I Feel...

I feel your opinion is irrelevant and wrong. I am so angry right now I'm going to have to release my feelings through a cathartic interpretive dance.
I feel that explaining/describing things using interpretative dance is always the best option. Also, I feel that you will soon get over your anger.
I feel there aren't many other ways to conduct an interview for a job thousands of miles away. :P

I feel that my second interview was more of a pleasant conversation about some fairly radical ideas. I feel elated because the lady wants to work with me and I got offered the job!
I feel annoyed at my real life government over their asylum seeker policy.
I feel that Papua New Guinea seems like a nice runner-up prize for all of those poor people fleeing persecution. I feel so happy that Rudd is back in power. I feel that Gillard was too namby-pamby. :eyeroll:
I feel that the problems with Australian politics are the selfsame problems with American (U.S.) politics. I feel that Rupert Murdoch is lucifer, and conservativism is a wicked blight on society.