Over the Hills and Back (completed)

A grey sky covered Sieren as Skov and Krann made their way to the local inn. Krann's Goyanean uniform was, thankfully, not out of place given the Goyanean military presence in Vesturland. Still, the fact that he was with someone who looked all the world like a civilian, rather than with a Goyanean military outfit, might have seemed a bit odd.

The inn itself was cozy enough. The roaring fire in the lobby was a welcome sight after the dampness outside.
"Afternoon" Skov said, smiling at the older woman at the front desk. "Two rooms, under Mr. Hræra."

The older woman went through a ledger, nodding. "Government work?" she asked sounding surprised. "We don't get much of that even with the repairs..."

"Oh it's a very delicate matter. The good Goyanean Sergeant and I will need our own space."

The older woman looked around Skov to see Krann.
"Afternoon!" she said happily in fluent Goyanean.

"Afternoon Ma'am" Krann replied back, with a respectful nod.

"You know it's such a shame. Most young people these days don't really commit to learning Goyanean anymore. It's truly unfortunate."

Skov just smiled, a bit irritated, yet keeping his spirits up. "Yes, it's a real tragedy Ma'am, but I'm afraid the sooner the Sergeant and I are squared away the sooner we can help get the country back on track."

"Oh of course, of course" she answered, going through the knee-height cupboard in his desk and removing the two keys. 204 and 207" she said politely, handing Skov both.

"Thank you Ma'am" he replied, heading to the staircase briskly.
Krann followed, after tipping his head once more to the old woman with a "Ma'am" of his own.

"Isn't this a bit risky?" he asked Skov quietly after catching up to him. "An inn? The Goyanean army base would..."

"Syndicalists would attack an army base. But they won't attack an inn at the centre of town. At least the ones smart enough to call the shots would be."

They reached Skov's room first. He opened the door and casually tossed the bag in, without a care in the world.
"I'm ready when you are Sergeant."

"But..." Krann pointed at the bag.
"Just clothes and a book. Everything I need is right here" he pat his side, over his jacket.
"So shall we begin?"
Kran just smiled.

"Yes, let's."
The drive to the countryside would have been uneventful had Skov and Krann not taken an open-roof jeep.
"It's blood cold, you know that?" Krann asked.

"Well what were you expecting? A sports car? OSU isn't exactly what it once was."

Krann just nodded, as a farmhouse emerged over the horizon.
"So I hear you were the Chief of Security for King Tobias?"

Skov nodded "ever since I save him as child."

"This seems a bit out of your purview then, doesn't it?"

"Not really" Skov replied with a shrug. "Syndicalists want to kill him. So in many ways I'm fulfilling the highest level of my duty."

"So is that what an old fossil like you is doing out in the field."

The farmhouse was getting closer...

"Cute" Skov replied. "So are you ready?"

"Of course" Krann replied.

The two rolled out of the jeep, rolling as they hit the ground as the jeep launched itself into the front of the farm house.

Skov grunted as he hit the ground, but Krann was up, weapon drawn as he entered the house, the jeep half buried in what was once a stairwell. Men holding guns were on the ground, dazed as they tried to find their barrings. Another man was splattered across the back of the front room of the house.

Skov forced himself to his feet, drawing his pistol and following Krann into the house. Skov shot each of the men lying on the floor before they even got their barrings back.

Krann and Skov made their way to the back of the house, the sound of the still-rotating tires thumping through the air repeatedly. A man was standing over a smoking trash bin. He attempted to pull a pistol on the two interlopers, only to be taken out in the knee by Skov.

"Not bad for a fossil" Skov scoffed as he made his way to the downed man, and pressed his foot against his throat.
"Where is Anthony Jakobsdóttir?" he growled.

"Fuck you Skov" the man glared back.

"You know him?" Krann asked.

"Oh who knows. I've had a lot of people try to kill me over my life. I can't be expected to remember every bloody one." He pressed his boot down harder.

"He's not here...you won't find him! It's all burnt!" the man protested.

"Give me a hand?" Skov asked. Krann nodded, patting down the man as he was pinned to the floor.
"Should be something" the Goyanean sergeant remarked, removing a thumb drive.

"That all?" Skov asked.

"Yes" Krann replied.

"Good" Skov remarked, pulling the trigger and ending the man's life. Krann just looked at him, an expression that conveyed a mixture of disbelief and fear.

"Report me if you'd like" Skov said as we walked back towards the front of the house, the wheels on the jeep buried in the staircase having finally stopped.
"If I'm lucky His Majesty will fire me. By the way, you have a phone?"

Krann just nodded.

"Then let's get out of here. The smell of peat is starting to get to me."
Alycia turned her head back from Colart to Tobias "Wha-" the look of dread on her face slowly disappeared as Tobias apologized and was replaced with a nervous delight as she laughed a bit. "You are forgiven, Your Majesty. Please forgive the Lieutenant, he means no harm.."
Alycia paused for a second as she thought to herself before continuing. "In fact I think he just put us back on proper equal footing.."

Alycia took the Kings hand back as she walked past Tobias and into the hall. "Thank you, your Majesty. I think I'll still take this hand, since you so graciously offered it." Alycia said with a nervous undertone. it was her intent to accept his hand anyway, and now it was also an attempt to disarm the Kings agitation from the insubordinate Lieutenant.. Whom she maybe needed to have some words with.
Tobias grinned softly, his nerves relaxing as he took the Queen's hand, escorted by Silver and Royal Guardsmen. They were soon met by William Aubyn, flanked my Prydanian soldiers. The Prime Minister's eyes went wide seeing Tobias holding the hand of the Queen of Thederic Nors, but bit the inner part of his lower lip.

"Your Majesty, Your Grace," he greeted them both.
"We're prepared to depart to Vatniðborg. We have word that Marten Severyn and his entourage are en-route. We should be there with plenty of time to spare. The Army has already secured the route."

"Thank you William" Tobias replied, feeling the degree of nervousness pass him by. He smiled at Alycia for a brief moment. "We shouldn't risk keeping him waiting should we?"

William could only nod. He truly did wonder how often Tobias listened to him these days. Thankfully his willingness to disregard his council seemed limited to personal matters. He only prayed that wouldn't change as the entourage was escorted the heavily armed convoy that would take them to Vatniðborg.
Brigadier Kaleb Stahl had combed through pages and pages of interview notes and surveillance briefings...the week had drawn on and on, days feeling like three in one. The Mayor of Ute had been interrogated over and over again, though not officially. Dragging a mayor away to be interrogated by the army wouldn’t work. And so Stahl, his soldiers, and David and Amara had spent many an hour in his quaint office going over detail after detail. Former Syndicalist militants moving through town, meetings that could or couldn’t mean anything. And yet it was Stahl’s job to make sure every detail matched up. And if they didn’t, even if through an innocent mistake, he had to question the Mayor all over again.

The civilians were worse, because they weren’t required to play nice with the authorities. The former Syndicalists would loudly proclaim that King Tobias III had pardoned them if they laid down their arms, which they were more than willing to remind Stahl and his men that they had. The farmers and the merchants weren’t shy about telling the army that they ought to just leave.
And yet Kaleb, David, and Amara’s efforts had managed to squeeze some blood from the stone. David Drake proved himself to be an apt diplomat, managing to negotiate his way through the sometimes complex web that made up local Prydanian politics once he gained a feel for the trends involved.

A few of the more cooperative locals had revealed peaks of a local web of militant activity. Drops off at locations, late night/early morning meetings, and inn owners who left the cellars open for clandestine meetings. Thenacan and Prydanian patrols had picked a few Syndicalist insurgents, though they were always low level foot soldiers. Often they knew little. The word “Cogoria” kept coming up...though only in faint half-whispers.

Finally, after a week of slowly making their way through through briefings, notes, and tapes of interviews, a break came in.
“We’ve got a break” Stahl explained, calling Drake as he twiddled a thumb drive in his fingers.

“Is that... full recorded evidence?” David asked, coming over. “Where did it show up?”

“Where it came from is subject to an agreement between the Prydanian and Goyanean governments” he said sternly.

David nodded in understanding. “Sounds like a lot of work went into obtaining it. Well then, shall we review it?”

He nodded, plugging the thumbdrive into his computer. A spreadsheet popped up.
“Dates for weapon drop-offs….now if we assume that Syndicalists are trading weapons caches among themselves then why are all of their pickup and drop-offs in coastal towns?”

Amara came in with an answer. “Because the weapons are coming from overseas. Do your people have any patrols on Prydania’s coasts? Have they seen any vessels trawling around?”

Then David added in. “We were fairly sure to begin with that they may have come from overseas - from Cogoria. Now we’re sure about the overseas part. The next part would be, how can we intercept one of these packages?”

Stahl coughed nervously “we’re not going after the weapons caches. The General Staff has decided our focus should be on this….”
He minimized the schedule and pulled up another folder on the drive. “This one was locked and encoded before we managed to break it…” the screen lit up with a list…
“It’s a list of Syndicalist cells...we can’t tell if it’s a complete list, but it’s extensive. With this list...cross-referenced with all the intel gathered by Goyanean, Mouxadian, and your forces in addition to our own? We can snuff them out. The General Staff is apparently insisting we end this rather than pursue the Cogorian connection.”

“House knocking, then? Guess we’ll have to hope on recovering something they haven’t destroyed. Where do you want us to start, Brigadier?” David asked, feeling up for clearing this insurgency for good.

“We’re going to be contacting all of our friends in the country. Every military force. We'll be going after Anthony Jakobsdóttir ourselves. He’s in Keris. He’s always been in Keris.” He leaned forward, breathing deeply. “The war was mostly over by the time it got to Keris. And if Anthony is smart...and he is...he’s got enough men there to turn downtown into a warzone all over again.”

“So we need to get to him before he realizes he’s been found.” Amara summarized.

“Yes. We think we eliminated the safe house this drive came from. But Jakobsdóttir will only ignore the silence for so long before he suspects something.”

“Then let’s get to work.” David said, with a tone of finality.
Vatniðborg was once built to be a fortress to protect against Malorian incursions into Prydanian territory. These days the city that had grown around the fort sat where the Malorian-Prydanian border met Kings' Lake, the old fortress suffering a bit from the Civil War the country was only now recovering from. Royal Prydanian Army and Imperial Army of Goyanes tents were still handing out food in the streets, but city life was returning to some semblance of normality.

That was until Marten Severyn agreed to meet with the Prdyanian government there. Tobias and Alycia descending on the town had brought out extra security, as well as pomp. They were accompanied by Royal and Silver Guardsmen, the Prydanian Prime Minister William Aubyn, and General Niels Krummedike, who as Duke of Krummedike held symbolic Lordship over the town.

Prydanian, Thederic Norsian, and Malorian flags fluttered by the runway, the red carpet already laid out. Tobias, who had been so focused on his royal guest, was now starting to fully understand the weight of what was happening. The Severyns were a subject of study for him. Marten himself was only five years his senior, and yet knowing what he knew? He felt like he was meeting a legend beyond his own station.
Not to mention the deals that were to be discussed here. He looked to his side to smile at Alycia before he looked straight ahead and steeled himself for the arrival of the Malorian lion.
The Engineers are off to Darrow
Hadden International Airport, Prydania

After the foreign minister was finished telling him about where they're going, the Lieutenant General responses with, "Understood Mr. Minister. We just need to get the aid ready, and we'll be good to go." With that said, he then proceed to have the engineers grab the medical aid from the cargo planes.
Rebeca’s silver wedding band showed clearly on her finger against the sun. Her head was still in her hands as she sobbed and mumbled to herself incoherently, mostly about her husband and her daughter back home. Then she got up and started getting dressed again - rather aggressively, not saying another word to Laurids.

Hummel blinked a few times and got up, dressing at a less...frantic...pace. His thoughts were firing off seemingly a million at a time, and for a while he was unsure what to say. Finally, feeling as if he couldn’t just remain silent, he cleared his throat.

“Are you ok?” he asked in Mercanti, feeling as if that was somehow inadequate despite it being the only thing he could think to say.

