Search results

  1. Insectia

    Death of an Alate [OPEN]

    The late Alate Nicodemus I has passed of an unexpected heart attack. The College of the Orders has secluded themselves to begin the Alate Conclave, in which a 2/3 supermajority of the Orders must vote in favor of one candidate to succeed Alate Nicodemus I. The Orders are representatives of clans...
  2. Insectia

    @INFO Presents: Nations in Profile Application Thread

    Coat of Arms: Anthem: Capital: Insactabaar Official Language: Mercanti, Bovt-Urt (Optional) National, Regional or Minority Language: Tribal dialects of Bovt-Urt Religion: Myrmecos Demonym: Free People Government Type: Nomadic Council Head of State: Khagan Arban Batu International...
  3. Insectia

    Eras Map Claim Thread #3

    It's on Iteria, just south of Ereion.[/spoiler] ~LL
  4. Insectia

    [Magic Proposal] Familiars

    There are three hurdles to scientifically explaining familiars: why the animal stays with the person, why that individual animal lives as long as their partner, and how the familiar can share basic thoughts. From a purely scientific point of view, familiars may be seen as a form of...
  5. Insectia

    [Magic Proposal] Familiars

    What: I propose that animals such as (but not limited to; at the discretion of The Conclave) arthropods smaller than the size of a hand may become the familiars of people who have either studied old texts about magic, or have had that knowledge passed down verbally (i.e. unless a character has...
  6. Insectia

    Old Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Insectia I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand...