Pet Peeves

PP; People who road rage. I just had a man road raging up my ass and tailgating the shit out of me. Meanwhile he was screaming out his car window about me cutting him off, uh yeah like I would do that matey.

Anyway my brother was following a car behind me and we were going to get dinner after going to the gym. So I pull up behind the Mcdonalds near where we were going and I deliberately go to the back carpark where it is dark. The man follows and pulls up beside me, and my brother parks on the other side of me.

Needless to say he wasn't as talkative once the two of us got out of our cars and wanted to have that little chat.
PP: That people never had good enough parents to learn how to regulate their emotions as they grew up.
Awwwwwwwwwww! Ask DD, he is the expert. There is a thread for asking DD questions :)

PP: people who sleep in the library.. especially at the desk with the powerpoint that I need to use.
PP: People who don't know the difference between there, their and they're or your and you're.