
  1. T

    To the Moon... And beyond!

    This thread will be a compendium of all Tardine's space achievements through the history. Namely, all Tardine's "firsts": 1963 - First orbital satellite 1968 - First probe to reach the sun 1970 - First animal in space 1972 - First probe to land in Yama successfully 1975 - First successful...
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    Tardine's Election of 2024

    OOC: The Greater Tardineanni Empire is once again a democratic nation. Is the new democracy stronger than the previous one? Some will say yes, while many others have their doubts. Specially after the many threats to the national sovereignty that they have been under in the last few years. After...
  3. Artwashere

    Korvola 23' (Closed)

  4. T

    The bloody freedom (Semi-Open)

    On the Tardineanni Fascist Period and its reflections on present day Tardine Juka Pterovisk Barnou1, 2014 1. Introduction This article will unveil international politics during the years before the Aurorian Fascist War, the war itself and the impending outcome. It involved many Aurorian...
  5. T

    The Greater Tardineanni Empire Worldbuilding

    This is an OOC thread of Tardineanni worldbuilding stuff. It compromises its history, government, economy and all matters of the nation.
  6. T

    Last days before the Fall

    Ayo folks, this thread is set in the last years of the first Tardineanni Empire (627-999AD). After fighting against the other noble families, it was the Jukavich's turn to rule Tardine. The Jukavich's were the smallest noble family on the empire and weren't allowed to rule until now. By the year...
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    Terra deo Sol Nascente - Land of the Rising Sun

    March of 1519 Royal Palace of Olmongeter, Tardine Throne Room of Gaheel Portheir Kladerai A BITTER ENCOUNTER "A disaster it is, Your Greatness... All of our fleet was destroyed, in a blink!", the Royal Advisor's words echoed across the room while all eyes turned to him. Eron Danifeeh was new...
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    Miss Eras Application Thread

    The cultural (and beauty) contest called Miss Eras is out! Please take note that there are some rules. The beauty contest I've planned consists on 3 parts: Part 1 - the contestants create a social project and execute them. Part 2 - they are chosen by their projects by the judges to be finally...
  9. T

    The Chrono Project [Alternative History]

    OOC: This RP is set on the future, a future that doesn't exist anymore. It starts on the year 2125, where Jonna Hardjun is sent back in time by the government of the People's Democratic Republic of Tardine. The Chrono Project was created to protect the timeline of Tardine as it is. To achieve...
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    Tales of a (not so) crazy Empress

    Colonial Flag of Tardine (1418-1813) OOC: Kardenccia II Berduk Kladerai, also know as "Kardenccia, the Crazy", was born on March 3rd, 1789 in Olmongeter. The country was going through turbulent times, after the death of Hermani II Erialdaka alf Kladerai (the Erialdaka family have a great...
  11. N


  12. T

    Tardineanni Television

    Telodrameen are the most popular TV genre in Tardine. Generally translated as "television dramas", they are similar to what other countries call "soap operas". The principal diference between the telodrameen and the soap operas is that they are generally divided in partonnen (Mercanti "parts" or...
  13. T

    Things you should know before going to Tardine!