As soon as Rebeca got her shirt back on, she found the locket that she thought she also lost along the way - besides her loyalty... She picked it up, and opened it, revealing the picture of her with her family. She... thought she betrayed them. She wasn’t sure whether to punch Hummel in the face, or knock herself out somehow. She wanted a reason to say it wasn’t her fault - but, to her, it was. Her eyes grew misty, and in anger Rebeca threw the antique egg-shaped locket against the room’s window. It made a loud clink, but neither of the objects cracked. She wasn’t satisfied, but... it was enough. So she marched out of the room without giving Laurids an answer. She really, really didn’t want to talk about it, not now...

He looked down at the locket and then back at the door Rebeca had stormed out of. He sighed and picked up the locket, sipping it in his pocket. He walked over to the side bathroom and splashed some water over his face before slowly returning to slip on his undershirt and duty jacket. He was in no rush to get yelled at or worse, and he didn’t want to force an angry confrontation that could have dire consequences for all involved. He just finished putting on his uniform as he left the inn, smiling nervously at the older woman who manned the front desk. He wasn’t sure, but he could have sworn she was giving him a judgemental glare old ladies specialized in.

Captain Williams needed a distraction, something to put her strength into, and to hide her shame under... She chose to go back to work, helping with handing out and spreading supplies among the needy in the town. She tried to be happy about it, especially towards the children. But she couldn’t even throw on a fake smile- not a good one, anyways... Thankfully her comrades knew better than to question their commander about it. They just hoped it would blow over soon, and get their old cheerful, generous Captain back.

Hummel saluted a few soldiers passing him by. He kept a wide berth from the main Thenacan contingent as he made his way the gymnasium where the food was being kept. He saluted the guards and began an inventory check. Everything was, sadly, in order. Sadly because now he had no choice but to head back into the world and potentially face what he’d spent the morning avoiding.

And so he found himself engrossed in his duties, overseeing his men as they patrolled the portion of the town where the relief tents were set up. The smattering of people from the town grew to a small crowd as the people from the surrounding farms and collectives showed up. Many of them dealing with the fallout of Syndicalist agricultural policies scorched earth tactics from the war. Hummel managed to lose himself in his duties as he oversaw crowd control, even risking unpleasantness as he helped some Thenacan soldiers lift some particularly heavy crates within the line of sight of a particular Thenacan Captain. Still, he held his chin up, making small talk with farmers and merchants to help alleviate the boredom that came with standing in line for hours on end.

The sun was setting over the town as the crowds lined up for provisions slowly but surely dwindled. Hummel went through his duty roster one more time as he took a deep breath. He had to talk to her....he found her as she was finishing up the process of re-packaging foodstuffs, and just stood by awkwardly, watching her as he tried to figure out what to say. He slipped his hand into his pocket, thumbing the locket as he waited.

“Hello” he said clearly in Mercanti.

Rebeca had cooled down somewhat over the whole... thing. She argued with herself enough that trying to fight it anymore was painful. It was an intentional action, under terrible judgement. An intentional... mistake. She didn’t want to do it, but she did. And she needed to accept responsibility for the actions leading to it too. Most importantly, she needed to apologize to Laurids for how she handled the aftermath...

When the Prydanian Captain came up to her. She was... still somewhat stressed, but she needed to clear it up before it consumed her sanity.

“Hey...” She replied. “I’m... I’m sorry for how I acted earlier. I shouldn’t have been angry at you when the fault was solely mine.”

He smiled nervously but nodded “It’s okay.” he said and pulled the locket from his pocket. “I just wanted to say….if I had known…” he blushed.

“It doesn’t matter. We were both drunk out of our senses. There was nothing either of us could’ve done. But... thanks.” She added. Lightly grabbing the locket as he brought it out, she stared at it with a homesick look. She missed her family and her husband’s embrace. Or maybe she just missed good company. Plus she knew he had lost his first love in the war...

He shook his head “yeah we were but I like to think I wouldn’t have done anything if I knew….” he let the locket go as she took it…”I can’t apologize enough...I just wanted you to know. I wouldn’t have even thought it if I knew…” he refused to let his head hang, but his downcast eyes left no question as to his feelings on the matter.

“Captain, quit beating yourself up like a crash-test dummy.” She asserted, giving him a small hug. “We enjoyed each other’s company with the time we had together. ...Even if we took it a little too far. And we’re still friends. You still saved my life. We can still just... let this go. Honest mistake, right?”

He smiled, though he couldn’t say he felt better. Captain Williams was right. He was being overly harsh on himself, but he tried not to let it cloud his judgement. He hugged her back, and nodded. “If you ever need anything, let me know.” he said with a smile.

Rebeca smiled back and nodded. “Now then, still ready to win this war? For our front?” she joked, referring to their duty which remained unfinished, as far as they knew.

He grinned. “I hope to God that the war’s already been won” he said, sounding a bit uneasy but feeling more comfortable putting what had happened behind him.
“But this…” he beckoned her over to the doorway leading out to the town square…”this is the real war. I don’t want to sounds sentimental, but it doesn’t matter who won if people starve.”
He chuckled. “That sounds so corny, doesn’t it?” he shook his head. “But it’s how I feel. I could have been hunting Syndicalists but I volunteered to help protect relief workers.”

“Now how can it be corny when it’s true?” She asked, walking over to the doorway. “I’d be willing to bet your superiors are actually glad you’re handling this so well. Otherwise, who else would step up in your place?” She also questioned, knowing she did the exact same thing, going from being one of her homeland’s top soldiers to a glorified relief worker.

He nodded. ”I knew the area, so they were happy I volunteered. But...it’s weird you know? With career officers. They’re all military, through and through. They all agree that someone’s gotta protect the relief workers and the foreign engineers and so on, but no one wants one of their guys to do it, you know? The officer’s corps just finished fighting tooth and nail to win a civil war. So they were all looking a bit lost when the General Staff started talking about protection for relief work. But I grew up around here. I wanted to make sure these people were taken care of.”

“Sounds familiar.” She laughed, having been in several places where that was the case. “I only wish there were more people like you in this world. ...But enough of the ‘corny’ lines. How about we show your people who has cared about them this whole time?” She further asked, with a wide smile that may had a plan behind it... A plan that had her walking out to the crowds outside in a brisk pace.
Viking[note]Equivalent to Petty Officer 1st Class (USN) (Nato: OR-6)[/note] Magnus Horton of the Imperial Goyanean Navy was instructed to hand over the letter to a man by the name of Harold Daae, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He walked into the office room and instructed Mr. Daae that the letter was to be given to King Tobias immediately.

A few minutes pass, before a silver guardsmen approaches and hands Alycia a paper. "Your Grace, a communique from your regency in the motherland. I have transcribed it." Alycia took the note and nodded opening the message, "thank you Guardsmen, stay here." she said in a quiet tone in Ceretian Nor.

throughout reading her face was a mixture of annoyed and sad but at the end her face decided on angry. She eventually folded it and put it in one of her very few pockets, she looked over to the guardmen again. She whispered to the Guardsmen.
"Send a communique, I want a Battalion of troops on that Stan Yeran border. Give them APCs, and even tanks if deemed necessary. I regard that blockade as an act of hostile intent, I will not just let them walk into the motherland if they want to. make the border guard dig into our side, make it clear we intend to defend our sovereignty, even if you have to use megaphones.

blood and iron." she ended briefly and paused thinking to herself..

"allow the protesters to shout their anger, but if they start vandalizing property, waylaying other citizens or civil servants, even brandish weapons. clamp down on it, arrests and dispersal only."

Alycia sighed sending the guardsmen off before she looked to Tobias trying to put back on her smile.

"I must return to my people soon. the situation is getting complicated. and my regency is not equipped for it.."

Your Grace.

The situation in Thederic Nors is becoming uncertain. Stan Yera has blockaded our waterways and to make matters worse, some of the methods of our intervening foreign supporters has riled the public on both sides of our War. Mobs have formed, and are calling for an end to the war, and the expulsion of all active foreign combatants. and I quote. "Unite the Nation, Expel the Barbare!" is a particularly common quote among all the riots as far as we can tell.

I need guidance on how to proceed and to best represent you as your Regency.

Jean Valluy, Master of the Silver Guard and your Regent.
Tobias turned to the Norsian Queen with a nod. He understood, perhaps more than most, how much a country divided against itself needed its leader. Alycia had taken a risk coming here, and God willing that would yield great things. She was needed in her own kingdom, however.

"I understand" he replied, sounding perhaps a bit sombre but otherwise agreeable. "Whatever happens today, I hope we can see each other again soon. In happier times for Thederic Nors."
Welcome to Darrow
Somewhere in Darrow, Prydania

The armoured transports, who are transporting the engineers, are almost at Darrow. The engineers, loaded with the aid being carried with them in the back of the vehicles, as they're needed in the sparsely populated area. The Lieutenant General, leading the corps, is silent, thinking about what could lie ahead in Darrow.
Harold Daaé looked over the invitation and nodded.

“You may inform His Imperial Majesty that His Majesty accepts this most gracious of invitations.”

The small town of Darrow was very much bustling. Prydanian soldiers were becoming more common with the events in Thederic Nors and the Stan Yera’s blockade.

The contingent of Cimmerian engineers was escorted into the city by Royal Prydanian Army personal. Lieutenant Colonel Dragsån emerged from his office in the makeshift army base just outside the town, ready to greet the arriving Cimmerians.
Marten looked out of his window as the plane was now descending onto the runway. As he looked out of the window he was thinking. He was thinking about the future of Maloria, Prydania, Thedric Nors and the whole of Eras.

He found it hard to believe that one day he would assume the imperial throne, after all if his grandfather and father hadn’t stepped out of the line of succession then he would be around third in line for the throne. He didn’t understand why it was him that was chosen for this task and why his grandfather or father hadn’t chose to stay in the line of succession. The power that the Emperor had never even peaked the both of them as they chose to stay in their own positions and be content with their lives.

He could understand why his father didn’t accept it as he was a failure and a disappointment to the family and a weak willed man which were not common traits amongst the many Severyns that had ruled through the ages and even still modern day. But he couldn’t comprehend why his grandfather did not seek that almighty and great power. His grandfather was nothing less than a ruthless and ambitious man.

However history had chosen its course and at its helm for Maloria, Marten would be the one leading the charge for the Empire. Soon he would rule as his great grandfather Alexander was of 97 years of age. It wouldn’t be long before he would rule and as a pit in his gut formed from thinking about that it was eased by feelings of eagerness and certainty that he would be a good ruler.

This all was cut short as one of his guards had touched his arm to get his attention to inform him that they were ready to depart the plane and meet the King of Prydania and the Queen of Thedric Nors. He got up with Gelmer (language change so the Secretary is now named Gelmer Floris) while being flanked by his royal guards to the door. The doors were opened and they made their way down the red carpet covered stairway to the ground that was draped by the red carpet that had been placed there for them and now they were finally face to face with the two monarchs.
Tobias straightened his posture some. Severyns were known for many things. Ruthlessness. Loyalty to their own. Strong willed. The young Prydanian King had trouble finding issue with the last two, though the first made him pause. He often felt in over his head in the realm of Prydanian politics. Now he was willingly stepping into a ring with a lion.
His thoughts shifted to Alycia. She was meeting her kin for the first time. He wondered what she was thinking. Was she impressed? Intimidated? As unsure as he was. He didn’t dare look to her though. What formal training he had told him to remain as still as he could manage. He was always keenly aware of his status as King in public, and the presence of Marten Severyn looking at him as he descended the stairs from his jet only solidified his resolve. He would not break his form as King in front of the heir to the Malorian throne.

An army band began to play the Malorian Imperial Anthem as the flags of Maloria, Thederic Nors, and Prydania fluttered in the light breeze.

“May I present His Majesty Tobias III of Lothbrok by the grace of God, King of Prydania, Lord Protector of Austurland, Marshal of Beaconsfield, Lord Uniter, Defender of the faith!”

“And Her Majesty Alycia of Rochette, by the grace of God, Queen of Thederic Nors, Marshal of Irras, Queen of Eastern Nors, Queen of Central Nors, Queen of Western Nors.”

Tobias held his head high even as his nerves rattled, stepping forward to greet the Malorian Prince.
Alycia stepped forward with Tobias, keeping Close to him, putting her smile back on. her nerves were wrecked and she was trying her best to steady them but to little avail. Alycia had tried to prepare for this but her preparations weren't enough. Colart and the Silver Guard were in their positions standing at attention dutifully, Colart maybe keeping a closer eye on the monarchs than he really should perhaps.

