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  1. Winter Vacationers


    Good luck with your RL stuff, Dalimbar.
  2. Winter Vacationers


    Sorry to hear about the fire. Hope everyone was okay.
  3. Winter Vacationers

    Fan Page in facebook

    I like!
  4. Winter Vacationers

    Oh dear sweet jesus

    These days, I feel old regardless of what I do. :P
  5. Winter Vacationers

    Address to the region

    He also has a post on the Gameplay forum.
  6. Winter Vacationers

    Regional Assembly Roll Call

    Did someone call for rolls? :) TNP: Winter Vacationers WA: Aztor
  7. Winter Vacationers

    The Regional Election October 2010

    Delegate: Flemingovia Vice Delegate: Blue Wolf II Speaker: Abstain CLO: Abstain
  8. Winter Vacationers

    Flemingovia for delegate

    But if we don't have a government, isn't the government, by definition, not working? :lol:
  9. Winter Vacationers

    TNP Delegacy

    Life is interesting. :)
  10. Winter Vacationers

    honey, I'm home!

    I'm glad you're feeling better, Flem.
  11. Winter Vacationers

    An Idea

    I sorta like the idea, from an evil-shake-things-up POV. I'm not sure about possible repercussions, but the idea has an insidious appeal.
  12. Winter Vacationers

    What shape of government?

    Everyone knows the Constitution is just a GD piece of, um, pixels! :) Seriously, I do think the new government should be less convoluted than the old one.
  13. Winter Vacationers

    Dear TNP

    Nothing unusual. Just another coup. :P
  14. Winter Vacationers

    The Pacific bans RMB spam

    I think it's the distinction between outlawing spam and banjecting spammers. The later is clearly legal.
  15. Winter Vacationers

    The Pacific bans RMB spam

    Banning adspammers sounds good to me!
  16. Winter Vacationers

    Regional Assembly Roll Call

    TNP nation Winter vacationers WA nation Purple State
  17. Winter Vacationers

    Going on strike

    I'd riot over not enough beans. Or maybe too much beans, depending on which way the wind is blowing.
  18. Winter Vacationers

    discuss the weather here

    We got up in the 60's last week. :) But now, we're back down in the 40's. :( At least the snow is gone.
  19. Winter Vacationers

    Join the NPRA

    I just applied. :)
  20. Winter Vacationers

    Anarchy is fun, but...

    I have no objection to "stunts" and "pranks", but all they provide is a quick jolt. Unless we do something, this latest quick jolt will die down and we'll sink back into the morass of apathy.
  21. Winter Vacationers

    The reunion ball

    Winter V walks in, tracking snow into the ballroom floor.
  22. Winter Vacationers

    Say hello, wave goodbye

    Winter V here. I'm still NSing, though not nearly as active as I'd like.
  23. Winter Vacationers

    Roll Call

    I'm here after a side trip to Laz. TNP nation is still Winter Vacationers. WA nation is Quovar, goofing off in far distant regions.
  24. Winter Vacationers


    I have no problem if someone wants to RP as a Nazi, though I think they're misguided because of all the RL baggage. I very definitely DON'T like RL Nazis!
  25. Winter Vacationers

    I am officially delegate of TNP

    I come back after a semi-absence and the Muslims take over? *runs around in panic* :D
  26. Winter Vacationers

    Liberate belgium

    I think the natives would have to wait until they could get the Liberation repealed before they could password-protect their region. ADMIN still isn't making value judgements on "native-ness". It's up to the WA voters whether a passworded region should have its pw removed. But it is nice that...
  27. Winter Vacationers

    Liberate belgium

    As I understand it, the Liberations are a new type of Resolution that removes passwords from conquered regions. That won't free Belgium, but it will allow defenders to march in and hopefully wrest it from the raiders before they turn it into a barren wasteland.
  28. Winter Vacationers

    New Nation

    Welcome to TNP. :)
  29. Winter Vacationers

    What $300,000 can buy you

    The good news is, you can still buy decent places in my neck of the woods for 300K. The bad news is, nobody wants to live in my neck of the woods (including me :P )
  30. Winter Vacationers

    I return

    A somewhat belated "Hi", Elu. :)