Where Am I?

AHA, now we are on the correct peninsula, after all.

But in Montenegro, both the cyrillic and latin alphabet are used.
Correct denomination, though.

And my town is way bigger than Budva.
Well. Its in the Balkins, a big city on the coast, and they don't use the latin alphabet. Athens fits, but the city is not in Greece.

I'm guessing now somewhere in Turkey. The only major coastal city in Turkey which is in the Balkins is....Istanbul!
Yay! :bar:
Here I am!

Damnit. How did you know? Takes me about a year to guess, nay deduce with my many years of education, yours, and you get mine in a blink of the eye. No fair.
Can I say I HATE you, VZ????

;) :lol:

Ok... let's see your new picture!

Ps... yeppers, the spelling is correct!
Hmm, chocolate chips, fine.

My fault deciding to add "The Kremlin" to my guess the last second before pushing the button.
(*winks*) only finest TEP chocolate for you, Mr Judge. I'll report you're liking it: there's a chance we could arrange a shipment for you!

And about your hesitation in pushing the button... i WOULD share the winner's trophy, HONEST. but you know... just ONE cup, so... well... *I* :winner: :lol:

About you VZ... I would say some city in central Africa. Am I near, by any chance?
Well, I only answer to precise locations normally. But as you are new here:
yes, correct. And depending on what you understand by "Central", this might be correct, too.
Some districts of LA do perhaps not look very different though. :P

You should meet Blackshear and GBM, they are real masters of this game. And Gaunt, too! :D
hmm. seems a bit too dry to be a geographically central african country, so i'm thinking maybe its more west african, maybe Burkina Faso?

as for a city, i dunno, Ouagadougou?