This would be Alycia's first time meeting family outside of her Mother or her Father, she didn't know much about the Severyns outside of Thederic Nors that was one of the failings of her education, one of the many failures of her mother she didn't know what to expect. a kind gentle man or possibly a ruthless cutthroat that only plays niceties when they have to, it brought the question back to the forefront of her mind.. Is the heartless brutality of the Rochettes hereditary? Or is the Rochette dynasty just a string of bad luck on nature's part? Perhaps Marten would answer this question in his own way.

Alycia barely leaned in and spoke to Toby in pretty much nothing more than a whisper. "Confidence Your Majesty, with a smile, always with a smile." she said, though in a way it sounded more like she was indirectly trying to reassure herself than Tobias.
Welcome to Darrow, Part II
Darrow, Prydania

The engineers, who are being escorted by Prydanian military personnel in armoured transport, have finally here in Darrow, which turns out to be a small, sparsely populated village, where fishing takes place. Once inside the village, the vehicles stop at the army base, and the engineers step out if the vehicles.
Lieutenant-General Ruggles, the one in charge of the engineers, begins approaching the Prydanian officer to greet him.
William looked on as Alycia whispered in Tobias’ ear. He frowned. He couldn’t hear what she was telling him, and the lack of control he had over the King’s influences at such a vital moment for the country...for two countries...was troubling.

Tobias just smiled, Alycia’s prompting causing him relax just enough to appear less rigid.
“Of course Your Grace” he replied with a whisper just as Marten was formally announced.

“Introducing Marten of Severyn, Prince of Bergum, heir apparent to the Imperial throne of Maloria!”

Tobias hesitated for a moment. Should he let Alycia approach first? Marten was her family after all.
The Malorian Prince was fast approaching though. Ultimately they were in Prydania, and so Tobias decided to be the one to greet the visitor. He tried to remain as relaxed as Alycia has made him feel, approaching Marten and extending his hand.
“Your Majesty” he said in Mercanti with a smile. “Welcome to Prydania.”
Home Secretary Matthew Eriksen toyed with the formal letter that authorized him to work in the name of the King, with both His Majesty and the Prime Minister meeting Marten Severyn.
Defence Minister Arne FitzOsbern sat across from his desk, along with Brigadier Kaleb Stahl. Axel Skov stood in the corner, arms crossed.

"We are prepared to strike at the last remnants of Syndicalist resistance thanks to our joint operation with the Goyaneans, my efforts with Thenacan forces, along with Goyanean and Mouxordian counter-insurgency measures. We now believe we have enough to enact an operation targeting the majority of their safe houses, underground supply lines, and meeting places." Stahl finished his briefing even as Eriksen continued to fixate on the document empowering him to do what he knew he had to do.

"We need foreign help with this I take it?" was all he asked.

"Yes" FitzOsbern remarked bluntly. "With Major-General Sleswick's forces invading rebel-held Thederic Nors? Most certainly."


To all whom it may concern,

I write to you with you to thank each of you for overseeing efforts to help rebuild our nation during this most trying time. Prydania is not just indebted to Thenaca, Goyanes, and Mouxordia. Every Prydanian owes something to you three men, and what you've risked. We stand on the brink of a bright future for Prydania. I am inviting you to Beaconsfield so that we may see this through to the end. The Syndicalist threat to peace and stability in Prydania must be eliminated if we're to know prosperity. Thanks to efforts undertaken by soldiers under all of your commands we are in a position to finally end the struggle against the remnants of the vile regime that pushed our country to the brink of destruction. Please accept this invitation on behalf of His Majesty, so we may plan on how to finish the fight.

Sincerely and Very Respectfully,
Matthew Eriksen
Home Secretary, Kingdom of Prydania, authorized to act on behalf of His Majesty Tobias III Lothbrok, King of Prydania, Lord Protector of Austurland, Marshal of Beaconsfield, Lord United, Defender of the faith​
In the last couple of days leading up to the announcement for the meeting, David, Amara, and the rest of the Talon forces decided to spend their break on visiting their fellow servicemen - specifically that of the ever compassionate Peace Helper Company.

Captain Williams was already surprised the week before when Mama Bird-01 called her in saying the Prime Minister and Prime Advisor had landed, with no less than three elite Talon teams. But she understood their mission, and continued on with her duties along with her people and Captain Hummel and his men.

So when they finally got to meet together- again, actually. They already knew each other back when Rebeca became a Talon. But it was still nice. And Captain Hummel of course was ever dutiful and respectful towards the sibling leaders of Thenaca, even though he was certainly nervous. But eventually they got to know each other better, and the meeting ended on a pretty happy note.

They were already expecting the letter when it was delivered to them. The last talk with Brigadier Stahl already confirmed their current direction. David even contacted home-base to reinforce their current mission with three more Talon teams, bringing the total to six teams (36 men). It would be the the biggest concentration of special forces on a single mission in the Thenacan military's history. As well as the biggest involving their mechanized division (6 IFVs).

David and Amara soon arrived back in Beaconsfield to join the meeting, and what is likely to be the last of such. There will only be a meeting to congratulate each other after it.

But only time will tell how smooth the final battle will go...
Faust thumbed the edge of the letter he held in his hand, leaning back in his chair. The Prydanians had been gracious in their accommodations, allowing him to have a shore-side office and room so he wouldn't have to stay in his in-port cabin aboard the Uporište. He was just here to help the Prydanians, and needed no special penance or the like, but it had been insisted. As he read the letter again, his thumb rubbing over the texture of their embossed coat of arms in the letterhead, he confirmed that what had been his life for the past thirty or so days was nearly done.

"Master Chief," he called, to which the door cracked open and revealed Master Chief Neven Cvitanovi?.

"Yes, Admiral?" Neven asked with a quirked brow.

"Get the car ready, we're heading into Beaconsfield for a meeting," he explained, "I want to leave in thirty minutes."

"Aye aye, Admiral," the Master Chief replied with a respectful nod of his head, closing the door to Faust's office as he went to make the necessary preparations.

The Admiral sat for a handful of minutes, letting the silence settle in, only pierced by the ticking of the clock on the wall. Then, with a deep breath, he stood and donned his jacket, taking a moment to adjust the sleeves of his button-down and check the gold sleeve striping. Satisfied, grabbed his cover and tucked it beneath his arm.

He strode out of the office and was joined by Master Chief Cvitanovi? once again, who was kind enough to open the door of the military car for him before climbing into the driver's seat. With the call of the boatswain's pipe announcing his departure from the Mouxordians' temporary home, his car sped off to carry him to the meeting with Home Secretary Erikson.
The HMS Nordgotmark had recently been transfered over to the Goyanean operations center at Haland, Prydania, and Forden' office was relocated onboard to a more spacious cabin and office. A young seaman entered the Admiral's office and handed him a letter addressed from the Home Secretary of Prydania.

Admiral Forden opened the letter with the decorative letter opener his wife had given him for his birthday 4 years ago.

"Hmmmm. Very Well."

He pressed the intercom button on his desk.

"Feinberg, please ready a transport for me to Beaconsfield. I have business to attend to with the Government."

"Yes Admiral. A convoy will be waiting at the quay in 45 minutes."

"Thank you Feinberg."

He sat in the swivel chair and activated the satellite phone, dialing the number for central command. Minister of Defense Leidr picked up after the secretary who answered the call transferred him to the General. The had a conversation of decent length, discussing the future retraction of Goyanean soldiers once the need had expired.

Once the call was over the intercom of his office turned on. It was Feinberg alerting him of the convoy's arrival.


Admiral Forden stepped off the brow of the HMS Nordgotmark and onto an armored car that was part of a convoy headed to Beaconsfield.
Addressed to the Prydanian Authorities.

We’ve heard about the incident that happened in Beaconsfield a few weeks ago and we are asking for the release of Gödrich Eiselberg and his men. It was a huge misunderstanding and while they entered Beaconsfield on their own will, we were the ones who send them the message about needing to be armed due to nearby rebel activity. It was a mistake on our part and we are wondering if you will allow them to go back to Haland and guard there. I hope you understand our mistake and know that Ninhundland has no intention of any sort of attack.

The armed defence forces of the Federal Realm of Ninhundland

To whom it may concern,

We appreciate your openness about the situation regarding Minister Eiselberg and his men. We also appreciate the candid response regarding the cause of the misunderstanding. Make no mistake, the Kingdom of Prydania holds the Federal Republic of Ninhundland no ill will over the incident.
That being said events are such that unstable elements in Prydania currently may undermine the goals of His Majesty's government and its allies. As such we are processing the Ninhundish soldiers and officials and turning them over to Goyanean authorities to transport back to the Federal Republic. We appreciate the offer of aide. It is an act of kindness Prydania will not forget.

Sincerely and Very Respectfully,
Matthew Eriksen
Home Secretary, Kingdom of Prydania, authorized to act on behalf of His Majesty Tobias III Lothbrok, King of Prydania, Lord Protector of Austurland, Marshal of Beaconsfield, Lord United, Defender of the faith​

Matthew Eriksen sat calmly at the head of the wide oaken table in the middle of the conference room tucked away in a quiet corner of Parliament. He periodically adjusted his glasses as he went over his own notes, as well as the file that had been prepared for him.
Brigadier Kaleb Stahl way observing a map of the country hanging on the wall. An older and more decorative map to be sure. Nothing militaristic about it. And yet Eriksen got the sense that the Brigadier was going over every relevant tactical and strategic facet in his mind, studying every position of every company. How could he not, given the circumstances?

Arne FitzOsbern, on the other hand, paced like a caged animal. He would occasionally stop by his seat, still standing, leaning against the table with one hand before thumbing through his own folder. That reprieve was temporary though, as he resumed pacing in short order. Matthew had known Arne. Hell, they all knew each other. A fifteen year insurgency brings people together like that. Anyone else might be concerned by Arne's pacing and seeming inability to focus. Not Matthew though. He knew how he could focus himself like a laser on any one task the moment it became necessary. He just left him to his devices.

"I should be in Vatniðborg" Skov barked as he barged into the room. So much so it startled even the pacing FitzOsbern.

"We need you here" Eriksen remarked as he looked up from his files.

"I've told you everything Sgt. Krann and I uncovered. I need to be in Vatniðborg protecting Tobias."

"His Majesty's in capable hands" Eriksen replied, keeping himself collected. Skov was never one to keep his opinions to himself when he disagreed with a superior's orders. At least as long as Matthew had known him.

"It doesn't matter, it's my job."

Matthew nodded "I know Axel, but we need you here. Everyone's going to want to hear from you."

"What could I tell them that isn't in the file?"

"You've infiltrated a Syndicalist safe house and recovered invaluable intelligence. You can provide insight."

"Insight? So I'm an analyst now?"

"It appears so, yes."

Skov grunted, taking a seat. "I've never liked analysts."

"As much as you want me to think you're just a blunt tool? I know you're more than that" Matthew replied with a smile.

Skov forced himself to relax in a chair.
"So you've read my files?"

Matthew nodded. "Fascinating reading. No wonder the Goyaneans..."

"Stop it" Skov grunted.

"I'm just saying I think I'd be flattered..."

"I'm not saying I'm not. I still don't want to talk about it."

"Fair enough" Matthew replied, just as a solider knocked before entering.

"The delegations are beginning to arrive, Home Secretary."

"Excellent" Matthew replied. Have them escorted quickly and safely.

"Yes sir."

Imperial Goyanean Government -- Ministry of Denfense

To whom it may concern,
This correspondence is to advise the Ninhundish government that the Kingdom of Prydania requested that the Goyanean authorities transport your foreign affairs minister and 15 of your soldiers back to Ninhundland. We understand that they committed several unfortunately immature activities while representing your nation, and we will be casting no judgement for this, but we hope your military chain of command and official's behavior can shape up further when acting on the international stage.

The officials will be on a Goyanean Imperial Air Force passenger plane flying on an already scheduled transport run between Goyanes and Prydania for military purposes, therefore we can assure you that no special considerations have been made for them. The plane will make a short diversion at Frankthorf Eiselmann Airport to drop off your personnel before carrying on.

The highest conduct and behavior is expected from your men onboard the plane, and any misbehavior or incidents caused by them will be reported to your government. Serious misbehavior may result in the arrest of the officials and soldiers by Goyanean authorities. Property damage and/or vandalism caused by the Ninhundish aboard the plane will be reported and billed to the Ninhundish government, and the perpetrators may face criminal charges.

