I Am...

I am one of the apparently one of the few people on the planet who has never played Guitar Hero/Rock Band/Guitar Band/Rock Hero/Band Hero/Band Band.
I am a little surprised by ^. play rock band its a million times better. mainly because it has suffragette city.

I am also in Singapore waiting for a plane.
I am doing another paper now, and it is driving me crazy! I am really not a fan of take-home exams!

I am supposed to be explaining the effects of Globalization on individual and group identity.
I am off to throw things at british people until they wake up and drive me to Hoi An. Time to get me a custom made tenth doctor suit made up
I am sure they could accommodate you if you wanted. I actually stayed at my a workmate's house about 5 minutes from the ol' hilton.

and if you want a holiday come to Cambodia! i've got a couch you could crash on in PP and everything.