What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

Reindeer section! i havent heard them in forever! I lost my 'son of evil reindeer' and 'yall get scared now' a while back... can you send me some?

Eagle eye - Heatmiser
Notice - Gomez.

Wishing I was listening to The Flaming Lips and Stardeath and White Dwarfs with Henry Rollins and Peaches Doing The Dark Side of the Moon that I picked up yesterday
Grey Death - Xiu Xiu

Just found out tonight Deathcab is coming to the local concert hall May 24th. Bright Eyes is opening. Anyone need tickets?
Now We Can See - The Thermals

You can fly from Sydney to Edmonton (via Vancouver) for as little as $1101 that week. If you require First Class, then you're looking at $9000+.
seems fairly reasonable really. if it werent for the singapore/eastern bloc/japan trips already planned for this year i'd be there!

difference is time - Conor Oberst