What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

comecloser - Thank you, bad night

dishonestly kissed lips whisper a promise made to be broken ° not strong enough to remain untouched ° what’s broken can’t be fixed ° my heart beats the deadbeat ° castrated and alone under virgins ° a solitary man i will be forever ° the fear is keeping me in check ° i won’t go through this hell again ° never fall in love and someones arms again ° promise me you won’t hurt me in case i fall in love ° i hope i never will be ° a solitary man i will be forever ° the fear is keeping me in check ° i won’t be broken again ° the mind is stronger than the heart ° here is something in my chest that just belongs to me too precious for the lies, the pain, the kisses outside there ° promise me you won’t break it again ° set my dreams ablaze ° a solitary man i will be forever ° the fear is keeping me in check ° i won’t be broken again °°°
The Animals (am I not hearing my dear John Frusciante there??) - House of the rising sun

I'm actually some James's i-tunes library, I don't even know who that is!