Search results

  1. Romanoffia

    Just watching. :D

    I've not been active in the game for many years, but still have fun watching the region and forum. :D
  2. Romanoffia

    Pun Wars - Post your worst puns

    Resistance is futile, but capacity has potential.
  3. Romanoffia

    Just a quick question -

    I was put on moderation and was taken off moderation last night. Now, suddenly, I am back on moderation for my posts. What did I do now? Just curious.
  4. Romanoffia

    Roman for Justice

    I'm going to run a low key campaign, so, I will keep this to a minimum. I've served several terms as a justice going way back. My first term as a justice probably goes back 10 years or so. There are three principles I will primarily follow: Due Process, The Constitution, Legal Code and...
  5. Romanoffia

    A Public Apology To El Fiji Grande and a number of others I have offended

    I would like to apologise publicly for an unusually ugly thread I posted in which I offended @El Fiji Grande in a totally unacceptable, reprehensible and uncalled for manner, as well as others, as well as a PM I sent to @El Fiji Grande, which was equally uncalled for under any circumstances. I...
  6. Romanoffia

    Recall Reform Act

    Here's the proposition. Either as a stand-alone Constitutional Amendment or as a specific stand-alone law:
  7. Romanoffia

    Resignation from the Security Council

    Dear Mr. Vice Delegate, I apparently have outlived my usefulness in The North Pacific. If the people have decided they want me out for whatever reason, who am I to question them. I has been a pleasure serving The North Pacific in this capacity for so many years. I hereby tender my...
  8. Romanoffia

    Request for Review

    1. What law, government policy, or action (taken by a government official) do you request that the Court review? The Laws Pertaining to who sits on the Security Council 2. What portions of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Legal Code, or other legal document do you believe has been violated by...
  9. Romanoffia

    Motion to recall El Fiji Grande as Speaker.

    I hereby make a motion that El Fiji Grande, Speaker of the house, be recalled and removed from office as Speaker of the House for his personal attacks, unbecoming of an officer of the Government for personal attacks against an RA and SC member. To wit: see thread here: I have demanded that...
  10. Romanoffia

    Motion to Table "Recall Romanoffia From The Security Council"

    As a matter of order, I submit a motion to table the vote to "Recall Romanoffia" from the Security Council by virtue of the fact that Romanoffia is back with a vengeance and a sense of humour that would slay a dragon.
  11. Romanoffia

    Roman Has Returned! All Hail Roman!

    Roman Returns To The North Pacific! A Free Pony For Everyone! (Reuters - 2/23/19) Romanoffia, aka Novare Res, has returned to The North Pacific and declares he will become Delegate by engaging in a programme of Pony Redistribution. "I have noticed that some people have ponies and other people...
  12. Romanoffia

    Roman For Justice (Special Election)

    Had a longer post, but Microsoft Windows had other ideas and crashed. Ask me questions.
  13. Romanoffia

    Login Glitch

    Just a heads up on a technical issue involving Firefox browser - had a problem trying to log in to the forum for the past week - any attempts were met with a failure to connect to the server that hosts the forum. The symptoms of the problem are: 1.) You go to the forum URL and the page comes...
  14. Romanoffia

    The Dojo of Roman - Quote of the day

    Today's philosophical quote: “This is very similar to the suggestion put forward by the Quirmian philosopher Ventre, who said, "Possibly the gods exist, and possibly they do not. So why not believe in them in any case? If it's all true you'll go to a lovely place when you die, and if it isn't...
  15. Romanoffia

    Reduction of Warning Level

    Not sure if this is the proper place to make such a request, but, I would like to petition the Admins to reduce my warn level if they see fit.
  16. Romanoffia

    Roman for Vice Delegate

    Now that I have once again more time to dedicate to The North Pacific, I have decided to run for Vice Delegate.* All I can say is that I am a good functionary and bureaucrat and only wish to do the job for the benefit of The North Pacific. I have been once 'Caretaker Delegate' and twice "Acting...
  17. Romanoffia

    Oh, Great Flemingovia God!

    I suspect that you are indeed a fan of Gilbert and Sullivan, and discovered this record album (11 78 RPM records, 22 sides total) from 1927 and thought you could use it for a basis for one of your future hymns. It is quite ironic on so many levels. :jack: :w00t:
  18. Romanoffia

    Bootise's Security Council Application

    The Security Council has nominated Bootsie for a seat on the Security Council. The vote for his admission was unanimous, with 6 ayes. The Chair now presents this to the Regional Assembly for discussion.
  19. Romanoffia

    VOTE: Bootsie's SC Application

    Bootsie (Guslantis) has applied to join the Security Council. Members can view a discussion of this application here. Members of the Security Council may vote aye, nay, abstain, or an equivalent. This vote will be open for five days.
  20. Romanoffia

    Roman for Justice: Unusually Bland Campaign Thread

    Justices should be bland. Or at least not flamboyant. That's my campaign concept and I'm sticking to it.
  21. Romanoffia

    This needs to be the Official TNP Anthem! LOL!

    OK, I found what is the perfect Anthem for The North Pacific honouring our Pirate Heritage! :lol:
  22. Romanoffia

    Proposal: Civil Service Act

    Just an idea that is floating around my noggin to make government more efficient and to encourage more involvement on the part of idlers and new nations. Why don't we provide for a 'civil service' system in which we have 'civil servants at large' who volunteer to fill in where needed to perform...
  23. Romanoffia

    Roman for Justice

    Roman for Justice. My platform is simple: 1.) Apply the law according to the Constitution. 2.) Change Court Rules to give the Chief Justice more authority to maintain order by clearly defining "Contempt of Court" and the penalties for being a jackass before the court. No more Mr. Nice Guy...
  24. Romanoffia

    Civil War Short Film - "A Walk With Death"

    This short film was done by a friend of mine a few years back. It is absolutely astounding. Make sure you watch in HD, and have a good sound system attached to your computer. You will not be disappointed. The narration is from the poem, "The...
  25. Romanoffia

    I finally figured out what is wrong with America

    Read this story, and wonder. :lol: Hitchhiking robot's cross-country trip in US ends prematurely in Philly I could have told them that this would have happened. :headbang: :lol:
  26. Romanoffia

    The Adventures of "Who Farted?"

    The travel log of the nation of Who Farted?. Emperor Flatus Ignitus reports that after being totally noxious (literally and figuratively) in the region of Europeia, was unable to get the highly tolerant Delegate of that region to eject the nation of Who Farted. Europeia gets a 10 out of 10...
  27. Romanoffia

    Most Ejected Nation - The Ultimate NS Gag

    OK, in keeping with Tao The Wanderer, I will now go for the NS World Record for The Most Ejected Nation with this nation: Who Farted?!. I will move from region to region and request to be ejected from the region on their respective RMB. They will be given 24 hours and the results will be posted...
  28. Romanoffia

    Flemingovian "Tea Party"?!

    If I didn't know any better, it appears that Flemingovia has just created The TEA Party of The North Pacific! :lol: Read:
  29. Romanoffia

    Romanoffia for Vice Delegate

    How does one go about explaining why one would want to be Vice Delegate? I suppose I could go into grandiose statements of political philosophy and policy, but that would be a largely meaningless endeavour that would dilute my reasons for running for the position. So where do I start? When McM...
  30. Romanoffia

    Oh, NO! Someone passed a law against Silly String!

    A beer out the nose moment: