PP: Srixis's mom.
Dalimbar Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot - - - TNP Nation Cassiars Nov 29, 2005 #55 PP: Wet, squeeky shoes on newly waxed floors. *cringes*
Sirixis TNPer Nov 30, 2005 #62 PP: Silly Floridians that don't know the meaning of cold. (It's -13C [9F] here)
Hersfold TNPer Nov 30, 2005 #64 PP: People who put offensive language into topic descriptions. :p Description edited. DD, please check your in-box.
PP: People who put offensive language into topic descriptions. :p Description edited. DD, please check your in-box.
T Tropical Pixieland Guest Nov 30, 2005 #67 PP ~ Not knowing what the thread titles were before, and being curious!
T Tropical Pixieland Guest Nov 30, 2005 #71 PP ~ The fact that this paper still hasn't written itself <.< :p
Insane Power TNPer Nov 30, 2005 #73 pp - Assembly instructions that miss out a vital piece of info and result in having to restart!
Fedele TNPer Nov 30, 2005 #74 PP: Instructions that tell of parts that aren't in the box and, when you call the manufacturer, they agree that the part does not come with that product. They offer no excuse or reason why that part is included in the instructions.
PP: Instructions that tell of parts that aren't in the box and, when you call the manufacturer, they agree that the part does not come with that product. They offer no excuse or reason why that part is included in the instructions.
Insane Power TNPer Dec 1, 2005 #78 pp - Antelopes that believe they can push in and boss the badgers around!