Two weeks for the price of one!

E-Army soldiers were some of the first to respond to the delegate crisis in The North Pacific, lending their support to Great Bights Mum and the constitutional government. After helping to ensure the safe transfer of the delegacy back to GBM following the self-exile of Emperor Matthuis, E-Army soldiers pursued EM to the Rejected Realms, where they helped to overtake Emperor Matthuis and reinstate Kandarin by the next update.
In addition to these high-profile maneuvers, however, the E-Army also found time to join our allies in the successful defense of Woodstock. Congratulations soldiers - rock on.

The Foreign Affairs Chancellory has been busy these past two weeks tracking events in The North Pacific and the Rejected Realms. Our statement on those events was originally issued separately from this update; please feel free to contact your ambassador, FA Deputy Naivetry, or FA Chancellor Flexion if you have not received a copy.
In addition, Equilism opened foreign relations with Europeia this week. New ambassador assignments are yet to be posted, but should be out soon.

Equilism's Internal Affairs Chancellory announces the start of activities gearing up for the holiday season:
* Nation Creation Competition
* Arcade Tournament
* Debating Competition
* Recruitment Competition
Our friends and allies are invited to stop by and join in the fun! Interested nations should contact your local ambassador for more information, or visit
the Events section of the Equilism forum. Hope to see you there!
Excerpts from the
Chancellor of Internal Affairs Weekly Updates
The Monkye:
Chancellory of Internal Affairs
Chancellor : wagger-tribe
Interior Officiate :The Monkye
Department of Internal Affairs
- A reward of 500 Equiliants is being offered for finding the Chancellor, who is MIA. The Officiate has usurped him for the time being
- The Cricket World Cup was completed, with Flexion the champion
- The search is still on for the Chancellor. Wagger's parents are prime suspects.
- A Ball has been proposed, and planning is underway
Department of Immigration
- Regional Population has grown to 125 (+6)
- New Recruiting Awards have been released.
Here. Start counting how many recruits you have so you can find which award you are eligible for.

In addition to discussing the events in The North Pacific and the Rejected Realms, the College of Equilism saw the beginning of the November election cycle with The Monkye nominating Tarricoe and Tarricoe returning the favor for the position of Lord Chancellor (LC), Equilism's Head of Government. Flexion was also nominated for LC.
However, on November 3, the Monarch, Westwind, exercised the emergency powers granted to the Triumvirate of Guardians under Section VIII of the Constitution of the Realm to admit five members who had been waiting for admittance to the College: Hamajahala, Garneska, Wartom Pendragon, MILLITARISM, and Adyndril.
Emergency Actions to be taken:
1. All College applicants shall be processed and results provided before voting in the elections begin.
2. All College applicants shall be presumed to be eligible to hold office, prior to completion of processing. And so may run for office, or prepare seek a Chancellorship.
3. If processing finds reason to deny College Membership, the applicant's candidancy shall then be voided.
The College Admission Emergency Powers Action was seconded by Guardian Naivetry, Lord High Advocate, marking the first use of the Triumvirate's emergency powers since the ratification of the Constitution.
According to Westwind, the goal of this emergency action was "to increase participation in our Democratic process by ensuring our active members have the opportunity to do so." While there was originally no intent to effect the timing of the election cycle, the Triumvirate has concurred with the judgment of the third Guardian, Neo-Conservatism, and his oversight of elections as Governor General:
The nomination period will be conducted again, this time with new members having the opportunity to run for office. After a new 2 days of nominations, we'll start an entirely new vote.
New nominations will run until Tuesday, November 6th, followed by a three-day vote. Candidates and their platforms may be found on the
Election Board.

The resolution Passport Standardisation Act was passed 5,997 votes to 3,253, and implemented in all UN member nations. Equilism voted 3-1 in favor of the resolution.

"Extraordinary!" "Phenomenal!" "Flabbergasting!"
These are just some of the comments received* by this writer on the amount of spam generated in the past two weeks by the diligent residents of the Bar and Games forum.
5000 bottles of beer on the wall rapidly approached the landmark 1000 figure in the week of Oct. 21-27, and has now surpassed it by at least 150 bottles. Meanwhile, Word Association, Attack/Be Nice to the Previous Poster, and other classic games remain ever popular.
* i.e., totally fabricated.

The hijackers aboard
Flight AN528, still sitting on the airstrip in Tycho City, have gone unnoticed for another two weeks. Equilismers speculate that the time continuum in Tycholand has recently suffered disruption, as that nation ceased-to-exist earlier this week.

This week on the ODB, debaters in
Climate change - fact or fiction? questioned the viability of alternative sources of energy, while Phil's
latest op-ed piece met with much applause. Finally,
'God doesn't work, faith is a trick' has sputtered back to life after Canada6 posted a link comparing national per capita GDP and religiosity.
Just a note... I believe Dali was a
rogue delegate, not a
rouge delegate.
I bet he looked fabulous though.
That, friends, is another (two) week(s) in Equilism. We wish you all the best and we'll be back again next week (probably). Take care!