
News cheesy man or woman making rediculous facial expressions and speaking in exagerrated tones

Skimpy santa suit or Pancakes
Rich with friends because one of them will have to have money.

texting or just regular traditional calling?
I'm not British, so I have no idea. O2 I guess because I've heard of it (only because it's on the English rugby uniforms)

Chinese or Japanese or Korean food?
MaryKate definitely. I mean, Paris has probably had a different guy in everyone of the Hilton's her dad owns. :blink:

Yogurt on your pancakes or jumping on a trampoline?
Hardy Boys.....totally loved those books. I read as many as I could get my hands on.

Purple people eaters or a half eaten sandwich.
As I have no idea who Emmie Rossum is, I'll go for the total body baldness.

Hmmm... streamlined.

Skin of a fish or face of a bat?
Canada.....colder than heck but at least their government is stable and they have cheap prescriptions.

Warm olives from the can or ants up your nose?
Christmas for all the lights and presents and baking!

A date that only orders salad or a date that constantly chews gum?