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  1. Ceysil

    At Vote:UN Counterterrorism Initiative [Complete]

    Against For all the reasons stated above that are against this proposal. Terrorism is all too frequently thrown around as a reason for invasion : see the US's invasion of Iraq.
  2. Ceysil


    Who, me? Yeah I'm a spy from teh frogs come to infiltrate your establishment. pffft... yeah right :fish:
  3. Ceysil


    Thank you all very much. ;D
  4. Ceysil


    Ceysil humbly requests at least one more UN endorsement, if not more, from the Nations of the North Pacific. I do not wish control of the region, merely to be able to vote on UN proposals.
  5. Ceysil

    Oh those modern fashions

    Bah, I also heard short shorts are coming into fashion with men. The hell with that. I keep my soul patch, my board shorts, and my custom made hemp necklace. Who cares what's in fashion, I care about what doesn't look completely retarted... YMMV, offer void in Kirbystan
  6. Ceysil

    Guys-type thread

    Well you're talking about teenage boys there, Harmoniea. Older, more mature guys are alot different. But we're not romantic cause we like it. We're romantic cause YOU like it, and we like making you happy.
  7. Ceysil

    Guys-type thread

    Guys, you never need an excuse to get in close. I'm not advocating groping here, but in general, the closer you are, the closer they feel to you (catch my drift there?). Now, if you're close and the woman says "back off" do as she says, but don't look for a reason to get close and put your arm...
  8. Ceysil

    Formal Discussion, Constitutional Appendix

    I think this is a wonderful idea! Basially, it's a changelog for the Constitution. IT might be good as a secondary document, too. But basically I like the idea as it is. Dates of changes would be nice, too.
  9. Ceysil

    Formal Discussion

    I believe this is a good decision. Being new here I have sort of a fresh outlook on things, and it seems there is quite alot of beauacracy and paperwork in general to fill out and take care of. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. Anything that helps make the government smaller and quicker also...
  10. Ceysil

    Word Disassociation

  11. Ceysil

    Word Disassociation

  12. Ceysil


    ^ Juggernaut sweat
  13. Ceysil

    I Am...

    I am hungry, and nobody is here at work to relieve me while I nosh
  14. Ceysil

    Word Disassociation

  15. Ceysil

    Fascinating scientific research inside!

    Bush is an asshole, all in favor? < is knocked over by the sheer volume of "Aye"s Whoo.... now, who wants a cup of joe?
  16. Ceysil

    Ever Increasing Better-Thans

    My Audiostrobe glasses are better than your goggles, yet the same thing at the same time, because they are goggles with cool blinky lites and headphones!
  17. Ceysil

    At Vote:Repeal "Replanting Trees" [Complete]

    The people of the Commonwealth of Ceysil vote against this resolution as there is no viable replacement currently on the books. In fact, the replacement that Jey has drafted and coauthored with 666666666 is even worse than the current resolution this one intends to eventually replace, being...
  18. Ceysil

    Word Association

    Brittney (pleasepleaseplease)
  19. Ceysil

    Describe The Person Below You!

    I'm always late to work V is a beautiful women who wants my body
  20. Ceysil

    Word Association

  21. Ceysil

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ is threatened by a female diplomat from Canada?
  22. Ceysil

    I'm Going To...

    I'm going to bed, after I wrench myself away from NS
  23. Ceysil

    Pet Peeves

    PP: Sketchy ass people who think the cops are after them
  24. Ceysil

    Sneaky or Clunky

    No, a robot ninja would be too powerful, and would flip out and destroy the entire planet, as it is scientific fact that one planet cannot contain that amount of awesome
  25. Ceysil


    Remember, it's not a conspiracy THEORY when theres really a conspiracy afoot
  26. Ceysil

    Describe the Person Above You

    ^ seems to understand I only mean my meanness in the nicest mean way possible
  27. Ceysil

    I Am...

    I am amazed at the amount of spam here, and no longer wonder how people have so high a post count
  28. Ceysil

    Pet Peeves

    PP: Work, women, wine (day after)
  29. Ceysil

    Sneaky or Clunky

    Robots are technically more powerful, but Ninjas are way cooler. They can go all crazy and spaz out and kill people... which technically robots can do way better, but ninjas are human and therefore cooler.
  30. Ceysil

    Guys-type thread

    Actually I do feel my relationship is like that, only it's the other way around, with her thinking about me constantly, and me thinking about other things... like pie