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  1. Reginald Carmichael

    Executive Council Elections

    I'll accept my nomination.
  2. Reginald Carmichael

    VOTE: January 2012 Vice Delegate Run-Off

    TNP Nation: Sovreignry North Pacific Vice Delegate: Eluvatar
  3. Reginald Carmichael

    Request for Review: WA Disclosure Requirement in Elections

    From Wikipedia "In common law legal systems, the term black letter law is used to refer to the technical legal rules to be applied in a particular area, which are most often largely well-established and no longer subject to reasonable dispute." -
  4. Reginald Carmichael

    DRUK: For Richer North Pacifican Society

    Tim is probably the least credible as leader of the UDL honestly. Love the guy, think he's been doing great, but he has the credibility of a monk fish. He was formerly a griefer and still holds the belief that some regions should be "burned" in his words.
  5. Reginald Carmichael

    TNP v. Empire of Narnia

    He just said "I am prohibited from posting on the forum,"
  6. Reginald Carmichael

    TNP v. Empire of Narnia

    The defendant as replied to my telegram informing him of these proceedings stating that he cannot post on the forums. He also had a plea in the telegram. If it pleases the court I could post the telegram and we can proceed.
  7. Reginald Carmichael

    Motion to recall AJ Gaspo

    I second the motion for immediate vote.
  8. Reginald Carmichael

    Court Filings

    Pursuant to Chapter 3, Section 3.3, Clause 11, of the Legal Code, which states that "[a]ny Justice may approve or deny an indictment, and their decision will be final," this indictment is respectfully submitted for judicial approval. Sincerely, Sovreignry Deputy Attorney General of The North...
  9. Reginald Carmichael

    Court Filings

    Pursuant to Chapter 3, Section 3.3, Clause 11, of the Legal Code, which states that "[a]ny Justice may approve or deny an indictment, and their decision will be final," this indictment is respectfully submitted for judicial approval. Additionally, the Attorney General's office would ask that...
  10. Reginald Carmichael

    Christmas Recess

    And to all a good night.
  11. Reginald Carmichael

    Astarial complaint against Empire of Narnia

    Empire of Narnia, if you want to negotiate your plea deal you can either telegram me and my main nation of Sovreignry or PM me on IRC.
  12. Reginald Carmichael

    Dear Deputies

    I can take the fraud case against Empire of Narnia.
  13. Reginald Carmichael

    Dear Deputies

    Which one do you want me to take?
  14. Reginald Carmichael

    Dear Deputies

    Just let me know which one you need me to take.
  15. Reginald Carmichael

    Oaths of Office

    I, Sovreignry, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Deputy Attorney General, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  16. Reginald Carmichael

    [Complete]AT VOTE: Condemn The United Defenders League [Complete]

    Nay, Osiris as well once they get their vote up.
  17. Reginald Carmichael

    Case Against JAL

    Well that sounds good. In JAL related news, he isn't online, but I'm not sure he actually has any evidence about FEC.
  18. Reginald Carmichael

    Court Filings

    Pursuant to Chapter 3, Section 3.3, Clause 11, of the Legal Code, which states that "[a]ny Justice may approve or deny an indictment, and their decision will be final," this indictment is respectfully submitted for judicial approval. Sincerely, Sovreignry Deputy Attorney General of The North...
  19. Reginald Carmichael

    Results: November 2012 Vice Delegate Special Election

    Congrats on a campaign well fought guys. So, any debates for the run-off?
  20. Reginald Carmichael

    The Unity Party

    Midnight I could maybe do, but that's at update.
  21. Reginald Carmichael

    The Unity Party

    I could meet at that time.
  22. Reginald Carmichael

    At Vote: RIGHTS OF THE DISABLED[Archived] [Complete]

    Against, and Osiris EDIT: voted somewhere else after voting here.
  23. Reginald Carmichael

    My Ejection from the WA

    And blaming the ADN isn't? :P
  24. Reginald Carmichael

    Motion to recall the Vice Delegate

    I said nothing about supporting or not supporting the recall. I just mentioned that if Abbey wasn't so obvious about he hatred of the UDL she might have a better time convincing people she's not anti-UDL.
  25. Reginald Carmichael

    Motion to recall the Vice Delegate

    People might find it easier to agree with you that it's not about the UDL if you didn't make your hatred of it so blindingly obvious. And if real life got in the way of your duties as AG you should have resigned.