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  1. Wymondham

    [Private] R4R Regarding "On the Need for Further Clarification on Restarting Voting Periods"

    Looks like we've got a new R4R from the Court Examiner. Anyone fancy being moderating justice?
  2. Wymondham

    [Private] Full Discord Logs July 11 2023 - November 11 2023

    Pallaith, Just a Minister — 09/08/2023 15:03 That was a good reminder of why doing forum stuff on mobile is terrible. Got one out but the rest will have to wait for when I get home Pallaith, Just a Minister — 09/08/2023 21:03 @Court I have updated the rulings thread and have entries for the four...
  3. Wymondham

    Wym for Justice 2: Electric Boogaloo

    My fellow North Pacificans. I am once again asking for your electoral support to become a Court Justice! To those who do not yet know me, Hello! I am Wymondham, but please call me Wym. I am running for another term as Court Justice after stepping up to the plate in a special election we had a...
  4. Wymondham

    The North Pacific v. The Northern Boys, Palvatone.

    In the matter of The North Pacific v. The Northern Boys, Palvatone, the indictment is accepted by the Court. The Court is now in session. @Wymondham will serve as Moderating Justice, @Lord Dominator will serve as Standby Hearing Officer. Delegate @Kaschovia shall appoint a prosecutor. The...
  5. Wymondham

    [PRIVATE] The Northern Boys and Palvatone Indictment Thoughts on the above, seems to me there is a prima facie case?
  6. Wymondham

    Wym for Justice: Keeping the Court in 'Order!'

    Howdy y'all! For those that do not yet know me, I'm Wym and I'm running for justice!! While I am a relative newcomer to TNP's formidable legal tradition, I have a great deal of legal experience in other regions, which I feel would be of great use given the ongoing debate around legal reform. I...
  7. Wymondham

    Resignation as Minister of Foreign Affairs

    After considering my position carefully over the past week and a half, recent events, which have overtaken me publishing this statement by about 18 hours or so have led me to believe I can no longer serve in an administration under Delegate Hulldom. I cannot, with good conscience, serve in an...
  8. Wymondham

    New Distributions System

    For Immediate Distribution New Distribution Method for TNP Communications Greetings! Due to advances in technology over the past few decades TNP has decided to alter the way in which we deliver communications to our friends and allies. Going forwards TNP will be delivering all of its...
  9. Wymondham

    Midterm Address March 2023

    Hello again fellow Citizens of The North Pacific, The profile of the Minister of Foreign Affairs is alternatively exceedingly high profile and utterly anonymous. While the Minister may influence said profile to some degree via the signing of new treaties, that which brings the Minister to the...
  10. Wymondham

    Roll Call January 2023

    Hear ye, oh hear ye! Please fill out the following and post in this thread. The roll call will be open for 72 hours at which point those who have not responded will be banished to the twilight zone removed from the ministry. Name: Current posting(s): Which off-site platforms of the region you...
  11. Wymondham

    Opening Address January 2023

    My fellow citizens, It is my honour and privilege to have been appointed to serve as your Minister of Foreign Affairs for the next four months. I am immensely fortunate to be able to take over the ministry after my predecessor and boss @Hulldom did such an outstanding job over the past eight...
  12. Wymondham

    Closing address

    Although I have not served in the role of Minister of Culture for as long as one might ideally like, I firmly believe that I have left the ministry in a better place than I found it. The fat has been trimmed off the ministry; leaving a leaner and more efficient cultural machine for my...
  13. Wymondham

    Turtle Day Creative Competition!!!

    Greetings Peasants Hello Fellow Citizens! To belatedly mark Turtle Day - a celebration of the exploits of the great saviour of NationStates, Eluvatar, we are holding a creative competition!! Show me your best turtle themed art, poems, stories, etc. Anything creative and turtle themed goes! The...
  14. Wymondham


    Nickname(s)?: Wym Main Nation?: Th empire of wymondham RL Country?: Great britain( England specifically) Favourite Colour(s)?: Blue Do you use Discord? Yes Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Right of centre Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Forums games