I Just...

I just won't mention that I got $970 worth of glasses for $140 then.

P.S. We heard your curses up here. It's just more amusing to ignore them.
I just laughed, I meant I felt bad that you thought you had waited in vain. I popped on here, and then I went wandering back to Ol' Blue from the link on the main page and got... side-tracked. Heh.
I just watched about 30 minutes (all I could stand) of Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus. Not even funny bad, except for the part where the mega shark jumps out of the sea and catches an airliner in flight.
I just laughed, because that scene from Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus BS was talking about really IS the only good scene in that movie. My favorite parts are when then CGI shark fin doesn't even ripple the water.