Pet Peeves

For Syber Rad has a jaw drop smilie

PP: being this overtired and NOT being able to sleep let alone not being able to post smilies on this thing rawr
Well, the link did. not so much the image.

PP: That i dont know how to post images on this wanging board. heh, wanging board. i make me laugh

did you save it? believe me I tried 4 different ways of posting images on this thing and none worked...grrrr

PP: HTML code not behaving when you know it should!
PP: airfares looking much scarier when they are put in AU$ instead of U$. lousy airfares making me feel poor. maybe i should write to QANTAS telling them that the captives will not survive without the support i can provide


PP: that I am a night owl and all thhose Iknow are not :cry:
PP: that being a night owl MAY be genetic, so i will never be able to get to 9am lectures on time. and as i may be giving those lectures that could be seen as an issue.
PP: that americans have strange nonsensical words like comforter. doona is a much better word for it.

and not being there to tangle ^'s sheets