This forum is the headquarters of The North Pacific Wire, the region's main source for news around the NationStates globe... or server. While the Wire itself is located off-site at:
You can post here about new ideas for articles, other suggestions, or even to sign up as a reporter! In order to keep things organized, though, we do ask you to be mostly formal while posting here. Rules violations will be moderated. Thanks, and keep an eye for new stories!
- The North Pacific Administration Team
This forum is the headquarters of The North Pacific Wire, the region's main source for news around the NationStates globe... or server. While the Wire itself is located off-site at:
You can post here about new ideas for articles, other suggestions, or even to sign up as a reporter! In order to keep things organized, though, we do ask you to be mostly formal while posting here. Rules violations will be moderated. Thanks, and keep an eye for new stories!
- The North Pacific Administration Team