Search results

  1. mtboy66

    Old Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Sunaiya I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that...
  2. mtboy66

    The Sangatha

    Frederick was furious at how late he had gotten. He imagined there was a a 50/50 chance that the meeting had already ended on him as he ran up the steps leading up to the entrance to the building. Barging through the entrance while carrying a standard suitcase, he was thankful to have files...
  3. mtboy66

    Character Sheets

    The Basics Full Name: David S. Drake Age: 35 Religion: The Church of Thenaca Occupation: Minister-President Education: Bachelors degree in Political Science from the University of Talmain, Graduate of the Fort Talmain Military Academy (1 year), Graduate of the Next Generation of the Diplomatic...
  4. mtboy66

    Voting: May 2018 Special Justice Election

    Court Justice: Limerick1 Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  5. mtboy66

    The Sangatha

    Frederick Sardana quickly rechecked and looked once more over the documents he had brought with him to Pataliputra, making double sure that everything was in order, while his cab driver was waiting on a traffic signal. He had little issue finding his way around the immense city, given that he...
  6. mtboy66

    Oaths of Office

    I, mtboy66, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Gameside Advocate, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal...
  7. mtboy66

    Voting: May 2018 General Elections

    Delegate: < Bootsie > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: < Brendog > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: < abc > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Attorney General: < Goyanes > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  8. mtboy66

    Do not Dream of the Future

    Rebeca nodded in acknowledgement of the info provided by the Norsian private. "How have the people around here been doing so far? I've heard this area has many needs that have stretched your fellow men thin." The Major began. Rebeca was hoping to gain at least a few details about recent...
  9. mtboy66

    Crilalia votes for independence 51% to 49%

    Statement from the government of the Commonwealth of Thenaca: "It has come to our attention that a major situation has developed in the Kingdom of Plembobria. And there have already been mixed reactions from the international community on the subject of the the Plembobrian province Crilalia...
  10. mtboy66

    Do not Dream of the Future

    Minutes before landing in Rodier, January 18th, 2018, 7:35PM "Roger Bluesky 1 Actual, and thanks for the warm welcome. This is Mama Bird 0-1, over and out." The pilots allowed the synchronized fly-by-wire system to guide their landings. And one by one, the military cargo jets floated into a...
  11. mtboy66

    The Commonwealth: OOC

    Generally speaking, having greater freedom of movement and trade between allied nations can only be a good thing. Thenaca would very much support such policies. Having IC meetings for Commonwealth policy would also liven this thread up by a long shot. And we could also try hosting joint military...
  12. mtboy66

    Do not Dream of the Future

    On the runway of the Fort Talmain airbase, January 18th, 2018, 6:18AM "You're cleared to fly, Mama Bird-01 and flock. Proceed to take-off. Good luck up there, over." "Roger, Base Flight Control. Proceeding to take-off, over-and-out." The pilot of the command plane - codenamed Mama Bird-01...
  13. mtboy66

    Voting: March 2018 Judicial Election

    Court Justice (select up to 3): Zyvetskistaahn | Scorch | Lord Lore Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  14. mtboy66

    Romantic Stories Submissions Thread

    An excerpt from The First Meeting of Zakiron and Hikari... The adrenaline and distractions from the previous events started to wear down again, being replaced with clarity and realization... Zakiron let his pride and fear get in the way of why he did what he did, and what matters the most. Her...
  15. mtboy66

    Local News Topic

    National news from the Talmain News Service, January 2nd, 2018 Introduction music "Good morning everyone, this is TNS Good Morning with your host, Anchor Keith Hamlen. In notable national reports today, an awards ceremony was held for many of the troops returning from the Prydanian Civil-War...
  16. mtboy66

    New Minister of Culture - Yukkira

    Oh wow... moving on up? Much congrats. :D
  17. mtboy66


    *nods* We hope we'll still see you once in a while. Good luck in your dreams and IRL responsibilities. EDIT: Oh, not in fact leaving, just getting focused and moving on up. Awesome! :)
  18. mtboy66

    OOC: Traditions

    You're free to use Thenaca as a setting when you want. Although I want sneak-peaks on anything to do with my nation. :)
  19. mtboy66

    [Closed] Voting: January 2018 General Election

    Delegate: Gladio Would you like to reopen nominations? No Vice Delegate: Siwale Would you like to reopen nominations? No Speaker: Darcania Would you like to reopen nominations? No Attorney General: Goyanes Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  20. mtboy66

    Over the Hills and Back (completed)

    In the last couple of days leading up to the announcement for the meeting, David, Amara, and the rest of the Talon forces decided to spend their break on visiting their fellow servicemen - specifically that of the ever compassionate Peace Helper Company. Captain Williams was already surprised...
  21. mtboy66

    Voting: November 2017 Special Attorney General Election

    Attorney General: Goyanes Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  22. mtboy66

    Monthly Memoirs for November

    1. I'm an owner of nations in both the TNP Forum RP and the RMB RP. The first being Thenaca, a democratic mixed-race Commonwealth similar to France with elements of the U.S. and Canada mixed in. It's a small player in the realm of Eras politics, but it has become more active in international...
  23. mtboy66

    Voting: November 2017 Judicial Election

    Court Justice (select up to 3): Bootsie | Zyvetskistaahn | MacSalterson Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  24. mtboy66

    Over the Hills and Back (completed)

    Soon enough, the IFVs made it to Beaconsfield relatively unharmed. David was a little on edge when Mama-Bird-01 reported a supply plane being shot down as it was landing... "We need find where they're getting those foreign weapons. Someone has to be supplying them. And the only way to supply...
  25. mtboy66

    Over the Hills and Back (completed)

    "God be with you, Prime Minister." David replied as Madeline began leaving. [hr] In just a couple more hours, the planes were refueled and the flight to Prydania was coming to a close. They landed in Hadden International Airport alongside their brethren that carried the Peace Helper Company...
  26. mtboy66

    Over the Hills and Back (completed)

    Prime Minister Madeline's first response made him feel honored. He nodded and smiled back. "I am honored by your trust and support, Miss Madeline." But the latter explanation made him share her concerns. "That does sound like something worth investigating... I hope your people will get to the...
  27. mtboy66

    Over the Hills and Back (completed)

    Ever since they touched ground, David had been thinking about how to put this to... whoever they send. David got off first, looking about the service area. Then, speaking into his communicator. "You guys can stretch your legs outside if anyone wants to. But I need you all back on the planes as...
  28. mtboy66

    Over the Hills and Back (completed)

    Rebeca laughed a little at that. But she was fairly exhausted at this point, and eventually fell into a nap in her seat. [hr] "Affirmative on clear landing, Novalle Air Control. Over." The pilot replied, activating autopilot for landing. Then he took off his flight helmet/communicator and...
  29. mtboy66

    Over the Hills and Back (completed)

    Captain Williams accepted Captain Hummel's hand as she climbed into the passenger's seat. "Thank you." She began. "For everything... For what you and your troops have done for us." She then sighed out loud. "...But I could use a strong drink right now." [hr] The three TTIP-5s (Thenacan...