
Purpose: To have fun airing any totally outrageous conspiracy therories that you feel like sharing.

In order for the conspiracy to be good, it has to be totally unprovable.

I'm AlHoma and I'm a conspiracy therorist.

Flemingovia is secretly Moldavi. :lol:
Me and some other people here do not actually exist, these posts are created by IFFRPG, that is InvisionFree Forum's Random Post Generator. Some of our former delegates have been a creation of IF code. Of course we, the pieces of code, have invaded the NationStates servers as well.

Sleep tight, you ARE alone. :bat:
No, because, when I founded the ADN, it was part of a pact with IP(Flemingovia(Tresville(Cathyy(Stars of Sky(Snotknocker(Carops(IP))))))). The plan is to utterly polarize the entire NS community, at which time we will close all the regions except for 0000000000000 LAND OF HUGGLES, which will become the new feeder.


If you examine the dust jacket on Jennifer Government, you will notice a peculiar fact - not all of the periods line up correctly with the remainder of the line. If you then apply this to the remainder of the text, you will find this repeated. However, not all of these signals are legitimate. The vast majority of these appear at the end of sentences contining a passive clause, which, as any change in the game will come from activity, is obviously a signal that the sign is false.

Therefore, examining only the active sentences, you will find that the fifth word (five feeders) preceding every "dropped period", as we like to call them, contains exactly three vowels! So, by then examining the third letter of every fifth word of chapter six (six warzones), we receive the following message -


And if you can't figure it out from there, maybe you deserve to be left in the wake.
Well, if you omit the last two letters u and r (for "you are", which is the codeword for the start of the code), the rest of the anagram is:

Judgement self-will scumming fang
I am secretly passing information to someone somewhere. Evidence? Romanoffia saw right through my use of the old expression "Don't put the cart before the horse", and distinguished it as a clever "secret handshake" to any conspirators in that particular chatroom at that time.
Everything that has happened in this region recently is part of the Lemurian conspiracy.


1. Lemuria and Lexicon both begin with the letter "L"

2. Both have seven letters. Seven is the number of completion. They are completing their plans for this region.

3. Both are prefixed by the word "the" (except Lemuria).

4. If you look at the Maps of Lemuria and the Lexicon, the Rose Line goes through both of them.

5. When the director of the National Gallery in London was shot recently, he spent the last moments of his life scrawling on Constable's the Hay Wain the words "Wimp, replant nuns", which everyone thought was a reference to the ancient order of the nuns of the Templar. However, Robert Langdon has pointed out that this is an anagram of "Lemurians pwn tnp". Spooky, huh?

6. People might say that Lexicon is the conspiracy, not Lemuria. But Robert Langdon has also pointed out that "lexicon" is an anagram of the latin phrase (written backwards by Leonardo da Vinci "oc lin xe" = "ex nil co (short for Conspiratum - conspiracy)". Translated this is in English: "Conspiracy out of nothing", or "meaningless conspiracy". "Lemuria" on the other hand is an anagram of a phrase in English coined by Sir Isaac Newton: "I am rule" - or "I am king".

7. Ever since I worked this out I have been stalked by a strange albino Mother Superior who keeps trying to throttle me with her rosary beads. Coincidence? I think not.
the ADN secretly used a time machine to kill Kennedy, start WW1 and also disguised itself as the serpent in the garden of eden..