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  1. Romanoffia

    Resignation from the Security Council

    Dear Mr. Vice Delegate, I apparently have outlived my usefulness in The North Pacific. If the people have decided they want me out for whatever reason, who am I to question them. I has been a pleasure serving The North Pacific in this capacity for so many years. I hereby tender my...
  2. Romanoffia

    Roman Has Returned! All Hail Roman!

    Why would I do that? Out of the blue, for no reason, some of you decide to ram-rod me for no legal reason. No, do what you want. I'm not going to be a punching bag for the mob.
  3. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    The North Pacific is not Canada. First of all, you don't even know me by your own admission. Second, you seem to think it arrogant if someone says they are going to run for Delegate in an election? How very rude of you. I've about had it at this point. Purge away. Have at it. Have fun. Wreck...
  4. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    Look, in all reality, after many years, people who don't even know me have decided I've outlived my usefulness. Frankly, you are all probably right about this. I find it very sad that some people think they need to purge people who have violated no rule and have done their duty to the letter of...
  5. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    I'm about done with The North Pacific after 16 years. You people are idiots to purge the very people who know how to get things done.
  6. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    Let me tell you something. I started playing NS back in November 2002 when it started. Now, today, for the first time, I have been shit on by The North Pacific (a region I have always been in and no other). I am about to be removed from the Security Council (which I created) by the Speaker of...
  7. Romanoffia

    Request for Review

    1. What law, government policy, or action (taken by a government official) do you request that the Court review? The Laws Pertaining to who sits on the Security Council 2. What portions of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Legal Code, or other legal document do you believe has been violated by...
  8. Romanoffia

    Roman Has Returned! All Hail Roman!

    OK, two ponies! And a box of Cracker Jack!
  9. Romanoffia

    Motion to recall El Fiji Grande as Speaker.

    I hereby make a motion that El Fiji Grande, Speaker of the house, be recalled and removed from office as Speaker of the House for his personal attacks, unbecoming of an officer of the Government for personal attacks against an RA and SC member. To wit: see thread here: I have demanded that...
  10. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    You don't get it, do you? Put it to a vote. No matter how it turns out, watch what happens.
  11. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    I move for a vote. It only makes it easier for me to run for Delegate no matter how the vote goes.
  12. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    So, in other words, you are holding me to your standard which you hold higher than the Law and Constitution? There is no legal requirement to actually endotart. There is only the Law to maintain a level of endorsements. What you are asking for is to remove someone from the SC because you...
  13. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    I promise you a free pony! If the speaker won't table this, as set by precedent (and I cite the Bigfoot Surstrommung Bill and others), then I move this go to a vote after seven days of discussion. There are a lot of issue here in terms of procedure, precedent and practice. I now have the time...
  14. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    The detailed reason is that my father died, my brother died, and I was left to take care of my 92 year old bat-shit crazy mother. You try doing that and remaining active at anything. You wanted a reason, you got it. That said, I have been keeping abreast of the goings on in TNP. I'll he honest...
  15. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    The other alternative is that I file a brief with the Court and request a clarification constitutionally as to the entire recall as per the legal and constitutional definition of the requirements of a recall. For instance, you can recall anyone from any position for which you can recall them...
  16. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    Please cite the standing rules in text form. Remember, I was Speaker many years ago.
  17. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    Too much has change. In fact, it has changed too much in favour of preventing change in and of itself. Technically speaking, under historical precedence, a Speaker can prevent something from coming to a vote or the RA can simply table a vote by a simple vote. And this is one of the problems of...
  18. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    I fully intend to endotard with a murderous vengeance, just to please those who want me to endotart. I may not use conventional methods, but endotart I will. :D
  19. Romanoffia

    Motion to Table "Recall Romanoffia From The Security Council"

    As a matter of order, I submit a motion to table the vote to "Recall Romanoffia" from the Security Council by virtue of the fact that Romanoffia is back with a vengeance and a sense of humour that would slay a dragon.
  20. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    Personally, I have had votes on bills tabled by the Speaker or RA in the past. Custom and practice. Dig though the records. Something to do with protecting Big Foot as an endangered species. That's just one instance.
  21. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    I am making a motion to table the vote as other votes have, historically been speaking, tabled by the Regional Assembly or Speaker in the past.
  22. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    1.) My father passed away at 92 years old. My brother passed away at 58 years old. Have been trying to arrange for someone to help take care of my 92 year old mother who is bat-shit crazy. 2.) I'm going to campaign and run for Delegate, and come hell or high water, I will win. 3.) Much to the...
  23. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    Technically, the Speaker can do whatever the Speaker decides to do. Then, lacking the means to table this vote (and be sure that there are no rules, means and procedures to do so before not tabling it :D ). I move for a vote to dismiss this whole matter.
  24. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    1.) I have been very busy in RL. 2.) My plan is to move out of inactivity and run for Delegate. 3.) I intend to fully engage in every activity and duty required of me. And then get elected Delegate.
  25. Romanoffia

    Roman Has Returned! All Hail Roman!

    Roman Returns To The North Pacific! A Free Pony For Everyone! (Reuters - 2/23/19) Romanoffia, aka Novare Res, has returned to The North Pacific and declares he will become Delegate by engaging in a programme of Pony Redistribution. "I have noticed that some people have ponies and other people...
  26. Romanoffia

    Greitbart: Breaking News: Former Delegate Siwale Threatened

    And just wait until I'm Delegate. A FREE PONY FOR EVERYONE!
  27. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    I'll motion for the motion to be tabled! (just as long as there's some Guinness Stout on the table). :D
  28. Romanoffia

    Recall Novare Res from the Security Council

    A lot of you have been wondering my silence for such a long period of time. I have been very busy in RL for any number of reason. That said, I have been waiting for a particular set of conditions to trigger my very active involvement in The North Pacific. Some of the older nations here will...
  29. Romanoffia

    Greitbart: Breaking News: Former Delegate Siwale Threatened

    We're not done investigating the West Pacific Collusion issue.