Things You've Always Wondered...

Because it has to be Wednesday first. I hate Wednesdays.

Why does the world not collectively try to purge itself of the plague of creepy sales guys infesting the planet?
but it IS thursday! and because most people cave to the creepy sales guys in an attempt to get rid of them.

why do people hate walking in the summer rain so much?
Because if you did
you might be the dude's sidekick.
And have to fetch brains.

What makes people think
that if they make more money
than you, you are dumb?

It's like typing in TXT the really, really hard way. :lol:

Why is it that I can know Michael Jackson was a creepy, creepy man, but I still can't help dancing to his music? I actually get out of my chair and fo' realz dance when this stuff comes on.
Oh god, I hope not. [me]shudders.

Why does my iTunes shuffle make me laugh with its eerie coincidences?

IGEdit: I know which "its/it's" to use where, I swear.
I wonder if IG knows that everything I know about Lincoln, Nebraska can be found in the following song:

Comin' Home - City&Colour

Well I've been down to Georgia,
I've seen the streets in the west,
I've driven down the 90,
Oh hell, I've seen America's best.
I've been through the Rockies,
Hell, I've seen Saskatoon,
I've driven down the Highway 1
Just hopin' that I'd see you soon.

Cuz I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home (x6)

Well I've never been to Alaska,
But I can tell you this;
I've been to Lincoln, Nebraska
And hell you know it ain't worth shit.

I've been through Nova Scotia,
Sydney to Halifax,
But I'll never take any pictures
Cuz I'll know I'll just be right back.

Cuz I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home (x6)

Well I've seen a palace in London,
I've seen a castle in Wales,
But I'd rather wake up beside you
And breathe that old familiar smell.
I never thought you could leave me,
I figured I was the one,
But I understand your sadness,
So I guess I should just hold my tongue.

But I'm comin' home
I'm comin' home (x6)

I know that we're taking chances,
You told me life was a risk,
I just have one last question;
Will it be my heart
Or will it be his?

Comin' home,
I'm comin' home (x6)
I did not know that! That song sounds familiar to me. I'm not sure why.

I wonder if you know that Lincoln, Nebraska is only memorable to me because it's the place where I had an emergency cyst lanced by a doctor with cold, shaky hands, in the middle of a road trip.
It hurt so bad, and he kept shoving needles into it and then going "Don't cry! Stop crying! Don't clench, that makes it worse!"

Why are some doctors so horrible with people?
I wonder what a real life Pikachu would look like. Maybe something like this...

Well, trying to force tolerance is never pretty, I guess. And I think tolerance is one of the keys.

I wonder what else world peace would need to have more mass appeal?
No, I'm sure you can't force tolerance... which is probably why it's never pretty when people try to.

I wonder why more people don't wonder about these kind of things.
I wonder if it'th bad to with for thomething like a zthombie apocalypth to happen over the weekend tho I don't have to go back to work come Monday.

I got a 98% on an "are you prepared for a zombie apocalypse?" quiz, and I know all the rules, so I'm set.

I wonder if I should order myself a cricket bat online. Just in case.