Yours truly,
Johann Kulingsson
Deputy Minister of Defense
Imperial Goyanean Federation​


Imperial Goyanean Government -- Ministry of Denfense

To whom it may concern,
The Goyanean Military is kindly petitioning the assistance of Andrennian forces in the fight to end Syndicalism in Prydania. We request that several regiments take place, if they agree. Contact the Prydanian government for more details, but we will be willing to partake with our Nordic brethren to destroy this hateful ideology.

Yours truly,
GGn. Genter Leidr, KGH
Minister of Defense, Chief of the Army
Imperial Goyanean Federation​

[Dec. 8, 6:00 AM]
Beaconsfield Airport, Beaconsfield, Prydania

The Ninhundish entourage boarded the plane last, being seated in the middle of the plane, surrounded by a group of Goyanean soldiers being sent back to Goyanes. Hopefully this would make sure they didn't try anything stupid.

"Welcome aboard everyone, this is a standard flight back to Goyanes, however we will be making a short stop in Frankthorf to drop off our precious cargo seated in rows 15 and 16"

Everyone in front of them turns around and looks at the source of their delay to Gojannesstad

"We will be getting off shortly, the cabin commander's aides will distribute water and bagged peanuts at cruising altitude."

The plane barrels down the runway, taking off into the sunrise of Beaconsfield.

The motorcade approached the front of the Prydanian Parliament building.

"Admiral. We're here"

The chauffeur opened the the Admiral's door, and he stepped out the vehicle, looking sharp as usual.
Stefan stared out into space as the truck rumbled on through the Prydanian countryside. He had been on this aid mission for several months in Prydania, distributing medical supplies, performing surgery, while engineer companies sought to clear rubble off the streets and repair the buildings and infrastructure, among other things.

A particularly large bump knocked him out of his stupor, and he craned his neck around to spot a sign not far in front. Landeren. Stefan examined the map, quickly spotting where he was; the Keris March region, where fighting had been fiercest. Indeed, already from the view of the surrounding buildings, the place had seem some heavy shelling, with crumbled ruins dotted haphazardly around the road.

It wouldn’t be long until he reached the small encampment that his fellow aid workers used to treat the town. From the reports he had heard, Landeren was one of the badly affected towns; his fellow workers had told of huge crowds seeking food, medicine, shelter, anything to help them survive. Indeed, he had been called in as reinforcements; an extra pair of helping hands to deal with the sheer masses of people.

The truck suddenly ground to a stop, and Stefan saw the top of a snow-dusted white tent peeking above the rubble and ruined houses, clouded in the thick morning mist like clouds hugging a mountain peak.

He stepped off the back of the truck, kicking his legs on the spot to try and shake away the numbness that had begun to build up. The cold morning air bit into his skin, even through the thick coat of his humanitarian aid uniform. The light crunch of snowfall under his boot seemed to echo loudly through the plains around.

Winter had finally reared its ugly head; this was the first snow he had seen in Prydania - nay, ever, as it was never snowed where he lived in Xentherida. Even now, so late in the morning, the sun was only just beginning to peer over the many hills in the east, shining bright down onto the ruined towns far below.

Within the many shelters on the field behind lay dozens, if not hundreds of sleeping Landerens. It would be just a few more hours before they woke up, and they would require lots of food, and medical aid. Hopefully, though, the engineering crews would start work early this morning, beginning to repair the infrastructure; electricity and water had been restored only recently, and still the gas pipelines and roads needed repair. But after that, then the houses could be repaired, and then food could be shipped in enough so that the town could eventually be self sufficient. Eventually.

Better not waste any time. Stefan grabbed a crate of food and began to haul it down the slope towards the kitchen huts. He could see them already down below, eyes wide open from several cups of coffee, raring to go. He could smell the tomato soup boiling in a pot below.

Dropping the crate in the corner, he began to walk back up the hill to get more crates, as a dozen of his fellow aid workers were dragging the crates down by him. He had a long day of work ahead of him.
Marten continued to walk forward as the anthem of Maloria played on, keeping his sight on Tobias and Alycia. He advanced forward keeping a steady pace with his followers right behind him. Until finally he had made it to the royal duo and was immediately greated by an extended hand from the King of Prydania.

Without hesitation Marten shook it with a very stern and strong grip while making sure that he stood up straight. Something about the way Marten presented himself to everyone gave off a very fatherly impression. Something about it showed that he was a very powerful and strong man that commanded respect and that he was one that deserved it but that he was also a very kind and gentle person.

Despite the monarch only being 3 inches shorter than Marten himself he tried to tower over them both while looking Tobias in the face with a solid look. However that stern look soon melted away and made form into a warm and great smile.

“Thank you for having me in your wonderful nation your grace” he said with a gentle tone as the small breeze that made the flags moved met his slightly tanned face and as he let go of his hand. “It is such a pleasure to finally meet both of you. Especially you Alycia, I have been most eager to meet you.”

He then moved down to Alycia shaking her hand with the same grip and same gentle smile. Still giving off his aura of respect and importance but also making her feel like family at the same time. He could tell at least one of the two was obviously nervous and he remained trying to kill that feeling in him or the rest of the greeting party.
Marten succeeded quite easily to tower over the 5'5 Alycia, his attempts to emphasize did nothing to ease her nerves but his smile and familial demeanor did. she was disappointed that Marten was way taller than her pretty much everyone on the airfield was, but Marten was a true giant in comparison.
Alycia stood straighter as her smile widened as she returned his handshake, deceptively firm maybe even playfully challenging, yet welcoming against Marten's. perhaps an odd contrast given her outwardly gentle even mousy nature she has been displaying. Her light brown eyes looked into his, trying to get a clue as to his nature.

"And I you Marten, it is a great pleasure to finally meet another one of the family, perhaps I will get to visit Maloria someday soon."
Warren Tristard and Callum Goff braved the cold. The snow was light. Not so much that you had to worry about any mush in your boots. It was the wind that did it. Landeren was close enough to Keris and the coast that the bitter winter winds from the water were still felt there, cutting through you to your bone. The brightness of the sun was almost a mockery as the boys crossed their arms across their bodies to stay warm, swaying or bouncing subtly now and then to stay war as the waited in the growing line.

The city was no longer partially flooded thanks to Goyanean engineers fixing the levies and draining the downtown along the river, but the optimism of a city slowly being rebuilt was undercut by the cold winds of winter.

Warren rubbed his nose as they got closer to the end of the line, the Xentheridan flag fluttering in the bright, cold, morning breeze. They didn't have to brave the cold. Not today at any rate. They had warmth where their families were holed up, but stored food was running short. Best to get what they could now before things got worse later on.

Tobias smiled faintly, biting the inside of his lip as Marten squeezed his hand. He knew a lot about his family, but reading counted for nothing next to experience. Marten had a way of feeling like he towered over him, even if he was only few inches taller. The imposing presence had his heart racing a moment but he was nothing else if not prepared to present himself properly a the leader of his country.

"It's an honour to have you here, Your Grace" he responded, shaking Marten's hand, turning as the Malorian Prince met his cousin for the first time.

He was amazed by Alycia's seeming calmness through all of this. If she were intimidated? She didn't show it. He couldn't help but smile before motioning.

"I think we have a lot to talk about" he said eagerly. The economic benefits that the Malorian government had suggested were certainly appealing, but it was the possibility to discuss regional security that tugged at him eagerly. Here was finally a chance, to protect the vulnerable of Craviter from tyrants in waiting. Or tyrants across the sea.
Home Secretary Matthew Eriksen looked around at the assembled Mouxordian, Thenacan, and Goyanean dignitaries. He felt out of his depth. He wished Arne FitzOzborn was taking the lead, but the Defence Minister had willingly stepped aside. It was a concession of the current government. Work towards peace, and keep the military in a supportive and not directive role. And William Aubyn… oh, William. He was off in the Vesturlands, meeting with the Malorian Crown Prince. Matthew surveyed the room once more, coughing slightly to clear his throat.

“Thank you all for coming,” he began in slightly accented Mercanti, “I am pleased to announce to you all that thanks to a joint Prydanian and Goyanean operation involving Commander Skov and Sgt. Krann…” Matthew motioned to Skov, who sat stone faced with his arms crossed, “...that we have the information necessary to end the Syndicalist Insurgency.”

Admiral Forden cleared his throat. “During a routine check up on a small village, Goyanean forces were assaulted by a squadron of Syndicalist forces. Goyanean forces quickly resolved the problem with an effective use of force, taking a sniper for further questioning. Commander Skov of Prydania and our own Sergeant Krann interrogated the sniper and extracted the necessary evidence and information for this operation today. My aide will pass out a booklet containing the discovered information.”

A young officer walked around the conference room, distributing the packets containing the aforementioned information.

Prime Minister David Drake went next, to mention his own work with the Prydanians. “I would also like to mention, in the week and a bit leading up to this discovery, Brigadier Stahl of Prydania and his forces, and our Thenacan Talon special forces worked together to raid suspected close contacts of Anthony Jacobsen. Eventually we discovered important info on a captured flash-drive. Now, while that info is only secondary to our current efforts, I would like to thank the Brigadier for his help in diplomatic talks with the local citizens.

Stahl nodded. “Thank you Prime Minister,” he said, standing and walking to the head of the room to pull down a map of the country from the apparatus that rested above a tapestry depicting an idyllic hunting scene. “Thanks to the efforts of all of our forces here, including reports from Prime Minister Drake, Commander Skov, Sgt. Krann, Colonel Bech, and Colonel Vidas,” the Brigadier explained, “we can map out Syndicalist holdouts nationwide.” He pointed to the map he pulled down, with red dots in cities and towns across the country. “Anthony Jacobsen, de facto leader of what’s left of the Syndicalist forces who haven’t taken His Majesty’s offer for clemency in return for laying down their arms, is believed to be held up here…” he picked up a pointer and pointed to the city of Keris, “The Keris shipyards were where the Syndicalist movement first gained some of its most militant members. He’ll have friends there, most assuredly.”

“Thank you Brigadier,” Eriksen replied, standing, “It is the position of the Prydanian government, after consulting with the Defence Ministry, that each of our forces should coordinate our efforts in one offensive to knock these holdouts off balance and neutralize most of the insurgents. The Thenacans have been working closely with Brigadier Stahl in tracking down Jacobsen. It’s our belief that the Thenacan forces should coordinate with Prydanian forces in Keris, rooting out the enemy to bring Jacobsen to justice. Meanwhile Goyanean forces would coordinate Prydanian forces in an offensive against enemy forces in central Prydania, where the legacy from joint UKAG administration will aide their soldiers on a local level. Mouxordian soldiers will be coordinating with Prydanian forces in the east.”

Eriksen sat down and looked across the room. He was mostly interested in city planning and reconstruction. Yet circumstances had made him the de facto point man for the Prydanian government in coordinating this plan. He’d only developed it after consulting with generals, to be sure. Yet he still felt out of his element addressing a room full of career officers.

Admiral Forden stood once again. “Thank you Secretary Eriksen. Goyanean forces will continue to go village by village, and town by town, ensuring that the syndicalists have been dealt with and turned into the proper authorities. We are collaborating closely with local government officials, police, and the Prydanian military to finish off the syndicalist threat. Goyanean Intelligence Agencies are continuing to locate and infiltrate syndicalist cells, and we will continually pass on information to the rest of our colleagues assembled in this room. We are also continuing our aid distribution efforts, and have reached the vast majority of citizens and residents located within our coverage zone assigned to us by the Prydanian government.”

It was at this moment that Faust Soka?, the Admiral and combined-force commander for all Mouxordian assets in Prydania, cleared his throat to speak. “Mouxordian building battalions have far exceeded all expectations as well. Haddenfield Airport has been fully repaired and is able to handle regular traffic once again. Additionally, various thoroughfares and major highways have also been repaired, which will greatly facilitate the transportation of both humanitarian goods and services as well as military personnel and other ground assets,” the man paused a moment, leaning forward to fold his hands together and set them on the conference table in a calm and calculated manner, “Our Marine Expeditionary Unit has also routed much of the syndicalist forces in their various pockets in the countryside, with the exception of a few heavily-fortified strongholds.”

