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  1. Flakey


    Got a pop up for Amazon and Walmart. help
  2. Flakey


    Got a pop up for Amazon and Walmart. help
  3. Flakey

    Petition to Grant Flakey Full Citizenship

    Votes Blue Wolf II Blue Wolf II Blue Wolf II xX-Yalky-Xx The Current Speaker Artemiss
  4. Flakey

    Petition to Grant Flakey Full Citizenship

    Now; I petition the whole region for Citizenship, although I may have multiple Forum Accounts. This application shall not be ruled on by The Vice Delegate, Siwale, The Speaker, Owenstacy, and the Administration Team. To help a Flakey become a Citizen, vote here. You may vote, Yay, Nay, or Abstain.
  5. Flakey

    I blame JAL/Durk for....

    I blame JAL for this grave/dig
  6. Flakey

    [GA, Passed] Marriage Equality [Complete]

    Against SD: WA is Temmff, which is in The Pacific. Doesn't count.
  7. Flakey

    Reduction of Warning Level

    Oh, did not see that.
  8. Flakey

    Reduction of Warning Level

    Oh, did not see that.
  9. Flakey

    Who Posts Next?

    No. Flakey?
  10. Flakey

    Who Posts Next?

    Yes. Flakey?
  11. Flakey

    Who Posts Next?

    Yes. Nessuno?
  12. Flakey

    Reduction of Warning Level

    The system states nothing about asking adminitstrators to lower the warning level. As directly stated, There is however, no mention of a formal appeals process. I only created this thread because i saw others make similar threads in the Moderation Disscussion tab.
  13. Flakey

    Last letter -> First letter

  14. Flakey

    Osana Softworks

    Alexandre Vokel @AlexVOfficial Yes, we have detected nuclear weapons from Nazziere. Don't worry, Cremeden will stop them! RESENDS ~ FAVORITES 800,000 ~ 1,000,000
  15. Flakey

    Reduction of Warning Level

    I would like to reduce my warning level to around the level it was around October 1st. I believe that I had done nothing wrong, and that my warning was only a misscommunication to StGeorge through my Flakey Party Thread. As stated earlier, I only wish for my warning to go back to 10%. Thank you...
  16. Flakey

    Spam post in RP topic

    A Cremeish Military spy ship snooping on Communist Skanada had suddenly gotten a radio signal. "SOS This is Nyoro Sotha of Naizerre. My vessel has broken down and I am stranded in the Meterran Sea. I require rescue. I have evidence of wrongdoing by the current Naizerre authorities with regards...
  17. Flakey

    Admin Requests

    Please close the thread tyvm
  18. Flakey

    The North Pacific Bar and Grill

    no, its comin' sideways
  19. Flakey

    Tug of War

  20. Flakey

    Word Association

  21. Flakey

    Reigning Senatorial Republic of Avlonia

    No banners?
  22. Flakey

    Master Birthday Thread

    Happy Birthday Ludwig!!
  23. Flakey


    We conquered Singapura lol
  24. Flakey

    The Flakey Party!

    The Elu-Flem-McM-igarchy is a threat to the well-being of TNP. Luckily, you're not on the list.
  25. Flakey

    Who Posts Next?

    no taste the flakey Nessuno?
  26. Flakey

    The Flakey Party!

    I don't know
  27. Flakey


  28. Flakey

    The Flakey Party!

    gg StGeorge
  29. Flakey


  30. Flakey

    ABC... What comes next?
