I Am...

I am realizing if you're ever feeling bad about yourself, the best place to cheer up (aside from here, of course) is to go read the old "Flatter the Person Above You" thread on the s2, and find all the sweet things people said about you. I feel like a million bucks now, wot wot.

Also, I am too, Fibs.
I am sad to report HS and I have only found 3 CJW's on FB who might fit the description. One of them wasn't VB, according to him. (Shame, really, he was adorable!) The other one has a picture of a monkey on a stone wall as his profile pic, and was kind of long shot. Haven't heard from him. The last one has a picture of a rather bad CGI-muscled squirrel as his profile pic, but his status updates and his wall make him seem like quite the dickish sort. He's definitely British, but was talking about a "Sweet gym sesh can hardly move!!! Now off to the pub :)" and "Last night on cod for two weeks how am I guna cope :(" and "The big bike day today :) H cafe on the Oxford road from 10am grid girls, max power babes, live bands, barbecue and LOADS of bikes can't wait........." Haven't heard back from him either, but HS and I are worried if it is him, he seems like a massive twat, and we're sure he must have had a massive head injury or wound up with a shit crowd of friends at uni to turn him into such a douchebag.

Coincidentally, if that last one was Australian instead, he'd be exactly like my ex. <_< No wonder I'm hoping it's not him. [me]shudders.
I am going to share that a lot of people seemed to appear on my facebook page right after I gave up looking for them. Perhaps something similar will happen.

That squirrel guy sounds like the antithesis to VB. I didn't realize Brits actually said "Mate" that much for real.
I am really hoping that Veebs doesn't turn out to be the english version of fathead.

I am also a little confused. apparently my work is fine with the s13 board, but hates the s2.
I am thinking it might have something to do with the fact that the s2 is sometimes full of spammed porn adverts.

I am really hoping the same thing, Syb.
I am happy to report that squirrel dude is not our Veebs. His reply was actually pretty funny:

"Re: Is this the right Clive?
No not me love sounds like I'm missing out tho indiegirl ;) x"
I am going to see this [flash=250,210]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t2-rJo5bdw[/flash] band tonight. I am anticipating a good live show, though I don't know anything about them. :)
I am putting on some dramatic eye make-up! Electric blue to go with my latest novelty t-shirt acquisition:

I am going to be the father of a teenager as of tomorrow (technically as of 17 minutes ago but what kind of nerd keeps track of stuff like that ;) ).