I Have...

I have to show you all what I found today while I was auditing the images from a 1910 atlas of Missouri...


This guy is DEAD and he has cooler hair than you.
I have to add that 5.00 USD is valued today only 3.99297 EUR, which is not much compared to 5.0005 EUR, value 3 and a half years ago. Global economics is a curious thing.
I have a profound love of snickerdoodles. Sugar cookies, no, but the addition of cinnamon somehow makes all the difference in the world.
What are they like, exactly? Snickerdoodles, I mean.
The ones that I like are like chewy (not crumbly) sugar cookies, with cinnamon in the dough itself. Then, it's sprinkled with a cinnamon/sugar mixture on top after it's baked. Mmmmm!

Think sugar cookie with zing.
I have to shut the window. It's raining and windy and downright hurricane-season Florida-esque. Perhaps that's a tad hyperbolic. Nevertheless, the end result is one shut window. Yep.