
I'll take the peanut butter thanks.....the sex is just vomitrocious.

A crappy car with a sweet stereo system or a nice ride with a crappy stereo?
:rofl: as those are my only choices, kicking you in the crotch cause I just don't kiss guys.

Monkeys on a stick or in a barrel?
Relationship....always wanted one....took me forever to get one(first gf in college).

Skimpy lingerie or none at all.
None at all for me because I do not like to wear it. Not very comfy. Prefer jammie pants and a big shirt.

And being in a relationship is not always all it's cracked up to be. But congratulations.

dogs or cats
Fish.....I'm highly allergic to cats and most dogs and I'm just not a good pet owner.

A mouth full of toothpaste when Brad Pitt shows up on your doorstep or Will Smith stuck in your chimney?
Brad Pitt...what can I say? I'm a sucker for good lookin men. And I dont want anyone in my chimney. Toothpaste can always be rinsed out.

Daytime or Nighttime the flavor more....yeah call me weird if you must.

tapioca pudding spread on your arms or standing on your head in the mud?
standing on my head in the mud. Tapioca pudding is the singlemost disgusting thing in the entire world.

living with your parents until your forty five or being homeless.
Oy.....tough choice but I'll go with living with my folks. At least then I'm warm, dry and fed.

Jumping on a bed or licking ice cream off the floor.