Where Am I?

Blackshear got it!

Jerome is a mining town turned ghost town, turned artist's community. It is a wild ride to get there, and one is rewarded by grand views. I love to watch storms, and one evening I was treated to lightening flashes across the vast desert. Breathtaking!
That is strange. Although I have never been there my immediate thought was: That's Helsinki.

So my guess is Helsinki.
It's Manchester...that really had me going for a while...I kept thinking it was somewhere in the netherlands...

Then I noticed in the third picture you posted...a sign for wet paint in english and also the bin design is classic english...

You found some really unusual shots of the place, well done....
It's Manchester...that really had me going for a while...I kept thinking it was somewhere in the netherlands...
Manchester is correct. Go ahead Daimiaena.
The shots are all from the Manchester Homepage.

Greetings from the easyInternetCafe in Manchester. :hello:
I'm away for three weeks....don't have time to post pics before I go....

so I'll say GBM got it right....
well done GBM...

Your turn to post Pics.....
Thanks GBM!

This one isnt hard, but it is one of my favorite places to visit, so I decided to use it.


Well done Blackshear! :) It is Boston Mass. I used to live there actually, and home of the best sports teams in the world.

Go for it Blackshear, take us somewhere!
Thats right! Your turn, bluefunnel.

A few years ago, my daughter thought it would be funny to bury my shoes in the sand. Trouble is, she forgot to mark where she had buried them. Since we were staying at a casino, I was verrry unhappy about the prospect of having to walk through "the fancy hotel" barefoot. :lol:
^ the closest guess so far.

Don't fret, GBM. You've got a lot on your plate, what with the delegacy and your TG romance with the new guy. :P