Flatter The Person Above You...

because it's wayne gretzky. I could just go ^ (wayne gretzky) and it's like the best compliment ever. I had to tone it down.

^fantastic creepy clown artist.
^ can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with dew
Cover it with choc'late and a miracle or two

^^ YMNK (yeah, I know, wrong thread) that a giant bronze statue of Wayne Gretzky stands not 20 minutes from my home, just off (surprisingly) Wayne Gretzky Drive.
^^ is awesome enough to be in on the Wayne Gretsky story. I had a creepy text yesterday from one of my more (read: most) persistent internet stalkers saying "Happy Valentines Day from your Favorite Canadian <3 <3 <3" and I couldn't think of anything to say in response that wouldn't be misconstrued, so finally I just said, "Wayne Gretsky?!?! How did you get my number?!"

Coincidentally, I would have said Blackshear, but he wouldn't have gotten the reference.
