I Just...

I just made a response flyer to a flyer that said "Smoking hurts the environment!". My reply went right under and it said "Putting up common sense public service announcements hurts the environment! Printer ink=dead squids; printer paper=dead trees."

I just made a response flyer to a flyer that said "Smoking hurts the environment!". My reply went right under and it said "Putting up common sense public service announcements hurts the environment! Printer ink=dead squids; printer paper=dead trees."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

As a smoker I get tired of the constant reminders the only place I can smoke is an outhouse in the middle of nowhere!!!

On that note, I just bought a new house!

The new house

I look out my bedroom window and I see open prairie!
I just have been watching the documentary on the 9/11 and i still to this day cannot believe it happened. It's making me cry it's so sad. :(
Hey y'all -

What is this forum all about? It smmes random...which is cool. I was just curious.


PS: Yeah...all the 9/11 stuff on TV has been really tough to watch. Has it really been 5 years. Good God, that footage is hard to look at!