Faust paused again, his thumbs rubbing slowly against one another as he thought exactly how to word what he wanted to say next. The man was fluent in Mercanti - nearly almost as much as he was fluent in Mouxordian - but fluency wasn’t the issue in what he wanted to say next, it was how to word it in the most politically-friendly way possible. “My fleet remains harbored in Beaconsfield, but stands ready to aweigh anchors and deploy within three hours. I’m sure I don’t stand alone in saying that I do not wish to use any sort of land attack projectiles to further degrade shaky infrastructure. As such, it will mostly be marines that will carry-out door-to-door operations,” he said as he leaned forward and broached a subject he had very little intelligence on, “My fleet, however, will seize and destroy any assets the syndicalists think they can sail out of Prydanian waters.”

The Admiral leaned back in his seat, deciding to sit on the pieces of information he was currently mulling about in his head. His subs had sent back reports of strange acoustic signatures - probably other submarines - but it wasn’t substantial enough to warrant informing the other officers. In all likelihood, it was simply another foreign power who was interested in what was occurring in the northeast. He’d told his captains to keep a watchful eye out for any suspicious behavior from merchant traffic, but that’s all that he could really do in these circumstances. Faust knew that there had to be more to it, but with nothing else to base his suspicions on, he simply had to sit back and allow the ships in his fleet to do their work.

Eriksen thumbed through the pages of the various reports he had sitting at his disposal. He finally found what he was looking for.

“Until such time as His Majesty and Prime Minister Aubyn are finished with negotiations related to Malorian aid and the conflict in Norsia? I’m authorized to act on behalf of His Majesty in all affairs related to this endeavour…”
He paused for a moment and looked around before signing softly.

“That’s no secret” he admitted, “but I wanted to be perfectly clear about this. We cannot afford to let this opportunity slip through our fingers. We have verifiable intelligence on every Syndicalist stronghold of note. I do not intend to let the moment pass us by.”
He turned to Admiral Faust. “You are free to deploy any of your assets here, your fleet included, in any way you deem necessary in carrying out this operation.”

He paused for a moment.
“The same holds true for Goyanean and Thenacan forces. Prydanian forces overseen by Brigadier Stahl and General Krummedike will take the lead in all theatres. Avoiding civilian deaths will, of course, be of paramount importance. We’ve crawled too deep out of the seemingly bottomless pit of war to start blowing up cities and towns again.”

He paused again, and nodded, almost to himself.
“Aside from those two provisions? You are all authorized to use whatever assets feel are necessary within the Kingdom of Prydania for the sake of carrying out this operation. Together? We can end this.”

Stahl looked at the Home Secretary with a degree of concern, though Defence Minister FitzOzborn nodded in approval.

"It's settled then" Eriksen continued. "General Krummedike will coordinate with each of you."
4:30 AM Local Time
40 km outside Haland, Prydania

“Yep. This is it,” quipped Captain Meyer, “pull the convoy out onto the driveway, we’re going in for the raid.”

“Yes sir.” responded the driver of the IFV, radioing the other drivers to pull in as well.

It was a small farmhouse with a barn about 25 meters away from it. The captain walked up to the door and heavily knocked on it.

A young and disgruntled farmer answered the door.

“What do you want man, it’s 4:30 in the goddamn morning.”

Captain Meyer visually examined the man before responding. “We have information that there are syndicalists on your fine property. Would you be so kind as to allow us to inspect your grounds to recover them. We have orders from the Prydanian government on paper if you need them.”

“Go away imperialist dogs!” replied the farmer, spitting on the face of Captain Meyer, then slamming the door on the captain’s face.

“You know what to do private.” said the captain.

A private got a tactical shotgun and placed it above the doorknob. He quickly pulled the trigger, shattering the doorknob into pieces. He then kicked the door open, and a squadron of men rushed into the house.

“GOYANEAN ARMY HANDS UP COME OUT OF YOUR ROOMS NOW!” shouted the men, pulling people out of their bedrooms, and making them line up outside in the freezing cold, with their hands on their heads.

The captain entered the basement with several other men, where they found weapons and ammunition, loading it in crates and putting them in trucks to send back to the Prydanian police.

In total there was about 35 syndicalists in all, loaded onto IFV’s and sent back to Haland for processing.

Meanwhile, all across the Goyanean zone of responsibility, syndicalists cells were being rounded up and being handed over to the Prydanian authorities. The main military component of this mission was coming to an end, but Goyanes would continue to provide aid for the time being.
After the meeting, the Drake siblings and Stahl were together again, this time headed straight for the head of the rebellion. In the hours before the meeting, three more Thenacan TCP-10s with Black-Wolf IFVs and Talon teams showed up at Hadden Airport, joining up with the other three already there.
With no less than six wheeled-IFVs and 36 special forces personnel, along with surveillance drone and satellite support, they were ready to encircle the enemy in surprise. It would be even better once they hooked up with their Prydanian allies.
The caravan moved from Hadden to Keris as a brisk pace. It was ideal, really. No one would expect armed forces coming into Hadden to move on Keris, and moving under the cover of night meant the chances of being spotted were less,, especially with RPA sweeps keeping Syndicalist scouts in hiding. The convoy began to approach the Keris March around midnight before coming to a stop outside of the mostly quiet town. Only a few pubs remained open, small shimmers of light in the mostly dark cityscape, the street lights providing for a haunted appearance as snow covered the streets of the old seaside city. Stahl sat back in his armoured jeep, eyes closed as he waited. The time to strike was approaching but many an hour remained...and there was nothing to do but wait in the snow.
The Keris March was quiet as 4:30 am approached. The snow lightly fell as the moon sparkled overhead. Stahl sat in his armoured jeep, speaking into his radio, keeping an eye on the clock.

“Command, MKT unit, proceed?”

“MKT, Command here. Go at designated time.”
Stahl nodded, switching frequencies to address the Thenacan Prime Minister.
“We have a go-ahead for the designated time” he stated, looking out across the roads leading into Keris. The Royal Prydanian Army contingents within the city had already been put on alert and were waiting on their word to move.
“Copied. Good luck, Brigadier.” David replied. He had spent most of his time waiting inside Wolf-1, looking at a map of the town. He wanted his people to be spread out on approach to the target, leaving few places for the leader to escape, and keeping fire from the remaining armed rebels spread out as well.

The plan for them was simple enough: The Thenacan IFVs, codenamed Wolf-1 through 6, would approach the target residence from six different roads, carrying Talon teams 1 through 6 safely inside as well. If they are not fired upon in their approach, the Wolves will hold their fire and Stahl will blare out a surrender message for Jacobsen and his rebel holdouts. At that point, if they aren’t fired upon already, and if the message is heeded, then the Talon teams will assist the RPA forces in apprehending the surrendering rebels.
If the message isn’t heeded though, or if they’re fired upon at any point, then the IFVs have the order of “weapons free” to eliminate all hostiles. The Talon teams will storm the building upon all window-side defenders being silenced, initiating a standard urban-breaching scenario.

In David’s mind, it was a good plan. But he felt wary of any surprises, like what they did to Captain Williams’ convoy. The IFVs were armored enough to withstand the cheaper options in anti-vehicle weaponry, but not much more than that…
Stahl eyed the clock as he went over the map of Keris before 4:30 am hit. When the time came the convoy moved into the city, taking the shortest route to the neighbourhood adjacent to the docks district, fanning out to cover and converge as quickly as possible. RPA units within the city secured the roads in and out of the town as Stahl’s jeep pulled up a series of makeshift barricades.

“They’re prepared” he radioed to the Thenacan Prime Minister. It was too early to tell whether this was Jacobsen simply being cautious or if someone had tipped the enemy off. Either way RPA soldiers in the nearby neighbourhoods could be heard assuring confused locals to return to their homes even as Thenacan military vehicles rolled down the streets.
“Let’s raise the sun” Stahl muttered into his radio, informing his men that the final stage of this operation was about to begin. RPA soldiers filled out of transport trucks, carrying Andrennian and Goyanean weaponry, guns pointed at the barricade. Floodlights behind Stahl’s jeep illuminated the neighbourhood as the Brigadier stepped out with a loudspeaker.

“Anthony Jacobsen!” he called out as Prydanian soldiers kept their rifles aimed straight ahead. “Anthony Jacobsen and all whom this may concern. In the name of our Sovereign Tobias III, King of Prydania, you are ordered to lay down your arms and surrender.”

The heat from the flood lights behind him couldn’t mask the bitter cold as winter wind came off the water, frost beginning to cling to the Brigadier’s well-trimmed moustache. His heart pounding with each moment that passed. The barricade looked unmanned, but Stahl wasn’t foolish enough to send men in assuming the path was clear.
Suddenly a flash of light and a sharp clang as a bullet bounced off of the armour of Stahl’s jeep. A private immediately pulled the Brigadier back and to safety as the RPA soldiers opened fire...

“They’re opening fire! Weapons free, weapons free!” The gunner of Wolf-1 called out on the radio.
“Tear ‘em apart!” Yelled another, as six 25mm autocannons suddenly boomed out, ripping through the makeshift defenses and leaving the walls of their hideout looking like holey cheese. This was followed by a lead-storm of 7.62mm coaxial machine guns, and an explosive rain from their mounted 40mm grenade-launcher systems.
It continued until there was no resistance left. There was a very tense silence, the gunners still scouting the area with thermal optics. “...Clear?” One gunner asked, wondering if the defenders were preparing something else..
“Clear.” Repeated another, sure of the body count.
Then another familiar voice rang out on everyone’s channel. “Talons, going into Phase Two! Teams 1 and 2, secure the front and sides. 3 and 4, secure the rear. 5, 6, with me. All Wolves on stand-by, do not fire unless hostile is identified! Let’s finish this!” Prime Minister and Talons Captain David ordered.
At that point, David, Amara, and their fellow special forces personnel flooded out from the backs of the IFVs and stormed what’s left of the very damaged ‘HQ’, taking care not to be ambushed by any survivors...

“Reports that civilians are curious but being non-combative across the city” Lieutenant-Colonel Ib Kvist said as Brigadier Stahl moved past him quickly. The Brigadier, followed by RPA soldiers, poured past the barricade.
“Take the men, secure the entire docks district” he barked at the Lt-Colonel, who promptly nodded and began directing units of Prydanian soldiers. Stahl, for his part, approached the main Syndicalist building flanked by the two remaining RPA soldiers who had been ordered to stay by his side. He placed on hand on the Andrennian pistol on his hip, even as the building was quickly secured by Thenacan Talons.
“Death to imperialism!” an insurgent shouted from his knees, clad in old jeans and even older-looking leather jacket. Stahl ignored him as the Talon attending to him shut him up.
Stahl looked around, in what someone who didn’t know any better might describe as a trance. The building smelt like many he had been in during the Civil War. Dark, smokey, the smell of gunpowder and blood filling up an old room after a battle. It was a scene he knew all too well, but the months since the end of the War had removed him from such unpleasantries. Now the familiar sights, sounds, and smells rushed back before he refocused on the task at hand. He walked up the stairs, the staircase secured by Talons, following the pathway up to where Jacobsen’s “command centre” had to be.

The upstairs itself was quite a sight. The building was old, and yet each room burst to the brim with electronic communications and surveillance equipment. Stahl couldn’t help but think of a plant that grew too big for its pot. Talons secured each doorway, signaling each room had been secured. He walked through each, quietly taking in his surroundings in each on. Old Syndicalist Party and Syndicalist Republic flags provided the most character to each room, aside from tangles of wires and improvised equipment.
Finally Stahl came to the last room. Not too much different from the others, save for what appeared to be more strewn papers, and the presence of the Thenacan Prime Minister and his sister and advisor.

“No Jacobsen” Stahl remarked. Not sounding disappointed so much as unenthused, given the initial success of the operation.
David shook his head with a frown, letting his TSFAR-12 assault rifle fall to his side. “He must’ve been tipped off. The damn bastard slipped between our fingers...” He summarized, his unusually calm tone giving off a sense of barely-contained rage and frustration.

