
  1. ACR of Deerfenland

    Short Stories of Oclusia

    OOC Note Welcome! You have stumbled across this thread of stories that are a bunch of Self RPs mixed into one because they don't have enough of a concept enough for a full thread. Your stumbling across this thread means that you either a) want to read some of the ideas of Self RPs I had or b)...
  2. That1Guy

    Hello from Yugobatania!

    Nickname(s)?: T1G (or Tig) Main Nation?: Yugobatania RL Country?: USA Favourite Colour(s)?: Blue, black, yellow, orange, purple Do you use Discord? Yep, my name on discord currently is That Guy#4511 Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Not really into politics, but...
  3. That1Guy

    Breaking News! Insurance and Basket Weaving becomes major industry in Yugobatania!

    In recent news, the country of Yugobatania has recently become one of the leading nations in the world in terms of insurance, reaching the top 4% worldwide, and the top 3% within the North Pacific. Basket weaving comes in second, with Yugobatania reaching the top 7% worldwide and withing the...