Search results

  1. Gracius Maximus

    Thoughts on approaches to sentencing?

    While I understand that the majority of TNPers are not avid followers of the Court, I wonder if anyone has opinions on the two sentencing perspectives put forth by St George and CoE in the current trail? As the AG for the trial of Tomb, I felt previous service to the region was a mitigating...
  2. Gracius Maximus

    Voting: May 2019 General Election

    Delegate: < Lady Raven Wing > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: < Sil Dorsett > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < Artemis > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Attorney General: < Darcania > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  3. Gracius Maximus

    The AGORA Act

    A way to fix it would be to have a periodically elected person to serve in this capacity...oh wait.
  4. Gracius Maximus

    Citizenship Application Rejection

    Flemingovia is Satan. :p
  5. Gracius Maximus

    Citizenship Application Rejection

    I’ve tried to tell them that you don’t matter, are all bluster and no bite, and largely ineffectual unless someone hands you some logs to leak but they haven’t listened. I know you aren’t a threat to TNP because you aren’t a threat period. Oh well.
  6. Gracius Maximus

    Voting: March 2019 Judicial Election

    Court Justice (select up to 3):]< King SillyString | Eluvatar | bootsie > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  7. Gracius Maximus

    Citizenship Applications

    Issued solely on behalf of the Minister, leader of Gracius Maximus: Nation: Gracius Maximus I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no...
  8. Gracius Maximus

    Request for Review: Citizenship Oath Amendment

    While I disagree with some parts of the ruling, I thank the Court for its detailed response.
  9. Gracius Maximus

    Admin Requests

    You may not want this but on the old forum there was a link to the past governmental forums. I have converted the NPD forum to Tapatalk if you wish to include it:
  10. Gracius Maximus

    New Administrator

  11. Gracius Maximus

    Request for Review: Citizenship Oath Amendment

    Is there an update on the status of this request available from the Court? I know the seven day window is only a suggestion within the Rules and not a hard and fast policy. Thanks!
  12. Gracius Maximus

    Request for Review: Citizenship Oath Amendment

    Has the Court extended the period for briefs on this request? The Court Rules indicate that the period will be for five days from acceptance (21 January) unless it is extended. Thank you.
  13. Gracius Maximus

    Request for Review: Citizenship Oath Amendment

    To me, this question devolves to who ‘I’ am in regards to the North Pacific. If I take the oath as it is written, without the opportunity afforded others to qualify who ‘I’ is then there is an assumption, in my opinion, that this is a uniform application for me in an OOC sense. As the...
  14. Gracius Maximus

    Request for Review: Citizenship Oath Amendment

    No worries. I just wanted clarification regarding the earlier statements.
  15. Gracius Maximus

    Request for Review: Citizenship Oath Amendment

    I would request the basis of the interpretation that a lack of explanation demands a lack of alteration. Chester Arthur and most of his successors, in another universe, would disagree. Also, in regard to Submission Two and the linking issue, I have modified my submission to accommodate this...
  16. Gracius Maximus

    Request for Review: Citizenship Oath Amendment

    Submission One I would like to submit to the Court examples from the Citizenship Application thread where oaths have been altered to include qualifiers and accepted for citizenship since April 2018: #6156 #6192 #6313 #6326 #6353 #6361 #6415 #6418 #6420 #6478 #6487 #6491 #6499 #6513 #6518 #6520...
  17. Gracius Maximus

    Request for Review: Citizenship Oath Amendment

    Can I inquire if Justice Stabby will be sitting on this review panel? I ask because the law in question was instigated by their own application rejection following a lack of uniform enforcement of the oath structure and because they stated their preference for this to be reviewed by the...
  18. Gracius Maximus

    Citizenship Applications

    I have posted a Request for Review in the Court regarding this:
  19. Gracius Maximus

    Request for Review: Citizenship Oath Amendment

    1. What law, government policy, or action (taken by a government official) do you request that the Court review? The enforcement of the 'Citizenship Oath Amendment' has been inconsistent and the law as it exists prejudices against nations that do opt to refer to themselves as leaders of specific...
  20. Gracius Maximus

    Citizenship Applications

    Has the precedent for the posting of the oath altered in the last year? I just want to be certain as this is the format I have used here since 2006. The most recent being: I should note that I can go back through the...
  21. Gracius Maximus

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation in the North Pacific: I, the Minister, Ruler of Gracius Maximus, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North...
  22. Gracius Maximus

    Criminal Trial Reform

    As the most successful Attorney General and Court Justice in the history of the North Pacific, it has my full support.
  23. Gracius Maximus

    Constitutional Amendment to Relocate Forums

    http://z4.invisionfree.invalid/TheNorthPacific/index.php? Nope. (Invisionfree)
  24. Gracius Maximus

    Constitutional Amendment to Relocate Forums

    I could give someone the NPD forum. It has already been tested.
  25. Gracius Maximus

    Where Am I?

    It looks a bit like Lucca but I think it may be too large and there aren't enough towers.
  26. Gracius Maximus

    Criminal Trial Reform

    Come at me bro. Full support. Hopefully I won't miss the vote.