Search results

  1. Nimarya

    Eras Map Claim Thread #3

    [/spoiler] Note: Accepted with minor changes as per Rule 1a. ~LL
  2. Nimarya

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Accepted for Home Affairs! I will send you a message shortly.
  3. Nimarya

    List 4: Issue Answerers for Citizenship

    Claim: 161-360 Number of rows: 200 Delivered: 1392 Blocked: 141
  4. Nimarya

    List 3: WA Endorsers for NPA

    Claim: 101-106 Number of rows: 6 Delivered: 41 Blocked: 2
  5. Nimarya

    May 2020 Report

    Home Affairs has been busy this past month! We’ve focused primarily on cleaning house and laying the groundwork for a better system going forward, and I’m proud to say that I think we’ve succeeded. HA’s Roster The first and most important thing we’ve done is set up a new roster system for HA...
  6. Nimarya

    The North Pacific Great Card Giveaway

    Hello! I would like to put in a request. Destination nation: Nimarya Link to card:
  7. Nimarya

    List 3: WA Endorsers for NPA

    Claim: 21-40 Number of rows: 20 Delivered: 150 Blocked: 10
  8. Nimarya

    List 3: WA Endorsers for NPA

    FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE, SEE Remember to change the [Your Nation] at the end of the telegram to the name of your nation! In order to collect accurate delivery report data, I ask that you please create a new template every...
  9. Nimarya

    HA Pen Pals Application Thread

    Have you ever checked your nation’s notifications and saw you got a telegram, only to find that this telegram was little more than an impersonal mass telegram or promotional message? Have you ever wished you could receive an actual letter from someone, one on one? With this Pen Pal program...
  10. Nimarya

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Denied for HA.
  11. Nimarya

    Oaths of Office

    I, Nimarya, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Press Secretary, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...