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  1. Lollerland

    UNN Issue III (Foreign Update)

    The Universal News Network Proudly Presents The Universal Allegiance Foreign Update Issue III [hr] Regional Info [hr]NS Region • Forum • Discord[hr] Founder: The Cloud Peoples Founded on: 13/05/2014 [hr] January Elections January started with Chancellor elections in The Universal Allegiance...
  2. Lollerland

    Foreign Update(Jan 2017)

    THE UNIVERSAL ALLEGIANCE[hr] CONSTITUTION • NS REGION • REGIONAL FORUM • CITIZENSHIP OFFICE • REGIONAL MAP • DISCORD SERVER [hr] Population: 151(Up from 60) Government:- Founder: Cloud Peoples Chancellor: Lollerland WA Delegate: Lollerland Minister For Internal Affairs: Yusukistan Minister For...
  3. Lollerland

    Invitation to The Spam Olympics!

    Our forum is back and so is The Spam Olympics!
  4. Lollerland

    Invitation to The Spam Olympics!

    The Spam Olympics has begun! Head over to our forum to take part!
  5. Lollerland

    Invitation to The Spam Olympics!

    You are welcome! So can I expect to see you participating?
  6. Lollerland

    Invitation to The Spam Olympics!

    The Universal Allegiance invites everyone from TNP to participate in The Spam Olympics which shall be held in The Universal Allegiance's offsite forum. The Spam Olympics will be a week long event in which spammers from various regions comes together at one place and spam their hearts out, bring...
  7. Lollerland

    Hi TNP!

    Greeting from TUA :) How are you all?
  8. Lollerland

    The Universal Allegiance

    Name of your region: The Universal Allegiance Link to your region's forums: Head of Government: Lollerland Head of State: The Cloud Peoples Minister for Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Lollerland Short description of your region: Democratic...