“We can at least say he can’t stay in his own home anymore.” Amara replied, always trying to find a silver-lining to a disappointing end.
Then David then stomped the floor in his anger, scattering the papers on the floor, with the old wood resounding with a rather hollow thump.
“What the...?” He reacted in surprise. Everywhere else, the floor sounded solid, except right there...
A fellow sharp-eyed Talon suddenly took a combat knife out and stuck it between some hard-to-spot lines in the floor. He then leveraged it out crowbar-style, uncovering a thick, short-length rope that looked connected to the hollow spot in the floor. Grabbing a hold of the rope and pulling up, the soldier wrenched a roughly 3 by 3 foot by 6 inch square wooden pallet out with it, uncovering a hidden vertical shaft. It seemed well constructed, complete with a ladder, though the bottom was quickly lost in the darkness. Another soldier shined their rifle-mounted flashlight down into the shaft, revealing a depth that was at least 20 feet down.
“Looks to be an old smuggling tunnel, sir.” The Talon explained.
David shook his head and frowned in disappointment. “If he’s smart, he’s probably got it booby-trapped. Well played escape, coward.” He spat. The chase was over, with the head of the rebellion getting to live another day...

Stahl breathed deep...his hand finally pulling away from his sidearm. He motioned for a Talon’s radio, and radioed Lt-Colonel Kvist.
“Area secured sir. Weapons stockpiles and insurgents neutralized. Command reports that Mouxordian and Goyanean Ops have all met with similar success…”

Stahl breathed a bit and sat down in one of the hastily abandoned chairs.
“Well that’s it. The rat may have gotten away, but the war’s over.” He leaned forward, to pinch his temple with this thumb and forefinger.
“It’s finally bloody over.”

David was telling the rest of the Talons to stand down and head back to the planes, their mission accomplished. Then he turned to Stahl and saluted him. “I’ll say it’s been an honor working with you and your men, Brigadier. May God bless your nation’s recovery from all this.”

Anthony Jacobsen and Olaf Lind made their way through the wet, rocky tunnel. The sea was close as the faintest of echoes of gunfire went on behind them.
“What’s the plan, boss?” Lind asked, clutching his rifle and looking over his shoulder nervously now and then.

“We need to regroup. The old cells were based on Civil War units. The War’s over now, comrade. We need to rethink and plan.”

“So where are we going?” Lind asked.

“There will be a small fishing ship waiting for us at the end of the tunnel. We’re going to go to Itera. Where we’ll plan our next move” he replied, seeing the faint light of the moonlight in the distance.
“So we’re leaving Prydania…” Lind replied back, sounding unenthused.

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean Prydania is lost to the struggle” Jacobsen shot back, putting a hand on his shoulder. “But we go where we can survive. Come.”
Lind nodded, following his leader, until the cold and biting air of a winter freshly arriving from the sea caught them both. They saw it, a small fishing vessel. It was flying a nautical flag, the one for the Mercanti letter “V.”
“There it is” Lind proclaimed.
“Yes, indeed” Jacobsen responded, taking a flashlight out to signal the vessel. It responded in turn.
“You’re a good soldier” Jacobsen said, looking at Lind. “Our cause was lucky to have you.”
“It’s my honour sir” Lind replied.
“Idealism is a virtue. And yours never wavered…”
Lind smiled with a nod, but turned around nervously again, hearing some more faint gunfire from Keris. Jacobsen pulled his sidearm out, shooting his comrade once in the back of the head. Lind’s body went limp, collapsing on the rocks, blood mixing with salt water.
“And it’s why you’d never understand the need for what I have to do in Iteria” Jacobsen muttered, before stripping down to just his underwear. Cursing the fact that he had to swim in water this cold, but driven by the fact that like anything else? It had to be done. Iteria awaited him.


The sounds of the General Quarters Alarm rang throughout the flagship Uporište, sending its sailors into a bustle to prepare the ship for battle. “General Quarters, General Quarters. All hands man your battle stations. Condition Zebra will be set in four minutes,” the calm, calculated voice over the 1MC public address system announced, “This is not a drill.”

Faust Soka? sat in the Captain’s Chair, eyes scanning the calm morning seas as his ship cut through the waters off the northern coast of Prydania. In the distance, he could see some of the other ships that composed Task Force 111, his eagle-eyes catching their various RADARs spinning as they turned to and secured themselves for General Quarters to search for any syndicalist targets. They had gotten underway quicker than he anticipated, and the whole fleet - one by one - shoved off from their temporary shelter in the port at Beaconsfield and ventured out once more into open waters. They were safe in the harbor, but that is not what ships are built for.
He had spread his fleet out in a thin line, relying on some of the smaller ships like their corvettes to use utilize their speed to catch any suspicious vessels, while the ships that were able to carry helos used them to scout and scan areas and report any activity. Even with this artificial and calculated extension of operating ranges, they were spread thin, and so Faust had to focus his fleet near areas of large population along the coastline. This largely meant Beaconsfield and Hadden. His subs… well, they were being subs, and thus had reign to do whatever they pleased so long as it kept the task force safe.

The man rubbed at his chin, still immersed in the waves delivering seafoam and white spray across the fo’c’sle, and lost in thought. He hated to leave Bruno behind, but he trusted the Colonel to do what he was trained and much expertise in doing - his own specialties were with the sea. But the Task Force was available to provide as many assets as they could to the Colonel and his marines.

“Admiral,” the COMMO reported, his hand pressing one cup of his headset to his ear, “Mošordia reports that flight ops are underway and support aircraft are on-station.”

Very well,” he said, pulling his hand away from his chin and looking down at the navigation chart that his Navigator was poring over.

“Admiral, all ships have reported secured for General Quarters,” COMMO reported again.

Very well, COMMO,” he replied, sliding out of his chair effortlessly and moving to stand at the navigation table, “COMMO, send this message to all Task Force components: commence OPERATION PHOENIX NIGHT.

“Send message to all Task Force components: commence OPERATION PHOENIX NIGHT, Cap’n, COMMO, aye,” the officer repeated back with a quick and well-practiced ease, then carried-out his orders.

Faust was worried that his fleet’s early departure from Beaconsfield might have stirred enough suspicion in the syndicalist ranks that were surely watching them, but it was far too late for that now. He knew that the Colonel would be in position, just as he always was. And if not… well, he was good at improvising.


Bruno Vidas was a man of very few things. Fortunately, the ability to adapt was one of them. When word was delivered to him about the commencement of their mission, he was almost done with preparations. A grind of his molars was the only indication to his irritation. “Damn you, Soka?…” he muttered, poring over the paper map laid out on the table in front of him.

His marines had set up shop in one of the hangars at Hadden International, graciously loaned out to them by the Prydanians, who were accompanying them in their door-to-door boot-ins. The hangar would serve as their temporary HQ for all operations concerning this sweep-up, including the one over in Jórvik. The Prydanians were very-much needed, Vidas understood. Not only because they knew these streets like the back of their hands (and that wasn’t just an expression), but for international legalities that he didn’t really care to handle when Faust was explaining it to him. He’d leave that to the higher-ups, where the ranks of the military became muddled with politics. He much preferred to be on the ground, here, his hand in the mix. It was the whole reason why he’d refused promotion and - on more than one occasion - committed acts which would render him ineligible for generalhood.

Captain Radan,” Bruno barked, hailing the junior officer.

“Right here, Colonel,” Patrik responded from the man’s right.

C’mere,” he said, inclining his head and moving to make room to overlook the map, “What do you make of this?

The Captain balked. Colonel Vidas had never asked his opinion on something before, let alone something as important chartwork.

Look at the map, son,” Bruno growled, “What do you see?

Patrik blinked, then quickly redirected his attention to the map. It was paper, but that was the way that the Colonel had always liked it. He was never really one to trust technology, always saying that it had a tendency to fail when you needed it the most. He glanced at the highlighted blocks and buildings of interest - where the Prydanians had located and confirmed a Syndicalist residency. He very quickly noticed a pattern. There were countless little nests and heavily-fortified outposts, but each of those little nests seemed to stem from around a singular hub of sorts, one for each of the large neighborhoods that composed Hadden. But Patrik noticed something more, as well. Each of those neighborhood hubs was connected to a single mega-complex. There was only one in the entirety of Hadden, and it was clear by all of the observational writing that this was the Syndicalist Headquarters in Hadden.

You see it, don’t you?” Bruno observed, his arms crossed over his broad chest, “Tell me, Patrik, what would you do?

Patrik chewed his bottom lip for a moment as his eyes flicked over the cartography, then took a breath. “Well,” he began slowly, “A flat-out assault would be costly, and such an attack en masse would leave our backs exposed to reinforcements from the various neighborhoods. We could attack the smaller outposts first, but it would leave plenty of time for the neighborhood hubs to reinforce and fortify their positions - any element of surprise would be lost entirely, and the resulting door-to-door engagements would likely be costly.” The Captain paused a moment to collect his thoughts, then turned to the Colonel. “I would pre-position elements at each outpost and hub, then request a precision strike from the Navy, obliterating their headquarters. At the sound of the detonation, all elements would attack and secure their assigned positions, staying just long enough to secure anything of import, then reinforcing other elements that are attacking the hubs. They’ll be left in the dark without any leadership, we maintain the element of surprise, and if maintain a speedy assault, we secure the day.”

Colonel Vidas pondered a moment, just for show. Truth was that what the Captain had just described was his plan from the beginning, but he had plenty of time while the Prydanians gave him either approval or denial of his authority to essentially level an entire square block of Hadden. Regardless, he was proud that the Captain was able to deduce and figure out an optimal strategy. “Very good,” he praised, “That’s the plan. Now get to your station, Captain.

Patrik gawked for a moment, before standing at attention. “Yes sir!” he replied curtly, full of vim and vigor, then dashed out of the room. It only brought a smile to the Colonel’s face. Well, it was more of a half-smirk, but it was positive nonetheless.

“Colonel!” a young technician sitting at a computer terminal said, getting the older officer’s attention, “The Prydanians gave us approval, and with this message: send one from us.”

Excellent,” Vidas replied, that smirk dashing across his face yet again.


“Captain!” a young fire control technician urgently relayed over his shoulder, “Coordinates and codes for fire authorization received!”

Commander Julija Jefak took a moment to process that information. As captain of the RoMS Ajkula, the lead ship of Ajkula-class fast attack submarines, she was well-aware of the procedures involving the operations of a submarine, as well as well-aware of what might be expected of her in a warzone. Still, the message came as a bit of a shock, so it took the Commander a moment to gather her wits and issue a response. “Very well,” she said, calm and collected as she overlooked the plot, “TAO, input coordinates for missile launch, prep tubes 3 and 4.

The Tactical Action Officer repeated back the order and set out to complete the task at hand, directing the trained sailors under his authority. Julija watched the chart-plot as the fire control technicians generated two new plots in the system, marking the missiles’ destinations. Several other plots also appeared on the chart-plot, but their colors indicated they were from other ships in the fleet. She decided not to look at the final destination, knowing she didn’t want to think about where ten land attack missiles were going to end up.
“Captain, tracks generated, tubes 3 and 4 ready for launch,” the TAO said, looking back over his shoulder at her.

Very well, TAO,” she replied, taking one last look at where the tracks disappeared off-screen from their zoomed-in position on the map, “Launch tubes 3 and 4 with birds.

“Launch tubes 3 and 4 with birds, aye, ma’am,” he repeated back, then adjusted the microphone on his headset to communicate with the torpedo room and other fire control technicians, “Tube 3, launch in 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…”


The ship dipped forward, offset by the loss of ballast, but their trim pumps quickly compensated and leveled them out again.
“Tube 4, launch in 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…”


The ship dipped forward again, and was righted once more by her trim pumps’ redistributed ballast to the forward trim tanks.
“Birds away,” the TAO reported, analyzing the data on his screen, “Positive track, all conditions green… Estimated time of impact T-minus three-zero seconds.”

Very well, TAO,” Julija replied, almost automatically at this point. She tore her gaze from the plot and to the feed from the periscope, watching as two plumes of exhaust trailed to the horizon, joined by 8 other thin lines originating from different places over the horizon. As they all joined into a formation and slipped further away, she directed her eyeballs back to the chart-plot.

“Impact in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Impact,” the TAO declared.

And the plots were gone.


The thunderous boom shook the metal walls of the hangar. It lasted for about twenty seconds, just shaking repetitively, seemingly mimicking the end of the world. And just as quickly as it began, it was over.

