Describe The Person Below You!

Being a comedy mastermind (ha!) of course I do.

/ can complete the lyric beginning 'there once was a man named Enis..."
I remember our emails, hun!

/ also likes Russians when they're smokin' hot 20 year olds who make obscene noises when doing a backhand.
I assume everyone likes girls.

*Namyeknom wonders if its worth a cut and paste job to the ' my pants.' thread.

v grouchy.
Heck yes I am. And not in a good way. In the way that makes me sit around the house in my underwear with ice cubes and spray bottles. :P

v probably wouldn't want to do that in v's local weather.
Me? Ridicule an American???? Never!

v would rather play nerdy games with their SO than fight with them about it, therefore making them an object of desire for all nerds of the opposite sex
Yeah, I totally hate them, too. And so what if I do? Everyone has a sock & undies playlist, even if they don't call it that.

v is beneath me. Muahaha.