Things You've Always Wondered...

I would slap you but, Sir, that would be animal abuse. but maybe just maybe it could make u prettier :)

I have wondered wherew I got this bad temper from.
I've always wondered what it would be like to have an endless amount of cash so I could just go travelling around the world constantly.
I have always wondered what it would be like to be simultaneously riding two photons of light approaching each other in a vacuum.
I do like rain, just not when I am planning to go outside. Not all the time either. I need my sunshine.

I've always wondered why people hate hot weather :\
I wonder what the worldwide reaction would be if we found fossils on Mars that matched the ones we've found here on earth.

I wonder if Marscheology is a word yet.

I wonder if I should get that copyrighted.
I wonder why people care so much? ;) We'll say to avoid forum drama, and to come back to tnp without peeps being all, "We knew you couldn't stay away like you said!" I hardly recall, exactly. That was in like 2005. Like a million years ago in internet years!
I find some of the historical things that have happened to be quite interesting in NS. I only wish I had discovered the game when I was younger :p
I can actually say that the course of my life would probably have been remarkably different over the last 10 years if it weren't for TNP and my friends here.
I worry about that too, quite a bit. A few years back now, we had a dear friend and fellow TNPer, Lebedya, (her name's Annie) pass away suddenly when her heart stopped in her sleep. She was quite young, most of us regular OOCers were just teenagers at the time. :( I think about her a lot and miss her. She was so sweet and kind and funny.
I've always wondered why Americans drive on the right side of the road, while the steering wheel is on the left.
It's so you're closer to the line between opposing traffic, so you can make sure you're not hanging over it or something. I actually don't even know.

I've always wondered how quickly I'd be able to get used to driving on the opposite sides of cars and roads, or if I'd be terrible at it and die in a horrific crash.
because blakshear would look weird.

I've always wondered how so many people can be walking the streets shopping during hte middl eo f the day! don't they have jobs.
That is soo fetch!

I have always wondered why British people think 30 degrees is super hot, and how they would manage arriving into Australia in the middle of a heat wave.
They would think "Gahd, this is hell on earth. Let's send undesirables here."

I've always wondered why the colder countries tend to be the better run ones.