But a new sound replaced the deafening explosion - that of the rumble of fire and punctuated by the staccato of small arms fire. Bruno looked out across the airport’s dormant runways, his steely gaze centered on the glow from the far end of Hadden, where the smoldering headquarters of the Syndicalists now lie. He blew out a hefty amount of smoke, relishing in the sting of tobacco on his lips, then turned and ducked through the small door back into the hangar that house their temporary headquarters. No one dared to stop the Colonel from smoking indoors.

All around him, technicians and officers were scrambling about talking in hushed tones and listening to the reports of the assault units clearing each and every one of the nests and the hubs. Grease boards were scribbled with information, and the map in the center of the room was being dashed with red X’s to indicate burrows that had been secured.

“Sector three has been completely secured, Colonel,” a Lieutenant reported, handing him a clipboard of the information, “Sector one is almost secured, and the nests in sectors two and three have been eliminated; squads are converging to support the clearing of the respective hubs.”

Good,” Colonel Vidas growled, the ash on the tip of his cigar falling to the concrete floor as it wiggled between his teeth, “Report as sectors are cleared, Lieutenant.

“Yessir,” he replied, standing at attention before running off to take care of whatever other tasks he had to perform.
Truth was, the Colonel didn’t want to see the casualty reports.


“Admiral, Stražarski reports that two fast-attack craft have been neutralized,” the COMMO reported, annotating the transmission in his logs.

Very well, COMMO,” Faust replied from his captain’s chair, his eyes locked on where the water broke over the bow of the Uporište, but his gaze distant with thought and calculations. His hands gripped harshly at the arms, his knuckles whitening with each pulsing squeeze. He hated this. The reports; the waiting; all of it.

“Admiral, another message incoming over HF. Wait one…”

Faust turned his gaze to the junior officer, his face hard angles and lines of many battles.

“Colonel Vidas reports that Hadden is secured and the syndicalist threat has been eliminated,” the COMMO said at last. Faust let out a breath he didn’t even know he’d been holding, relaxing back into his chair. It was done; finally done.

They better be,” Faust quipped from his position, earning him the entertained smiles of those on the bridge, “I lent him 10 damn cruise missiles, and I expect payment back for ‘em.

“The Colonel reports that they are now apprehending those who have surrendered and aiding in the cleanup and firefighting efforts,” the COMMO chuckled, still performing his duties.

Very well, COMMO,” Faust almost sighed, “Draft a message to send to the Prydanians to read as follows: Syndicalist threat in the East has been routed - fyrir konung, til Valhallar.

"Don't worry," the Admiral smiled, "I'll tell you how to spell it."
Message- January 1st 2018:

TO: Harold Daae, Foreign Affairs Secretary, Kingdom of Prydania
SUBJECT: Offer of Assistance

Mr. Daae:

Firstly, on behalf of the Syrixian Empire, I wish you a very happy New Year's. I know, however- as does our government- of the Prydanian government's continued struggle against syndicalist remnants. As you may or may not know, the Imperial Congress, a few days ago, recently passed the Aid to Troubled States on Craviter Act, in the hopes of further promoting peace and development in the Northeast.

The states in question are Arrandal, with its ongoing crisis in the wake of an attack on its capital, Bravondy; Norsia, with its ongoing and brutal civil war; and Prydania, due to the continued presence of syndicalist holdouts, as well as your nation's ongoing recovery from its own civil war. Therefore, in the spirit of good will, and in the hopes of forging better relations with Prydania for the future, we have prepared possible shipments, and the Empire stands ready to offer Prydania medical supplies, military assistance, and any other forms of aid which you may require.

I should also note that we have proposed, before the Phoenix Union, the Unionwide Foreign Aid Act, which authorizes the Union to assist Arrandal and encourages its nations to assist Norsia and Prydania. I have not heard of any attempts by Phoenix Union nations to opt out of assisting Norsia or Prydania, so I send my highest hopes that their offers of assistance will soon be with you as well.

Best Regards,
Akhilesh L. M. Einarsson
Ambassador of the Syrixian Empire to the Kingdom of Prydania

To: Akhilesh L. M. Einarsson, Ambassador of the Syrixian Empire to the Kingdom of Prydania

Ambassador Einarsson,

Thank you for your well wishes. I hope the New Year finds you well.
Prydania is grateful for the aid your government is willing to provide. We most certainly accept.
We are likewise concerned about Arrandal and Norsia and are looking into ways to help both states as ourselves recover. The aid offered by His Imperial Majesty's government will be of great help going forward.
On behalf of His Majesty Tobias III I thank you, in the name of all of Prydania.

Harold Daaé
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Prydania​
The local Royal Prydanian Army base in Vatniðborg was usually quiet. The outpost was tucked against King's Lake and the Malorian border. Syndicalist activity in the area had been routed out near the end of the war by General Krummedike. Today though? Today it was guarded by the best of the Royal Prydanian Army. Mostly freshly recruited and trained, in addition to Royalist militias that had been absorbed. All armed with state of the art Andrennian and Goyanean weapons and equipment under the command of the Duke of Sleswick. Not to mention the Malorian guards.

Krummedike, for his part, had done his duties as Duke of the region, welcoming Marten after the royalty. He left immediately afterwards though, to coordinate the massive operation that Stahl was playing a role in.

The central conference room itself was a bit old-fashioned in itself styling. Wood-grain walls and old, but clean carpet. Still, it was appropriately styled. Prydanian, Norsian, and Malorian flags decorated the room as what little press was present was kept at a distance.
Tobias sat at the head of the table, alongside William. Alycia sat to his side, with Marten strolling in at a casual pace before opting to sit a bit of a distance away down the table.

"If we can begin..." Tobias said once the room had settled, "my Prime Minister" he motioned to William, "would like to know if there's anything either of our countries can do for Maloria."

Marten sat still for a moment fore leaning back in his chair, gently running his fingers on the table.
"The biggest thing" he began in a quiet voice, "is Elli." Marten smiled softly. He had to stop himself from saying "Queen Elli." Whatever his family's position on the matter happened to be? Alycia was Queen of Norsia now.
"She's family, Alycia" Marten continued, giving her a vaguely pleading look. "The Kaizer and I recognize she can't remain in Norsia, but you can let us bring her home. She'll be safe in Maloria, and she won't be of any concern to you."

Alycia returned Marten's gaze coldly. She couldn't afford to offend her cousin, nor could she allow herself to be swayed by sentimentality.
"She'll be yours. We'll hand her over as soon as we're able to, once the fighting stops" she replied confidently.

Marten smiled. "Excellent. The Keizer will be happy to hear it!" he said as he rifled through some papers.
"With that settled? I can offer both Norsia and Prydania extensive aid packages. Influxes of capital, civic engineers, teachers, doctors, investments into the energy sectors."

William nodded, "to what extent Your Majesty?" he asked as he sorted through his own stack of papers.

"Well Mr. Prime Minister" Marten continued, "we've analyzed the situations in both Prydania and Norsia," he was sure to keep it vague whether he meant "we" as in the Malorian government or "we" as in the Severyn family, "and Norsia would get the lion's share of the investment. Due to PGU assistance that Prydania has access to." Alycia looked to Tobias, who looked at Marten, despite desperately wanting to look to William for guidance.

"What sort of numbers are you prepared to offer up?" he asked calmly.

"Realistically? ?182 billion* into Norsia. ?18 billion for Prydania. On top of the manpower and investments into the energy industry."

Tobias was taken aback. ?18 billion? If that was the "lesser" offer than his initial reaction was to get up and shake Marten's hand right away. He looked over to Alycia, who only returned a wide-eyed loo before she responded.

"That would be most generous cousin" she said, barely able to conceal her pleasant surprise. "I barely know where to begin with how far that money could go..."

"Indeed" Marten replied. "If invested wisely? That sort of money could fuel an economic miracle." He turned to Tobias.
"Your Majesty?" he asked. "I hope I haven't offended you with a mere offer of just ?18 billion!" he said with a confident smile.

Tobias returned his smile and shook his head. "Not at all. ?18 billion would practically reinvigorate our own economy. With PGU aid..." he looked to William.
"What would you say?" he asked, with a certain ecstatic nervousness.

"I would tell the Prince I would advise my King to graciously accept the offer" he said with a faint smile. It was exactly the offer he was expecting. He had his own concerns, but he'd advised Tobias on those beforehand. And he knew that, regardless, realpolitik dictated they accept. It was too good an offer.

He grinned and smiled at William before turning to Alycia.

"I think I can speak for Norsia and His Majesty in Prydania" Alycia responded eagerly, "that we both accept such a deal."

Tobias, still in shock over the money offered, nodded in agreement. "What more can I say. I accept" he said eagerly.

"And as a reminder, that's on top of everything else" Marten added.

"You mentioned an investment into the energy sector" Alycia replied. "The war has devastated Central Nors. And the environment is suffering everywhere but the East."

Tobias spoke up. "Likewise, the war in Prydania severely damaged our crops. It's made us consider our dependence on coal. Why spend all of that money to fix our fields only to pollute our forests and plains?"

Marten nodded. "Maloria doesn't have the best reputation as far as clean air goes" he chuckled. The stereotypes all existed. Why not laugh at them? It was something he'd figured out. Pride was all well and good, but a bit of self-deprecation kept one from becoming too stiff.
"We have been investing heavily into nuclear power and research to remedy the problem. We could expand the program to Prydania and Norsia. The plants would provide opportunities to train locals too. Hopefully within 10 years of completion? We can have each plant run by a majority of Prydanian or Norsian staff."

Alycia shifted in her seat. Nuclear power. The implications and risks weighed heavily on her, but she remained outwardly collected. "It's better than the alternatives, and we need power" she said calmly.

Tobias was about to speak up before William motioned him over, whispering in his ear.
"Nuclear power, in the long term, would strangle the Syndicalist support base in the coal mines."

Marten wasn't sure what the Prydanian Prime Minister was saying to Tobias, but he watched. He watched for body language, he watched for the smallest twitches of the muscles. Listened for the faintest gasp or grunt. He saw it. Tobias' eyes open up and nod slightly. And he knew he had him. It wasn't even a shock to him when Tobias announced that, like Alycia, he was agreeing to grant the Malorian nuclear power industry access to his country.

"Wonderful" Marten replied before leaning into the table a bit.
"Now what about mutual defence?"

"Cogoria's supporting the RLA and sending in volunteers, even as Malorian forces pour in. And the Stan Yera have blockaded my coastline" Alycia replied firmly, almost angrily.

"We granted Cimmerians access to Prydanian ports so they could cross the land border into Norsia" William replied. "There's a risk that the Stan Yera would use this as an excuse to attempt to blockade our coastline as well."

"Not to mention the Syndicalists. The rats are still trying to claw at the rest of the country. Somehow getting guns from elsewhere. And I only suspect two powers of providing them their weaponry" Tobias said, catching William off guard. Still, what could the Prime Minister do? Marten needed to respect Tobias as a monarch if Prydania was going to be able to deal with Maloria on anything even approaching equal footing. He couldn't be seen attempting to reign in his King before the Severyn prince.

"We're surrounded" Tobias added. "The Stan Yera's fleet across the sea is now within spitting distance of both of us in Korova. And the Cogorians see our continued existence as a threat."

"We've militarized the Highlands on the border of the Stan Yera's Korovan conclave. We're prepared for war if Sfan wants one. But we can hardly afford to fight a two front war against communist invaders" Alycia said in a serious tone.

"We need to unite" Marten said firmly. "Revolutionaries have cast our continent into seemingly endless violence and death." He paused for a moment. Alycia seemed willing to listen, but Tobias was nodding, almost in enthusiastic agreement. Marten continued.

"On behalf of the Empire? We propose a pact. Between us, my wife and Queen Grace's realm of Kanada, and Norsia and Prydania. Together we'll fight off the scourge of communism, and make sure our people remain free from it."

"Revolutionary communism" Alycia added, with a bit of a smile. "We can't let anyone who would take up arms against us when we're so close to peace succeed. Certainly not with foreign assistance."

"Agreed" Tobias replied eagerly. "What terms are you suggesting, Marten?"

"Our governments would remain in contact with each other to draft the pact. In a few months' time? We would meat in Bergum to formally sign. We’ll stand unified in mutual defence against communist aggression and anyone else who would threaten our security."

"That's agreeable" Alycia replied.
"It is" Tobias agreed. "Alexander approves?"

