What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

Something by Mogwai.


You know the one where they go: "Honey won't you take me out tonight
Honey won't you take me out tonight
Honey won't you take me out tonight

Shine so bright
Shine so bright"

"A Tribute to Spacemen"?
I dislike Motown with the intensity of a thousand exploding suns.

However, I just finished listening to Fade to Black, as covered by Apocalyptica.
Buy a new one!
You're funny! It's two months "old". But the stupid speakers have some serious problems...

Zhoda Náhod - Nikdy nezomrieme (We'll never die)

Konflikt - Mrtvá planéta II. (Dead planet II.)

PSH feat. Orion - Parket

Beatles - All I've got to do
Slobodná Europa (Free Europe) - Analýza dokázala hovno (I won't translate)

The Connells - 74/75

Daara J feat. Disiz la Peste - Paris-Dakar

Orishas - La reina de la calle

Editor - No Future!

Ant-Hill - Maskarný ples

Taino - Toma toma

Party Squad (what a...silly name!) - Wat wil je doen?!
[Nitpick]When you put your song titles in italics, the terrorists win. Only albums, books, or newspapers get italics. Or names of ships, foreign words, for emphasis, and symbols of physical quantities and other mathematical variables. Works that appear within larger works (such as a SONG TITLE on your pseudohuman yuppie iTunes playlist) are not italicized, but given quotation marks.

Further, in non-paragraphical writing (such as the postcount-boosting simple exchanges like a post in this thread) where the bare minimum detail is given, such as song title and 'artist', italics, quotations, and underlines are unnecessary. One may simply reproduce said information as already-formatted by their computer.

For instance,
I am listening to "Caring is Creepy" off The Shins' first album, Oh, Inverted World.
The Mauve Helicopter - The Decline of Western Fu

Both correct. July! July! by the Decemberists, is not correct. There is no Decemberist album titled July! July!; to say one is listening to Castaways and Cutouts by The Decemberists, however, *would* be correct.

Remember kids, good grammar is sexy.
[Nitpick]When you put your song titles in italics, the terrorists win. Only albums, books, or newspapers get italics. Or names of ships, foreign words, for emphasis, and symbols of physical quantities and other mathematical variables. Works that appear within larger works (such as a SONG TITLE on your pseudohuman yuppie iTunes playlist) are not italicized, but given quotation marks.

Further, in non-paragraphical writing (such as the postcount-boosting simple exchanges like a post in this thread) where the bare minimum detail is given, such as song title and 'artist', italics, quotations, and underlines are unnecessary. One may simply reproduce said information as already-formatted by their computer.

For instance,
I am listening to "Caring is Creepy" off The Shins' first album, Oh, Inverted World.
The Mauve Helicopter - The Decline of Western Fu

Both correct. July! July! by the Decemberists, is not correct. There is no Decemberist album titled July! July!; to say one is listening to Castaways and Cutouts by The Decemberists, however, *would* be correct.

Remember kids, good grammar is sexy.
Good grammar is sexy, that is true, but correcting someone on some little grammatical inanity is not. I don't like you any more.

Something against you ~ The Pixies
Good grammar is sexy, that is true, but correcting someone on some little grammatical inanity is not.
Hence the [nitpick][/nitpick] tags. Not a lecture, but "nit-picking"; the word itself is a self-admittance of the fastidious and trivial, softening the "blow" and the "shock" of receiving edification (heavens forbid). No one was "targeted", and I don't think anyone could have been hurt, unless they are so thin-skinned. It was a nitpick: something said then therefore move on with the thread.

I don't like you any more.
Here In Your Arms - Hellogoodbye

Oh no! The terrorists just destroyed Guam!* (**)

*or something of equivelant size
(**)This in no way implies that I have anger towards Guam or Guamites.