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- NutmegTheSquirrel#8941

Gender Affirmation Procedures
Category: Civil Rights | Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Simone Republic | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.The World Assembly (WA),
Noting related GARs 29, 41, 91, 97, 161, 389, 457, 467, 480, 499, 523, 559, 571, 582 and 659;
Seeking to expand the right to gender affirmation procedures, as well as the responsibilities of Choice Plus in providing care;
The WA enacts as follows:
- Definitions.
- "Conversion therapy" means any procedure intended to alter or reverse anyone's sexual orientation or gender identity.
- "Entity" means any entity or individual under the jurisdiction of a WA state or the WA.
- "Hormone therapy" includes any use of hormones, chemicals, drugs, or other substances to help align an individual's physical form with their gender identity.
- "State" means a WA member state, including its sub-national authorities.
- "Territory" means any place under the direct jurisdiction of the WA.
- "Treatment" means a gender affirmation procedure. This term is broadly defined for the benefit of users of such procedures, and includes (as examples) all kinds of surgery, hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and related care such as urological care, psychological care, therapy, and mental support. It also includes any support and care provided under sub-clause (2)(c).
- References to "the WA" include its committees. Terms in the singular include the plural and vice versa.
- Availability. Subject to clause (3):
- All treatments shall be legal in all states and territories, and be available to all inhabitants therein. All treatment shall be available (i) free at the point of use, (ii) through convenient means, and (iii) subject to relevant health care quality standards.
- No state or entity may deny or impede anyone from seeking or receiving any treatments anywhere for any reason. This includes denial as penalty for an offence. No state or entity may deny or impede anyone leaving a state for treatment unless they are prohibited from travel by relevant laws. No state or entity may compel or entice anyone to seek or receive any treatment anywhere.
- No state may permit conversion therapy in that state, nor permit advertising for such therapy in that state. Each state shall provide all support and care at the reasonable request of any inhabitant who has already undergone conversion therapy.
- If a state's care system operates (partly or fully) through insurers, no insurer may deny claims or coverage for any treatment, or vary any premiums or charges due to the use of any treatment.
- Anyone who contravenes this clause (2) in a state, territory, or the WA headquarters ("headquarters") commits an offence.
- Denials.
- No state or entity may deny any treatment to anyone except on the grounds of mental competence. Incarceration is not a valid ground to deny treatment. Delays in treatment due to quarantine may only be imposed according to prevailing laws.
- No state or entity may deny the use of specific forms of treatment, such as certain puberty blockers, to anyone unless that state or entity can demonstrate a legitimate danger to their health. A state or entity is responsible for seeking reasonable alternatives, if available, in case of legitimate dangers such as contraindications.
- Choice Plus("CP").
- If a state is unable to (or CP deems it unable to) adequately provide any treatment for any reason, CP shall provide such treatment at its own facilities located in convenient locations at the said state free-of-charge. CP shall also provide all treatments (as well as abortions) free-of-charge in all territories and the headquarters to anyone who is subject to the jurisdiction of the WA or a state.
- CP (and each entity) shall keep their records on users in confidence. CP services are subject to relevant quality standards and monitoring by relevant WA committees.
- CP shall independently assess the competence of anyone seeking treatment at its facilities. For any treatment (as well as abortions) conducted at any facility located in any territory or the headquarters, CP shall disregard chronological age as a factor in such assessment.
- Each state’s government shall fully indemnify CP for its services in that state. If CP believes that this will afflict genuine hardship, CP may partly or fully waive such payments in favor of other funding sources such as donations.
- Interpretation. Each state (or, in a territory or the headquarters, CP) is to enforce and interpret this resolution in good faith and for the benefit of anyone that seeks or receives any treatment.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
6 | 10 | 0 | 0 |
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