I Am Not...!

I am not going to take up two unnecessary minutes of my remaining oxygen tanks. Breathing is not a constant requirement, right?
I am not going to begin to be able to explain how or why I was just whipped by my office manager for drinking a vanilla coke. After she did a weird clothed burlesque dance while I was on the phone.
I am not sure whether I'll be able to do anything fun for the next few days and that makes me seriously sad.
I am not very good with signatures. I design my signature according to my emotions at the time, so right now I feel incredibly chilled out. Before, I felt new to everything and everyone, so I needed to share some things about me.
I am not going to fault you for changing your signature. Back in the day, I changed mine all the time. Also my avatar. I had a new one like every two days. It got very confusing.