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  1. Andromeda Islands


    Silly n00b. :fish: Technically Flemingovia is a n00b comared to me: I have been on the planet Earth(in the 'real' world) longer than flemingovia, and at nationstates longer... not that that is important or significant in any way.
  2. Andromeda Islands


    Well, let me put it this way. Can the delegate (currently Sydia) actually ban members who nuke each other if s/he wants to and/or if a regional law were passed. The way some delegates, for example, ban nations who violate the endorsement-cap? As I am sure you know, the resolution to ban nukes...
  3. Andromeda Islands


    Which forum is an idea for a regional law supposed to be in?
  4. Andromeda Islands


    Explain something to me. If it is not possible to nuke another nation, why do nations have nuclear weapons?
  5. Andromeda Islands


    :agree: Should nations in the North Pacific which use nukes against other nations in this region be banned? Yes they should. :agree:
  6. Andromeda Islands

    Nuclear Weapons

    :bat: We hope that a resolution on this can be voted upon at the wa soon. The last one was so close.
  7. Andromeda Islands

    Nuclear Weapons

    yes they should
  8. Andromeda Islands


    :bat: :worship: thanks you have nice emoticons
  9. Andromeda Islands


    I have arrived from the East Pacific. Didn't like it there, so I am here.