Search results

  1. Upper Kirby

    Top Five Tunes For...

    Anything by Explosions in the Sky Godspeed You! Black Emperor Yanqui X.O. Sigur Ros' ( ) album. Although not everyone likes it and sometimes it is beautiful and perfect and other times it is only grating. Citizen Cope - Citizen Cope (to a lesser extent, if 'spent' includes a couple shades of...
  2. Upper Kirby

    My weather blog

  3. Upper Kirby

    Prosperity and Reform Act of 2007

    Surely the period for discussion has passed has it not?! Maybe is it that which it is appropriate time to put this bill to a vote, yes?!! For great justice!!
  4. Upper Kirby

    Where have YOU been ?

    Ramzi Yusef in 1993; the fatwa; the American embassy bombings in 1998; USS Cole in 1999: how could people not know this was coming? Daily television routine (back when I watched television). Turned on the teevee, saw something about a plane flying into a WTC tower. "Well that's not such a big...
  5. Upper Kirby

    Say Something Nice About the Above Poster

    Lord Valentine's name is enough to make Kirby open a thread he otherwise probably wouldn't. One of the Cool Kids McGee.
  6. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    He cut an album at the end of 2004. Ben Folds produced it and they got a bunch of other guys to appear too. Surprisingly, it's actually kind of good. Not Paris Hilton "her album is not as shitty as we thought it would be" good, good good. Amazon. I know some of the big box stores carried it at...
  7. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    William Shatner - Together Has Been was surprisingly good.
  8. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Broken Social Scene - Major Label Debut
  9. Upper Kirby

    Civil Law Suit!

    I shall defend the defense!! Lies, all lies! Libel, scandal, and at best ignoble! There simply is no truth to this --why, my client is as tantalizing as a four hour dental surgery or as inviting as a kick to the groin! To his crime the gyrations of his juiced up libido outperform geriatric...
  10. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Against Me! - Those Anarcho Punks are Mysterious...
  11. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Our Lady Peace - 4AM Them and the Wallflowers, Kirby has an I Don't Care What You Say I Like Them soft spot for.
  12. Upper Kirby


  13. Upper Kirby

    Historical discussion

    For some reason it became appropriate later on to be hush-hush about what happened to Magicality, I think more so people could feel smug in themselves for being part of a Privileged Few. This is malarkey. Anyone who says otherwise is either incorrect or lying. I know and I was certainly never on...
  14. Upper Kirby

    Wolf's Office

    Golly gee whiz.
  15. Upper Kirby

    Prosperity and Reform Act of 2007

    That's why we have a discussion period baby! To fix what needs fixin' to. Gaunt honey you know I wouldn't let you down. :blush:
  16. Upper Kirby

    Prime Minister's Question

    Well folks, how was he?
  17. Upper Kirby


    He didn't need to eject EM -the night before he ejected enough newcomer minnow supporters to keep EM from becoming delegate. He just ejected EM because he hated him. I keep saying you don't need to eject the biggies; ejected their newest minnow supporters is just as good, costs you goose egg...
  18. Upper Kirby


    Check your PMs. It's a big one.
  19. Upper Kirby


    What about the new bill proposed before the RA right now?! It would write ALL laws to include the word "fun" into them as it has been lacking!! Fun!! Your greatest enemy Grosse!!
  20. Upper Kirby

    Prosperity and Reform Act of 2007

    Before we reach the end of our legislative cycle the party of the Prime Minister has initiated a campaign of reform in our fair Assembly. We, the DMSP, feel our demands are quite reasonable and urge the Regional Assembly to pass the following legislation quickly. Herein below and forthwith is...
  21. Upper Kirby

    Official Certificate of Results

    I think the message is clear. On this we have a clear mandate. What the people really want is more Kirby.
  22. Upper Kirby

    Say Something Nice About the Above Poster

    Easy now. The thing about the above post is things you say have to be at least passably true! :lol: / :( So, how about this. Great Bights Mum. A nice old bird; an internet bosom as big and welcoming as TNP's ever had. Safe is the North cradled in her gigantic arms; warm are we with her.
  23. Upper Kirby

    Say Something Nice About the Above Poster

    Rules are simple enough. Something nice, complimentary, something you like about the last person before you. Will it have the sort of success that the violent threads had? Dunnae kno. As this is the OP I'll start things off... Kirby: You are the handomest devil to ever grace this side of...
  24. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Junior Senior - Move Your Feet
  25. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Tee. Hee. Peter Bjorn and John - Young Folks
  26. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Justice - D.A.N.C.E Properly French.
  27. Upper Kirby

    General Election Voting Thread

    Forum Username: Upper Kirby TNP Member Nation: Upper Kirby Prime Minister: Poltsamaa Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs: Flemingovia Minister of External Affairs: Lord Valentine Minister of Defence: Abstain Attorney General/Minister of Justice: Monte Ozarka Minister of...
  28. Upper Kirby

    Fireworks over Magicality City

    What of a chalk art representation? With wax maybe? You know melted candle wax can really go a long way for texture, as well as atmosphere and mood. A Max Ernst frottage, even. An Ernst frottage would be much better than a painting anyhow. For certainly where one's precious minerals are...
  29. Upper Kirby

    Punk for Speaker

    You SCOFF, sir?