Search results

  1. Abbey

    Staff Registry

    Forum Name: Abbey Position of Preference: < Broadcaster > Level of Availability: (Please describe.). Variable Discord Name: (If you don't have discord, leave this field blank.) abbeym395#1381
  2. Abbey

    Sept. 2017 MoWAA Roll Call

    I'm here
  3. Abbey

    Roll Call

    I am active! Position: < Executive Staffer | Forum Mentor >
  4. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    The following are now citizens, having passed all checks: Hesskin Empire Prydania Blue Wolf II Eskosya Ausrea Marilyn Manson Middle Drazzi AnInternetCat Odbody The following are provisionally granted citizenship, pending checks by the Admin team: Stor Storia Staniel Wtg Possibly this mintman1...
  5. Abbey

    [DRAFT] Education of the Disabled

    This is a very rough draft still but I felt I should put it out there and get feedback now rather than further down the line. I appreciate that in some ways this is more extreme than the resolution it aims to replace but I did say that that might be the case. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
  6. Abbey

    [GA] Repeal: “Enabling The Disabled In Academia” [Complete]

    A replacement is being drafted but is still in the early stages. I hope to have a first draft up in the WALL forum later today.
  7. Abbey

    [GA] Repeal: “Enabling The Disabled In Academia” [Complete]

    No, RL circumstances (my computer breaking) prevented me from drafting it. Today, I should be able to.
  8. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    The following have passed all checks and are now citizens: Zuplan0107 (apologies, failed to fully process you last time) The Fantastic Emo The following are conditionally granted citizenship, pending checks by the VD: Devon Altmoras
  9. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    The following applicants are approved and have been granted citizenship: mcmasterdonia Antarticeuropa The following are conditionally granted citizenship, pending a check by the VD: The Fantastic Emo
  10. Abbey

    McMasterdonia's SC Application

    COE meant that half the delegate's endorsement count is 494, not that the delegate's endorsement count is 494.
  11. Abbey

    [GA] Enabling The Disabled In Academia [Complete]

    I'll write it on my day off on Wednesday.
  12. Abbey

    [GA] Enabling The Disabled In Academia [Complete]

    Has the possibility of specialised units within standard schools for only the most disabled of children occurred to anyone? This would allow for more integration, more opportunities for disabled children and none of this nonsense about it being too expensive. Frankly, I don't *care* if it's...
  13. Abbey

    Oaths of Office

    I, Abbey, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Deputy Speaker, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal, responsible...
  14. Abbey

    Old Citizenship Applications

    Freyford passes the admin check. Denorsweland fails the admin check - proxy. Karsus passes admin check. Redija passes admin check. Hexcrest passes admin check. riznug passes admin check. Wildhurst passes admin check. Denorsweland, you seem to have not been paying attention - the reason...
  15. Abbey

    Results: July 2017 Special Speaker Election

    Congrats Owenstacey. Well fought :)
  16. Abbey

    Abbey for Speaker

    Thank you Pallaith for your kind words, even if not your support. I absolutely would keep Owenstacey as my deputy. I could not be speaker in a vacuum and try to do everything myself as that's just a recipe for failure, and Owenstacey has been a good deputy so I'd definitely keep him. I'd also...
  17. Abbey

    Abbey for Speaker

    Hey there everyone. I’ve decided that I’d like a slight change in pace in NS and that I’d like to fill the Speaker role until September. I’ve got plenty of experience managing spreadsheets and am relatively familiar with all the procedures that I would have to follow due to my general TNP...
  18. Abbey

    July 2017 Judicial Elections: Candidacy Declaration

    I decline my nomination as I am running for speaker.
  19. Abbey

    A motion to recall Bootsie as Speaker

    I wish this weren't needed but it's desperately needed, Owenstacey has done an admirable job but can't cope on his own.
  20. Abbey

    Roll Call 2.0

    I'm here. When do we start our postings?
  21. Abbey


  22. Abbey

    Abbey's Birthday!

    Thank you everyone :) I had a good day.
  23. Abbey

    Closed Eye Hallucinations (You might have this)

    I've had 5 when I'm particularly unwell. But I suspect it likely doesn't fully count because I've also been known to have pseudo-hallucinations while fully awake. When I'm trying to get to sleep is the worst though.
  24. Abbey

    Roll Call

    What You're Doing Now:Nothing much. Thoughts for the Future: Maybe an ambassador posting would be nice.
  25. Abbey

    Regional Officer Clarification Bill

    I second the objection to the scheduling of the vote. A few more people weighing in on it would have been wise, as basic as it might seem, and there was no reason given for the need for speed. Indeed, I don't see that there is one. Formal debate should only be skipped when absolutely required...
  26. Abbey


    Congrats to you both :) At least I'm not the new girl anymore!
  27. Abbey

    Vice Delegate's Desk

    Don't spam, please.
  28. Abbey

    Admin Requests

    Both requests need to be made by Tomb as MoHA. We don't automatically make DMs group leaders nor do we automatically make them mods.