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  1. primebie1

    @INFO Presents: Nations in Profile Application Thread

    Coat of Arms: Anthem: Three Parts of Unity Capital: Trishan Official Language: Trinnish National, Regional or Minority Language: Syrixian minority, other former Syrixian Empire languages, Mercanti Religion: Secular Demonym: Trinnish Government Type: Triumvirate with national...
  2. primebie1

    Armoured Testing

    Commander Jake Lewis of the 1st 'Steel Talons' Armoured Regiment was doing the final checks on the T-78 designated for his arrival, alongside her crew, hoping she would perform well in the tests to come, despite a large amount of META wide investment and development on this tank, she was his...
  3. primebie1

    Race to 600,000 Posts!

    I feel this is a suitable reason to return to spam
  4. primebie1

    The Sangatha

    "As we are not here for military matters, the Triple Federation abstains from this vote."
  5. primebie1

    The Sangatha

    Alexander Marston looked out the window from his vehicle, running though possibly scenarios in his mind... "Alex, you remember your briefings?" "What? Oh, yes Alto, no agreements to anything military, nothing that breaches META agreements, etc..." "Good, also, we're here, get ready."...
  6. primebie1

    Armoured Testing

    TO: The Nations of the METANK Project You are invited to send Representatives of your respective nations to the testing of the T-78 "Finaliser" Main Battle Tank at MLS Biton base on the 7th of June 2018. The testing will involve urban, woodland, and grassland tests of movement and turret...
  7. primebie1

    Meterra Economic Treaty Association

    The Triple Federation votes as follows: AYE- The admittance of the Empire of Perengrium NAY- The admittance of Champion Bay AYE- Mouxordian Membership Proposals AYE- Article Two Amendment
  8. primebie1

    International Economic Forum

    The Triple Federation of Trinster would like to inform the IEF General Body of its Ratification of the agreement.
  9. primebie1

    Local News Topic

    May 1st, 2018 TRISHAN, TRISHAN EXECUTIVE REGION, TRINSTER -- After a long campaign by all 3 major parties, the results of the 2018 Trinnish General Elections are in, the Liberal Alliance claims top spot with 35,800,025 votes, with the Conservative Coalition in 2nd with 12,200,000 votes, and the...
  10. primebie1

    [Archive this Plz] Eras Map Claims Topic

    [/spoiler] ~LL
  11. primebie1

    Meterra Economic Treaty Association

    The Triple Federation would like to re-iterate its wish that Naizerre's proposal be a temporary proposal while the META Standards Committee continues to our end goal of total standards harmonisation, as this is almost certainly the best option for a functional and united META. We would also...
  12. primebie1

    Trinnish Ambasadorial System

    The TDoFR wishes to formally extend ambasadorial links to all Erasian nations, it is hopped that this system can be used for communicating between our nations. The Triple Federation will also offer travel advisories and other nessisary services as needed.
  13. primebie1

    Meterra Economic Treaty Association

    The Triple Federation approves of Mouxordia, Lancereia and Naizerre's suggestions, but would like to promote the goal of standards harmonisation, lest we get complacent. The Triple Federation would also like to ask what Sutherland could offer META.
  14. primebie1

    [Inaius]Galactic News Thread

    //++INCOMING TRANSMISSION++\ A WARNING TO THE GALAXY The Axlon Network hereby warns all external organics and synthetics to remain outside its borders. Entering Axlon space will be seen as an act of war by the individual, and result in a reaction befitting of war. Permission may be granted to...
  15. primebie1

    [FT]Intergalactic Institute of Stellar Cartography

    I would like to claim this territory for the Axlon Network
  16. primebie1

    Meterra Economic Treaty Association

    The Triple Federation of Trinster would like to enquire into what economic benefits the Empire of Lozinak and the Social Republic of Champion Bay hopes to achieve, and what economic benefit they can contribute to META.
  17. primebie1

    [Archive this Plz] Eras Map Claims Topic

    Note: Consider this your last time. I've already readded your nation in the exact same forum more times then I care to count and its getting a little old. ~LL
  18. primebie1

    The Synthetic War

    July 30th, 2052. 6 days ago, all communication with the Triple Federation of Trinster was lost, all EVA units situated outside the nation shut down, in accordance with their safety protocols. The world was shocked by this sudden loss of contact, various nations had attempted time and time again...
  19. primebie1


    winning to save my map spot
  20. primebie1

    Meterra Economic Treaty Association

    The Triple Federation puts its support behind the Meten proposal, and requests a analysis to be performed so META nations may have an idea of the impact to their respective economies.
  21. primebie1

    Meterra Economic Treaty Association

    The Triple Federation of Trinster votes the following: The Acceptance of The Lancerian Empire as a Full Member of META: AYE The Acceptance of the Monarchy of Guslantis as a Full Member of META: AYE The Acceptance of the Bravaedian Empire as an Observer of META: AYE
  22. primebie1

    Meterra Economic Treaty Association

    The Triple Federation of Trinster, after analysing all available information to us, have come to the following decisions: Akhara- Abstain Mouxordia- Aye ABC- Nay The Triple Federation has come to these decisions from the following reasons: Akhara- Insufficient Information Mouxordia- No...
  23. primebie1


    am i winrar?
  24. primebie1

    Old Citizenship Applications

    look who's back, back again, prime is back, tell a friend I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of Trinster, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I...
  25. primebie1

    The North Pacific Bar and Grill

    *facetables* i hate exams
  26. primebie1

    The TNP Skyscraper

    Floor 2CE: Unicode Symbol Storage Area
  27. primebie1

    ASMBL - Semiconductors

    ASMBL - Better Computing Today! ASMBL is announcing a new program for nations to bring large scale semiconductor manufactoring to their lands, this program is based off a nation allowing ASMBL to create a fabrication plant with tax breaks in their nation, in exchange for lower prices for...
  28. primebie1

    [Archive this Plz] Eras Map Claims Topic

    apologies for my lack of posting, i have been burnt out by school, but may i request my plot back?
  29. primebie1

    so like this thing

    Till' we next meet syr