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Not really mine but a posted pic to say the least
Oh no what if my fishy does that???? he is finally coming to the top of the water..what if that means he is gonna try to escape???

And now I must go!!! Goodnight all!
Cor i nearly fainted thinking MP had a kid!! I thought he was my age but never sure!

I though MI was also my age - shows how much i know!!
I found another pic that I'm willing to share with you. Pardon the quality. My scanner is crap. The guy in the pic is an ex.

It does and those things add up when you need like four or five of is very important to find a man whos chest serves as a good pillow at night..that is the best
and a man who can cook, clean, drive you places, and stand around shops while you spend his money!
Nah, I can do that myself. What you really need is someone who is handy around the house, does yard work, fixes the car, the plumbing, the electrical, the hole the kid put in the wall with the baseball, etc. etc.
edited by chapstickisfun....this is not OPA..unfortunately he always forgets to sign out when he uses my computer...silly boy...
Wahey!!! We're cute!!

I've gone from mad, to silly and now cute - all in one week!

*Makes a mental note to self, next week i concour the world!*
So what about a guy who can cook, clean, change a diaper, wire a basement, frame, paint, install sinks but doesn't know very much about cars??

My oldest is 6. She'll be 7 in April.

And CC is a cutie but from my experience finding a guy like me isn't very easy. It reminds of that line from that 80's song "Where have all the good men gone..."? I know too many single girls just looking for a guy like me. I even had one of my wife's single friends ask me if I had a clone.

Good men are hard to find..and sometimes even if you think you have found one, they are always seem to be able to do something truly horrible just to prove you wrong.