I Feel...

I feel like I need to go punch my sister. She's been on this spoonerism bent for the last 4 months, and now I turn everything I read into a spoonerism in my head without being able to help it.


I feel like DD needs a hug. He should go ask a random stranger for one and see what happens. It could be a small, pointless, social experiment!
I feel that skinny jeans are never the way to go for a guy, unless you are ridiculously melodramatic and have a strong penchant for teenage vampire romance novels.



I feel that skinny jeans should be reserved for very tall thin girls with long legs. Those are the only people they look good on.
I feel like there should have been a "I feel" preceding my last post in this thread. I feel like it is time for some punishment for my.......[a long pause occurs] carelessness.
I feel this image MAY slightly vindicate my choices. I also feel that i probably wont lose much sleep if the internets dont agree with me.

I feel your shoulders are narrow enough and your legs are long enough that you pulled off the skinny jeans with some success. Leaving the shirt untucked also helps, I believe.
I am glad that I can pull the jeans off with some success and would be happy to upload photos of my house/bedroom if i had a working camera. Maybe after Aus day, although there will be many weirdos involved
I feel like you're making fun of me! :lol:

I feel like not using my facebook as a soapbox, or as an instantaneous report of the banality of my life. I feel this has caused me to not really use facebook very much at all.
I feel things with my emotions, and base all of my actions 100% off of them. I feel like rational thought just gets in the way of an already evolved and much faster process.