Eulogize The Person Above You

^ sure did. And laughed maniacally until Goal stuck a rabid Roman named Frank down ^'s pants. ^ died three days later from infections.
His love of vintage hats unfortunately led to mercury poisoning and dementia before his untimely death. Prior to that, he was great fun at tea parties.
Here is something you should know,
Otherwise you might end up low,
Never fight against an invincible foe,
Or you'll share the fate of poor MO.
In a final epic battle between his bark and his bite, Namyeknom's bark crushed his bite. With nothing left but his bark, he quickly wore out his voice and succumbed to an unfortunate case of tuberculosis. :(
Always one to take advatage of her surroundings, ^'s attempt to simultaneously ride a helicopter and get a haircut somehow went awry...
Out of paranoia of rebellious uprising against peace, he insisted that he be executed for treason. We're all sure he had good intentions.
^ was so pleased to be back he had too much to drink at the welcome back party. which led to the road accident. which led to falling down the hill. into teh river. which led to the rapids...
sadly we have yet to discover the reason ^ died. though some suggest it was something to do with the large angry mob carrying "Death to DD" signs and pitchforks...
^Foolishly tried stopping a crazed man from pushing a button that would start World War Three by putting a muzzle on him. It is unfortunate that ^ didn't realize the man had hands, which as any halfway intelligent person knows, is all that is necessary to push buttons. Now we're all going to die.