"He does" Marten answered. "He also desires that we all consider Arrandal, given the tragedies that have befallen that nation. Tragedies the Phoenix Union has no interest in addressing" he said, letting his overall charming demeanour slip into resentment for a brief moment.
"But that is something we can discuss in the future. When the pact is signed."

Alycia stood and walked towards Marten, who stood to meet her.
"Cousin" she said as she extended her hand.
"Norsia will be by your side, once more."

Tobias looked at William, who only gave him a look back that said "you know what to do." The young king took a deep breath and stood, approaching Marten. He extended he hand, as the Malorian prince gripped it firmly.
"You can count on Prydania" he said with a subtle smile, looking into the eyes of the lion.

"I trust Queen Grace has agreed to these terms already?" Alycia asked.
Marten nodded. "She has. Consider her agreement as good as any of ours."

"To the Bergum Pact then" Tobias said, happily.
"To the Bergum Pact" Alycia replied, a bit more restrained.

Marten just repeated it, smiling slyly inside, behind a softer grin.
"To the Bergum Pact."

*?=Malorian Sulver
With the Prydanian civil-war coming to a close in the annals of history, Thenacan Prime Minister David Drake and his people were just happy to see permanent relief to the nearly-broken nation. At the same time, after a strenuous raid like the one on the rebel ringleader, a good long rest was also needed. David, his sister Amara, and the operating members of the Thenacan military force went back to Beaconsfield to rent a hotel for the night, for it wouldn’t be long before daylight would come...

By the next afternoon, David had caught enough sleep to grab a coffee, some breakfast, and even a decent suit from a local shop. He wanted to meet one more time with the Prydanian King before finishing off his stay, and he didn’t want to do it in dusty combat armor or even in the basic military uniform underneath. He made a visit to Tobias’ administration to see about scheduling that meeting, and was thankfully granted a time later in the afternoon.

Back at the hotel, Amara was also in the process of fully waking up. David came back to tell her the scheduled meeting.

“...Maybe you should find something nice for yourself too, sis? I found a decent selection down in one of the local shops.” David advised her.

“I’ll have a look, surely. And it doesn’t have to be something fancy like your suit, either. Maybe a pretty summer dress to add color to grey figure.” Amara jokingly retorted with a smile, taking another sip of coffee.

“Just don’t take all day. We have...-” David checked his watched. “An hour and a bit. Oh, and please quit calling me surely, again...”

Tobias had only been in Beaconsfield for what seemed like mere hours- it had been a full day- since he had returned from his meeting with Marten and Alycia- when he had been informed via a call from his Prime Minister. The last stage of the war- the campaign against Syndicalist holdouts- had come to a close. It was a jolt, to be sure. His mind had been on other things. Seeing Alycia off back to Norsia following the meeting with Marten, and the implications of the deal he had just committed himself to. Either way? He felt apprehensive, unable to sleep that night.

It was only while finishing his breakfast that he had received the call.

“Yes William?” he asked, his hair still damp from the shower he had taken.

“Your Majesty” William replied, sounding uncharacteristically enthusiastic. “I have great news.”
Tobias sighed softly. The deal agreed to with Marten was already “great news.” He knew that, and yet he couldn’t help but feel apprehensive about the future.
“And what is that?” he asked softly.

“The war is over.” It was all that William said.
Tobias felt his body go weak, as if he were about to drop the phone.

“The war’s been over...when we entered Beaconsfield and I was coronated…” he said softly. He knew what William meant, but still...he wanted to hear it for himself.
“I mean the war is finally over Your Majesty. The Syndicalist holdouts were overrun last night. We’ve won…finally. We’ve won.”

“Where are you William?” Tobias asked.
“I’m at Parliament. I’ve just finished discussing things with our allied friends” he replied.
“Meet me at the Palace, William. Won’t you? The office behind the throne room?” Tobias asked, as if he were out of breath.
“Of course” William replied, before adding. “Congratulations Your Majesty.”
Tobias smiled meekly. “No, thank you” he added, before setting the phone down.

His mind raced as he proceeded to dress. He had slept in, and noon had already passed him when he fully dressed in his usual attire for official functions. A red military tunic trimmed in black and gold, black pants, and black shoes. His own mind raced. Struggle against the Syndicalists was a fact of life for him. He had considered the war over when the Syndicalist Republic collapsed, allowing for his coronation. The complete elimination of Syndicalist forces wasn’t something he thought was possible. The war over? Truly over? It made no sense. Like saying the sky was no longer blue.

“Axel!” he said surprised, seeing Axel Skov greeting him just outside of his quarters.

“Your Majesty” Axel replied. Tobias wasn’t sure what to do, and in a fit of instinct he hugged the man who had been responsible for his personal safety for fifteen years.
Skov embraced him back for a moment…”I see William gave you a call.”

“Yes,” Tobias replied, straightening out his uniform. “I...I didn’t even know…”
“It was coordinated while you were meeting with Marten. Matthew Eriksen oversaw it” Axel said, nodding. “It was felt that you needed a clear head given the enormity of the meeting with Prince Marten.”

Tobias just nodded, opening his mouth to speak, yet unable to as his mind raced.
“William will be here soon. He’s being accompanied by Prime Minister Drake and his confidant.”

Tobias nodded, almost obsessively straighten the aspects of his uniform he had just straightened, before calming down for a moment.
“Thank you Axel, for everything.”

Axel nodded ever-so-slightly.
“It was my honour, Your Majesty” he added before handing him a folder. “You’ll want this. An overview of what happened this morning.”

Tobias smiled, “thank you, again, Axel” he said before finding himself reading and walking at once. His blood turned to ice as he saw that Anthony Jacobsen had escaped, standing alone in an empty hallway of a mostly empty palace, before an uncomfortable feeling in his gut pushed him to walk onwards. Aside from that though, the documents all seemed to indicate a complete wipeout of all known Syndicalist cells. He insisted on reading every line of every report, barely even noticing he had reached his own throne room.
Yet the majestic gleam of the stained glass behind the old oaken chair were more than enough to draw his attention. He tucked the folder under his arm as he briskly moved past the raised platform his throne sat on, to the office tucked away behind it. The same sanctuary where he first met the Thenacan Prime Minister.

“Your Majesty” William replied, sitting at the old wooden table, across from his Thenacan counterpart.
Tobias stood there for a moment, slowly setting the folder down on the table, as he approached the Thenacan Prime Minister.

David and Amara both gave a respectful nod to Tobias as he entered.

“Good afternoon Your Majesty, and thank you for meeting with us again.” David began.

Tobias nodded, extending his hand out, almost as if he were in a dream state.
“Mr. Prime Minister” he said softly, shaking David’s hand. “No, I’m the one who should be thanking you. For helping make all of this possible” he added, looking over to William for a second before returning his attention to David.

“I don’t know if I can ever repay what you’ve helped us do.”

David shook his head with a smile. “There’s no need to repay us - not directly anyways.”

At that, Amara took the electronic tablet in her hands and pushed it across to Prime Minister William. “Despite the obvious distance between us, we believe a positive trade-agreement and declaration of friendship between our two nations will prove beneficial. You may think your nation has not much to offer currently, but we believe in your future recovery and prosperity. If you accept, you will be strengthening both our homes in the long run, even after our recent victory becomes but a memory in history.” She explained.

On the tablet given to them, details of a joint trade-agreement and mutual defense-pact are laid out in very simple terms, and in such a way as to be beneficial with few real obligations. A space for Tobias’ and William’s signatures were at the bottom of the electronic document.

“Is this offer agreeable, Your Majesty? Your Excellency?” David asked Tobias, then William.

Tobias took the tablet. He read through the document, looking up at William as he scrolled through it.

“I’ve read it Your Majesty. It’s more than acceptable, in my opinion.”

“I wouldn’t be much of a King if I didn’t listen to my Prime Minister” Tobias replied with a smile.

“Your trade agreement has my support.” the King said, sitting down to scroll his signature over the designated space at the end of the document. He stood again to present the signed document to Amara.
“And you can always count on Prydania as a friend” he added, as he turned his attention back to David.

Amara stood to receive it with a smile and a nod. David also stood and nodded respectfully again. “The same can be said of the Thenacan people, Your Majesty. Thank you.” Even as he looked ready to leave, he had one more item he wanted to discuss. “I’ve been meaning to ask you, about the Norsian people. They will need all the assistance they can get, right? I’ve been imagining the Peace Helper Brigade under Captain Williams would prove valuable in their own recovery, once they’ve finished their operations here. Could you say the good Queen Alycia would agree?”

Tobias bit the inside of his lip a bit before nodding. “The war in Norsia is brutal, but hopefully should be over before too long” he said, as he worked through the question in his mind.
“I don’t believe Queen Alycia will turn down any offer aid. And I would be more than happy to tell her of all of the good your men and women did in Prydania.”

“That would be very appreciated Your Majesty.” David thanked him, walking over and extending his hand for a hand shake. “I just want to say I’m glad we’ve made a difference for the common good of our world. May your people recover well and prosper again.”

Tobias smiled.
“And may your own nation know continued prosperity” he extended his hand to David. “The Thenacan Commonwealth looks to be in good hands.”

David and Amara left the meeting glad with the success of the entire offer of help, from the initial contact with Rebeca’s humanitarian group to the final end to the brutal era of civil-war. A long term trade-partner and ally was earned, and a good people restored...

Nearly a month later

Captain Williams and her Peace Helpers, along with their Thenacan Airforce brothers-in-arms, remained behind in Prydania to assist with rebuilding and other general support alongside their Prydanian friends. But then she received a call from Mama Bird-01.

“Hey Captain?”

“I’m here Mama Bird, what’s up?” She replied, taking a short break from helping direct an engineering project.

“Command has requested us to head back home to be resupplied and reassigned. ...We’re headed to Nors, ma’am.”

Jewel of the Desert Casino, Bari'male, Democratic People's Republic of Skanda

Kurt Vetur Jr.'s sizable office atop the pyramid-shaped casino gave him a 180 degree view of the city of Bari'male below. A bustling sea of people, cars, and money.
The office itself was almost sparse, lit with dim blue lighting and decorated mainly with decades-old rifles and guns. Most dating from the Iterian War or the decade that followed. A lasting tribute to the father of the man who owned this monument to capitalist excess in the middle of a socialist wonderland.

"Anthony Jacobsen..." Vetur replied, as he looked out of the window opposite of the office's one entrance and exit.

"Kurt" the Syndicalist commander replied, strolling into the massive office.

"Rather informal, don't you think? For someone who's had to come this far south to escape the claws of William Aubyn."

Jacobsen scoffed. "The war's not over. With more money and fresh weapons? We can build again. The voice of the people won't be silenced forever."

Vetur turned around, his clean cut beard and expensive clothes in contrast with the rather scruffy look of the left-wing guerrilla leader.

"The Cogorians will happily give us more, and with your continued backing..." Jacobsen insisted, before Vetur cut him off.

"As far as I know the Cogorians pulled out of Prydania. The situation had become 'untenable' as far as their original objectives go."

"That's just now. With time we can bring down the whole rotten sham Aubyn's propped up and..." Vetur approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure" he said, calmly yet threatening enough to freeze Jacobsen in his place.
"But I hear promises like this all the time. People from all over the world asking me to invest in this and that. And you know how I decide where I put my money? Go on. Answer."

Jacobsen just stood there, glaring into the eyes of his benefactor, who was obviously toying with him.
"I look at the character of the person asking. And I've decided, Mr. Jacobsen, that I have no more use for socialists willing to prostrate themselves at the feet of kings. And make no mistake. Here? I am a king."

Jacobsen felt a sharp pain in his side, before he could push Vetur away in anger. No, the casino owner had stabbed him. He tried to fight back, clutching Vetur's shoulder tightly. It wasn't enough. Vetur drove the knife as deep as he could, forcing himself onto Jacobsen as he lowered him to the ground, before slowly chocking him out.

He stood once the Syndicalist leader's feet stopped kicking, making his way over to his desk, and dialing an internal connection on his phone.
"Ralph? Yes. Make it look like a umaiha* killing. Bury it in the desert."

He wiped the blood from his hands before sitting back in his chair, as the city sparkled around him outside of his windows.
It seemed like he would have to return to Prydania, sooner rather than later.

*umaiha is the name given to Skandan organized crime groups, very close to that of the Yakuza.