Illusia: "When you say nerd, you mean Cascadia"
Illusia: "I
personally think you're the epitome of the word itself."
Illusia: "He is the epitome of the word
nerd, after all."
Message in Bottle: "I think you've been doing a wonderful job as Minister of Radio thus far. I know it can be difficult easing in as a first-term Minister, particularly when you're new to the game and the environment - but you'll get there in no time. Just remember to be yourself, and don't let the little mistakes stop your stride or bring you down - you were chosen to lead for a reason, so don't doubt yourself! You've brought new life to this Ministry, and you should be proud of that - I know very many people are. Keep doing your best. Have a great day
Message in Bottle: "You're new to the region, and as such I don't really know you well, but you're a good colleague and a great new Minister and I can see you doing good work here moving forward. Best of luck."