger approaching things are sure to get even hotter in the Warzones very soon. Do drop by and visit us (through preferably not at the head of an invading army!!).
Carta/Chairman Mao added as Vice Delegate
With both Fudgetopia and Brutland and Norden being inactive the last month, Delegate Hileville had called for a vote for adding Chairman Mio - AKA: Carta - as a Vice Delegate. With no voiced opposition in the appointment thread, it was moved to vote and went on to pass 10-1-2 (For, Against, Abstain).
TSP Gossip Corner
An addition to the LadyRebels abode.
Codger being blamed for many things, including, but not limited to, the continuation of the "drama llama" in TSP, NationStates
TSP can't agree on anything, which is the only thing they can agree on.
**Information contained in the gossip corner may or may not be true.**
World Assembly Delegate: Hileville
Chairman of Assembly: Eluvatar
Minister of Justice: Drugged Monkeys
Minister of Security: Sheepatropolis
Minister of Foreign Affairs: All the Kings Men of Rebel-topia
Minister of Regional Affairs: Milograd
Craziest Person in TSP: Carta
Regional Power: Extremely High
Regional Forum:Join Us
June Elections
With June just days away, the election process has been started. Hileville is running for another term as delegate, and Milograd is opposing him. Antariel and Belschaft are running for Chair or Assembly. Sheepa is rerunning for Minister of Security, Rebel-topia is rerunning for Foreign Affairs. Eluvatar is running for Regional Affairs, Drugged Monkeys will be rerunning for Minister of Justice, and, last but not least, Carta's reign as TSPs Craziest is being threatened by Alvenrder and LadyRebels. All are campaigning hard, and it looks to be a close race in both Delegate and Chair.
Special elections for MoJ
After being charged with Gross Misconduct and going through most of the trial process, Unibot resigned from his Cabinet position of Minister of Justice. Using what most everyone considered a "loophole" in the Charter, he escaped impeachment by his resigning. Many called to continue the trial, but the Magistrate and Delegate both came to the conclusion that that would be against the Charter.
TSPU Ribbon Cutting and Dean Announced
TSP is happy to announce TSP University has been officially founded. And, as newly appointed Dean of the all new South Pacific University, Penguin hopes to set a precedent of intellectual stimulation that involves all citizens (and members) of TSP. Currently we offer four different areas of interest with more to come. Feel free to stop by and take a look, comment and enjoy.
TSPUs first order of business will be to update TSPs Wiki page, and it will commence about 16th of June. A few citizens of TSP have offered to lend a hand on making everything spiffy once again.
SPA Lends a Hand to Airspace
The South Pacific Army has had recent success in a civilization mission that took place in Warzone Airspace. This was met with opposition as just 12 hours after the SPA moved in, the United Defenders League attempted to liberate it from our forces. The liberation failed and tension grew between the UDL and the South Pacific. This operation was finished successfully by the South Pacific Army after a successful turnover to the natives in Airspace. Supporting the operation was the Europeian Royal Navy and the New Inquisition. The South Pacific was more than happy to lend a hand to a region that was in turmoil after Codger had resigned after the one year mark of service. The South Pacific Army continues to watch the situation in Warzone Airspace.
TSP Gossip Corner
Oh no the gossip corner got revamped and now we whisper in Rebel-topia's ears.
Oh no LR and PenguinPies adopted Alvendar. Are we sure that we want LR raising anyone NS wise? and the Defender/Raider moments in that house must be a lot of fun.
TSP is in an Election cycle, are you ready for this?
Your life is now in the hands of the boogie man, you should be happy because if not him then most likely we would give you over to Hileville....*insert evil laugh*
Your moment of time and space colliding: Remember that life is what you make get back to work and make a post on NS....thank you and have a wonderful day.
Everything in the gossip palace of TSP is subject to the mind of the writer.....this time brought to you from the mind of LR aka LadyRebels aka Dat Weird Woman.
Johnson coupes South Pacific, thought it was The South Pacific
**Information contained in the gossip corner may or may not be true.**
"Your Moment In The Sun"
Brought To You By TSP
Welcome to one and all to the first YMITS, this is that one chick (at least we all hope she is a chick) LR live and in charge of nothing I saw nothing did you see that truck?
This is a throw together for the first time run of this and I hope that everyone enjoys it enough to comment on it, or to at least tell us to leave it out from now on.
Now for some Shout outs:
Anyway here is the end of this first YMITS, and we hope for it not to be the last.
- I have to say that this thought came to me thanks to the UDL moment of Zen that they have in their update, so shout out to the wonderful people of the UDL.
- Be sure to let our wonderful Citizen of TSP, Loh know how happy that you are for his IRL engagement.
- Be sure to stop by and help us remember what was happening about a year ago, yep for us in TSP it was Dev and we have some wonderful post going into that thread already.
World Assembly Delegate: Hileville
Chairman of Assembly: Belschaft
Minister of Security: All the Kings Men of Rebel-topia
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Penguin
Minister of Regional Affairs: God-Emperor
Minister of Justice: Todd McCloud
Craziest Person in TSP: LadyRebels
Regional Power: Extremely High
Regional Forum:Join Us
September Election Results
In our recent ballot stuffing competition TSP saw some changes in our Cabinet line up. For MoJ, Drugged Monkeys lost out to Todd McCloud 10-5. For the MoS seat, Rebel-topia took over for Sheepatropolis' reign of 4 terms winning 12-4. Penguin ran unopposed for MoFA 15-1.
God-Emperor held onto MoRA against Camwood 10-4. LadyRebels is still TSPs Craziest getting 7 out of the 11 votes cast. Hileville was confirmed as Delegate by a margin of 12-3. Last but not least, Belschaft kept his CoA seat against Antariel 9-5. Much mudslinging took place in this race. And talking about the mudslinging...
Flurry of Charges Stem From Election Campaigning
This election cycle saw Belschaft bring charges not only against his opponent for the office of Chair, but also against the Minster of Justice.
Bel vs. Ant
In a four part campaign to bring charges against Ant for defamation and fraud, DM decided to close the case and told Bel that there were no grounds for his complaints. This created controversy prompting Bel to decide that he would go after DM.
Bel vs. Drugged Monkeys
Charges were brought by Bel against DM for prohibiting the enactment of Due Process and, as he believed, giving him a False warning. Charges were dropped by the new MoJ as he dismissed the case.
Weekly IRC Trivia Night
Every Thursday at 1:30am GMT, join us for fun and excitement and prizes (ok no prizes but there will be fun)! Come join us on our IRC: #the_south_pacific
TSP Gossip Corner
Loh arrested after a cat scandal?
Penguins power wanes as activity slides?
Mcmasterdonia planning to coup TSP?
GEzuz beats Alv once to many?
Rebel can read big words!
Michu gets her masters and plans to take Penguins Queenship?
**Information contained in the gossip corner may or may not be true.**